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News ► Famitsu: Frozen, New Seven Hearts, summary video, no public demo

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Famitsu has published their interview with Nomura about KINGDOM HEARTS 3 from E3. He discusses the new worlds based on Frozen and Pirates of the Caribbean.

A summary of new information can be read below, the full translation will be available shortly.

Arendelle will expand on the story from the original film, and "Let it Go" will be featured in some capacity. While Anna and Elsa are not party members, Marshmallow, the ice giant created by Elsa, will join Sora in battle. Players will be able to explore the snowy mountains as well as a labyrinth of ice created by Larxene.

Pirates of the Caribbean is based on the third film: At World's End. Nomura encourages players to pay attention to the trailers to spot all of the features this world will offer. The Caribbean seamlessly connects land, sea and sky, and battles can take place in all three as seen in the trailer with the naval battle and Heartless battle in the sky. The Black Pearl can be used to navigate the seas and explore newly discovered islands, so there are many opportunities waiting.

In the recent trailers, we learned that both Sora and Organization XIII want Roxas to return. For Sora who is connected to Roxas, he is making every effort to make that a reality. 

Larxene also speaks of the New Seven Hearts, which refers to a new generation of the Seven Princesses. We learned in KH3D that in accordance with Master Xehanort's plan, if the 7 Guardians are unable to gather, the Seven Princesses will be used instead. Of the new Seven Princesses, only Kairi is still included from the original group. Rapunzel, Anna and Elsa are also being targetted as the other six candidates.

Like Mobile01 and GNN, Famitsu reports on the summary video that will be released within the month to help new players catch up with the series. They've just finished recording the Japanese version; it will be split into 5 parts, with narration provided by Chirithy. These videos will be released on the official website and they're considering including it in the game as well, so Nomura encourages players to watch the videos, play the HD remasters, and then wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 to release. 

There are also no plans to release a public demo. However, fans in Japan will have the opportunity to play at the Tokyo Game Show. Nomura apologizes for the delay, but he hopes everyone can wait just a little longer until Kingdom Hearts 3 releases on January 25, 2019 in Japan and January 29 in western territories.

Source: Famitsu



Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
i think there going to be a supise princess of heart we not expecting maybe it Strelitzia as for let it go i wont for he see sunong but elsa


Jan 2, 2013
Ha, I knew Let it Go would be in KH3. Also like how Marshmallow was the one to be our "party member" instead of Anna, Kristoff, or Olaf.


May 3, 2009
Midnight channel
Gotta wonder if they'll be other worlds with similar amount of features as Caribbean since it was never mentioned as being exclusive for this world, outside navigating the seas.

More gameplay diversity per world is more of a plus, even if it uses similar mechanics across the board.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
I’m probably the only person excited about the prospect of Disney songs being implemented. I’m hoping it’s just as cutscenes, so we can sit back and just enjoy that element of Disney magic. With the advancements they’ve made, I don’t think it would be anything like KH2 Atlantica. I’m less excited about Let It Go and more excited that it might open the door for either I’ve Got a Dream or I See the Light in Tangled.

I’m really happy that it seems Kairi will be both Princess and Guardian, making her doubly important.

I wonder how faithful they will be to At World’s End. It’s probably the least “Disney” Pirates film in my opinion. It has a lot of trippy stuff (like Jack’s hallucinations) and all the protagonists seem to hate each other until the end. I don’t want to say they should water it down, but they should probably streamline it a bit. Especially since we won’t have the Dead Man’s Chest event’s to show why Will, Elizabeth, and Jack are pulling guns on each other.


Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
if let it go going to be in in world and if they idina menzal why did she sounded off as elsa


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
if let it go going to be in in world and if they idina menzal why did she sounded off as elsa

It doesn't mean there will be singing involved.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
So Let it Go will be in in some way, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? ElsebossbattleElsebossbattleElsebossbattleElsaboosbattle

Marshmallow being the party member is quite the surprise.

