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  • Oh Chapter 2 of GOETIA is up. It was edited the 1 page worth of... umm... lewds so that it's suitable for posting. Chapter 3 is coming up by December.
    You can give them outfits, and gear and stuff, and that is rather odd. Been working on FFCCROF the other day. Today was a long day, but tomorrow will be better.
    Forces is the new 3D Sonic game. You can make your own custom hero character, and you'll have to save the World form Eggman's dictatorship and his new creation Infinite.
    Oh yeah I forgot to notify you that my KH Fanfic is up. I was so immersed into Nobuki's design, I forgot that I wrote it. lel
    Heheh, no, they don't translate into "Shadows cutting deeper" ;']
    It's indeed a text in Wing Dings, it is meant to be a reference to Gaster, but you sure will recognize after you translate it on some online translator xD
    Fun fact: After putting in the Wing Dings text, I can't preview my signature. If I click Preview and then save the signature containing Wing Dings, the signature is completely blank and appears as plain nothing in threads and everywhere. Woooo~~~
    Can't wait to hear your response, you busy golden-hearted StrongFish91 <3 <3 <3
    I've been writing intensely after I had some free time. Similar to what I said in the Persona OOC i'm usually stacked with work and have almost no free time. So when I do get the time, when I'm not trying to craft a post, I'm exploding with something to write. I owe some heavy influences to the recent trump diss from Eminem that reached a pulled a lot out of me, many of the injustices that have been going on following the Trayvon Martin shooting in 2013 all the way to today, Boston bombing, the shootings I have lost track of the numbers and the many casualties brought about from them. The other half is a bunch of personal things I've actually never really put to words really anywhere, this songwriter and performer K.Flay hits a lot of influence in my personal points that I tended to write about as well, actually went to see a live performance by her, Grouplove and Imagine Dragons from the EVOLVE tour right here in Newark, NJ just last night.

    Definitely leave some feedback Kat!
    Lol, there's going to be an Ichigo vs Naruto Death Battle in the near future. Any bets on who wins that one? xD
    I'm hoping to get a gaming PC, eventually. XD And a PS4 for KH3, but the PC is currently my main priority.
    Lol I'm actually did neither of those things. I just went to look around for things I'd like to buy once I got more money. XD
    Well, playing Secret of Mana when I'm not feeling too bad, hopefully we get this straightened out real soon though. (Those meds are not any fun, believe me. So yeah, high blood pressure is not any fun.)

    Oh and I PM'ed you with the Discord info; there IS a KHI chat, but they haven't been advertising it very much, unlike the FF one. Prolly since the KHI one is not official, but since you're staff I thought you'd better know. ^^
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