Boy, you really must've enjoyed cosplaying as Lady Noh (wonder if you'll do the pokemon conquest version).
As for myself, I'm not skilled with the needle and thread, so what I've done isn't really exceptional by any means (and by that, I mean most of the stuff I've worn is essentially just already made).
Let's see,
Cloud in his KH1 Incarnation, the cape was easily the best part of the cosplay, though the pauldron (which was manufactured out of a plastic knight's helmet with bolts screwed into it) kept falling off my shoulder. Didn't think to purchase a spiky wig figuring my auburn hair was long enough to dye and spike with gel (I thought wrong). oh, and the leg covering that he has on his right leg kept leaving behind little paint flakes because of the cheap paint I used, oops.
Sora's KH 2 Incarnation: Purchased as a Halloween costume from spirit of Halloween. Officially licensed by Disney and boy did it show. The pants were ridiculously baggy to the point that it looked like I had a ball between my legs and waddled everywhere (also, they had no pockets, the iconic red pouches looked more..... controversial than anything else). The "Shoes" were just these fake felt coverings that you're supposed to put over your real shoes, which conveniently didn't fit any shoes that I had to begin with. And to top it all off, there was no zipper for the jacket, it was just fake mesh. Probably would've been cheaper to just put a real zipper on there.
(I probably wasn't supposed to use this thread to bellyache about my poor cosplaying decisions, woops).