Players will be able to explore the snowy mountains as well as a labyrinth of ice created by Larxene.
It wouldn't be Larxene without showing off her ice powers. Wait....

They've just finished recording the Japanese version; it will total several hours long and be split into 5 parts, with narration provided by Chirithy.
I'm not sure if I can deal with listening to Chirithy for that long. XD


Jan 2, 2013
So Let it Go will be in in some way, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? ElsebossbattleElsebossbattleElsebossbattleElsaboosbattle

Marshmallow being the party member is quite the surprise.

It wouldn't be Larxene without showing off her ice powers. Wait....

I'm not sure if I can deal with listening to Chirithy for that long. XD

Maybe Larxene got ice powers from Xehanort. He did seem proficient in the use of it, lol


Jan 21, 2018
what other six candidates is he talking about? with rap, elsa, anna, that leaves four left.

the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
No public demo, damn.
also good to know we getting a party member in frozen because the trailer didn't show it.


Mar 14, 2013
Ugh, I really wanted a public demo. Just to feel the improvements between 0.2 and now would have been... amazing.


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
Arendelle will expand on the story from the original film, and "Let it Go" will be featured in some capacity. While Anna and Elsa are not party members, Marshmallow, the ice giant created by Elsa, will join Sora in battle.

Not upset about Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff not being Party Members in the world, since in the trailers Anna & Kristoff weren't in battle with Sora's party and I could see the reason why, when compared to the other party members in the game (Hercules, Woody, Buzz, Mike, Sulley, Jack Sparrow, and especially Rapunzel and Flynn).

Anna while yes has used some combat in the film, she only did the following:
  1. Using Kristoff's Lute to hit one of the Wolves
  2. Throwing a snowball at Marshmallow
  3. Punching Hans

But combat wise, she doesn't have the fighting capabilities (offense, melee) when battling against a crowd of Heartless compared to the likes of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider from the Kingdom of Corona, the same thing could be said about Kristoff as well. For Elsa, while yes she does user her powers for combat and to defend herself against enemies just like when she saved Sora, Donald and Goofy from the Reindeer Heartless in the trailer and when fighting off the Duke of Wesselton's guards in the film, she doesn't know how to fully control them because as shown in the film a lot of her ice powers were through her emotions. When she's happy, her powers are under control, but when she's upset, scared or under stress her powers will go out of control and will cause harm to others as shown in the film. It won't be until the next game in the saga where Elsa will officially become a party member and join Sora's party as it was shown in the climax that she's able to fully control her powers and was able to lift the curse and bring back summer after realizing that the warm emotion of love is the key to doing so.

Quite surprised that Marshmallow is the "Party Member" for the Frozen world and curious to see how he will be in Sora's party. Because in the trailer he was seen chasing after Sora, Donald and Goofy, most likely right after Anna threw the Snowball at him. Whether he would warm up to Sora's party after the boss battle is up in the air since he clearly represents Elsa's desire to be "left alone". Perhaps he will soon get used to them after realizing they're the same three that Elsa meets and would later temporary join Sora, Donald, and Goofy and be the large muscle for the group when fighting of either Larxene or Hans and the guards (including the Duke of Wesselton's guards) when they arrive at Elsa's Castle in the film.

Hope to see the other characters in the film like Hans, Pabbie and the Trolls, the Duke of Wesselton and his guards. But given that the story for the Frozen world will follow the plot of the movie through Elsa's eyes instead of Anna's I highly doubt Sora and the gang will meet the Trolls, but we shall see.

Also, glad to see that Anna, Elsa, and Rapunzel are confirmed to be the Seven New Princesses of Light, with Kairi being the returning member. So that leaves with only 3 Princesses of Heart left.
Last edited:


Jan 17, 2017
My interest in the Frozen world is higher now. I really hope Davy Jones is a boss in the Caribbean too.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
true i wonder there there going impelent the part then huh?

It also doesn’t mean there won’t be singing involved.

