Hmmm true, most men cannot sew. But I will be most impressed if they can. Overcoming their ego and such.
Next year. Next year! XD
Gambling is not good D: just do it for fun and don't take it seriously then. Btw Gram, what city or town do you live in? Is it a remote town?
Well if you can find something else to pass the time that would be swell. I couldn't think of any other pass time than reading, crafts, art, knitting, sewing or cooking. Maybe DIYs or.... reading.... yea I have no idea what you are in to right now =_= sorry, I can't be much more help.
I just hope the government fix this school system of theirs. The only school I know that is good there is MIT. I think I would want my child to go there if he has the talent. Or NYADA and NYU. Oh I've been Googling around and found that Rhode Island University is the world's best design school

YAY!! XD So what's next?
Yeah XD be like "oops, sorry~ ?\_(ツ)_/? teehee" Yeah, I'll do that next time.
So how are you Gram? I mean, you decided to retire from KHi, which a big surprise because you are one of the top members who knows everything about Kingdom Hearts. You are literally a Master of it! Why would you want to leave? Is it personal business?
So many parties >_< first my family, then my highschool friends, then my college friends. The party is never gonna end and I will inevitably spend my money for it!! I just got my paycheck dammit! DX