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  • oh yeah he's just tons of fun :mad: *glares at that hooded bast@rd)

    i think its more of nomura being disney and SE's b!tch than him likeing minigames.

    its really not the only time i had trouble with critical was with aqua only cause of her weak offense but after a bit of grinding it was fine.
    lol i had the same problem when i first join khinsider lol hey kh re: coded comes out january 11 2011 for NA and january 14 2011 for EU its gonna be awesome ^_^
    yeah i liked the old ones better to like the MX and ven in olympus (moved to badlands) and the one scene with terra and maleficent and there evil lol grins.

    i know disney town was a waste of umd space! :mad: nomura could have easily put the rumble racing soley in the mirage arena.

    well everyone only meet TAV for like what 10min? plus outside yensid and mickey no1 knew they all had bad endings.
    its not really that impressive critical was actually easier than they sya it is :/ the real challenge is trying to do a lvl 1 playthru (which i cant XD)
    you should play critical its the same as proud but the enemies are stronger (or your weaker cant remember) and you get half the hp.
    yes after much cursing and retying i finally beat that hooded jerk DX it was aweful hes just evil man he has several attacks from everyon D:

    yep, beat the vanitas remnant and the MF will appear when you go to LoD.
    i know i suck at it T^T i also hate that fruitball minigame, i would have been perfectly happy with just the rumble racing and command board in the arena and not having the disney town world.

    no i finished the game on critical i was trying to get 100% occupy myself but after a few ice cream beat retrys i gave up on the 100% XD
    the hardest part (aside from the stupid minigame) was beating the MF on critical with terra D:

    no they were moved, like the one on DI was moved to the keyblade graveyard when ven asks for them to put and end to him.
    the only two i can think of that werent used was the one with terra and maleficent grinly all evily and the one scene with full sized ven in cinderellas world aside from them the rest was rearranged/moved.
    i did ventus, terra, aqua. and every time i replay i usally play as terra or aqua vens fun but i like playing the other two more.

    ivee beat everything: the two bosses, the arena, story.
    the only thing keeping me from 100% report/archive is the master scores on that damn ice cream beat minigame :mad: i hate that game...

    here this will help with the vanitas remnant, YouTube - KH: BBS - Vanitas has stupid A.I make sure to run around the rock as he does til he gets stuck.
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