From what I know, and what I have read, Ace bandages are to be avoided due to the fact that they're meant specifically to constrict and hold down what they're wrapped up on. They don't allow the breasts to really flatten, but squish down inwards, and unfortunately, down onto the ribcage, constricting that, and resulting in you losing breath which is super important to do. Breathing is good.
Binding bras and tops are much more recommended, as they allow room and flatten much simpler, and comfortably. It's important to do research on companies you buy from as well, as quality is important with this matter. Again, breathing is good.
And it should be noted that binding is not an all day thing, you want to take a break, and also not wear the binding for your first time more than 30 minutes. It's something to get used to, and gradually work up to maybe 5 hours.