Like it or not, Elsa singing Let It Go while she creates her ice castle is one of the most iconic moments of Disney cinematic history and a pivotal moment in Elsa’s character development. If they’re trying to be as true to the source material as possible, it’s likely that they want to implement that. To show it any other way would likely fail to do the moment justice. In musical theatre, we say that songs are best used in moments where the character’s emotions are too strong to be conveyed through dialogue, which is absolutely the case at this moment of the film.

Seeing what they’ve done with replicating scenes from Tangled and Pirates nearly shot-by-shot from the movie, I strongly suspect Let It Go will be happening as a musical sequence. I’m not worried as I don’t see them turning it into a minigame or anything like that. I hope it will be Nomura showing off what the new graphics engine can do with the castle and Elsa’s dress while we sit back and enjoy it. Lol.

So Let it Go will be in in some way, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? ElsebossbattleElsebossbattleElsebossbattleElsaboosbattle

Marshmallow being the party member is quite the surprise.

It wouldn't be Larxene without showing off her ice powers. Wait....

I'm not sure if I can deal with listening to Chirithy for that long. XD

She could have just commanded the ice Heartless to create it maybe?


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
I really thought this game would break the cycle of literally only having 1 female party member in a sea of dudes and now it isn't looking so likely...in fact its worse since many worlds are doubling up on the bros lol. *sigh* I am not happy about this decision tbh. But its not like it'll change.

I don't even know if he is saying Marshmallow is a full party member? Like maybe just a guest which is also just...meh. I'm glad I am dissapointed now so I can get over it sooner lol.

I guess its also nice to have confirmation on the new 7 hearts but I dunno if I like that either lol. It seems super convenient that only Kairi remains as a member. I would assume why its shifting is gonna be addressed. This also sorta increases the chance of not seeing any of the old princess' worlds.

I guess I was looking forward to seeing them all gathered up even without their worlds again.

Not upset about Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff not being Party Members in the world, since in the trailers Anna & Kristoff weren't in battle with Sora's party and I could see the reason why, when compared to the other party members in the game (Hercules, Woody, Buzz, Mike, Sulley, Jack Sparrow, and especially Rapunzel and Flynn).

Anna while yes has used some combat in the film, she only did the following:
  1. Using Kristoff's Lute to hit one of the Wolves
  2. Throwing a snowball at Marshmallow
  3. Punching Hans

But combat wise, she doesn't have the fighting capabilities (offense, melee) when battling against a crowd of Heartless compared to the likes of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider from the Kingdom of Corona, the same thing could be said about Kristoff as well. For Elsa, while yes she does user her powers for combat and to defend herself against enemies just like when she saved Sora, Donald and Goofy from the Reindeer Heartless in the trailer and when fighting off the Duke of Wesselton's guards in the film, she doesn't know how to fully control them because as shown in the film a lot of her ice powers were through her emotions. When she's happy, her powers are under control, but when she's upset, scared or under stress her powers go out of control and will cause harm to others as shown in the film. It won't be until the next game in the saga where Elsa will officially become a party member and join Sora's party as it was shown in the climax that she's able to fully control her powers and was able to lift the curse and bring back summer.

Curious to see how Marshmallow will be Sora's party, cause in the trailer he was seen chasing after Sora, Donald and Goofy, most likely right after Anna threw the Snowball at him. Whether he would warm up to Sora's party after the battle is up in the air since he clearly represents Elsa's desire to be "left alone". Perhaps he will temporarily join him in and be the large muscle when fighting of either Larxene or Hans and the guards (including the Duke of Wesselton's guards) when they arrive at Elsa's Castle in the film.

I mean, if they are progressing the story past the main plot then Elsa being a party member makes sense still. She has had much better control in all the shorts. Like idk, I have a feeling they also didn't make her a party member for this sorta reason but I don't agree with it. If Jack Skellington can like summon flaming pumpkins, Elsa can control her powers a bit more.
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