Square Enix unveiled their new KINGDOM HEARTS III board in the Shinjuku Metro Promenade, which will be on display from June 25th~July 1st. This board depicts notable scenes from the various Disney and Pixar worlds, and also features five "books" based on the ones that appear in the "Stories Connecting to III" summary movies. These books are actually boxes that contain leaflets resembling pages of a picture book. There are 15 different leaflets in total, three for each book, and each one depicts different artwork and text. At the hours of 10:00, 14:00, 17:00, and 20:00 JST, visitors may remove one leaflet from each book to take home.
For those who are unable to visit this special board in person, you can view a digital version on the official website! Images of the leaflets are also available below:
On the back of each pamphlet is an individual quote, and it seems they are mostly from Kingdom Hearts III. Goldpanner has translated each quote included on the back of the pamphlets:
「まったく!僕らがいないとダメなんだから、ソラは」 - "Jeez! Sora's useless without us."
「心の繋がりをたどれ」 - "Follow the connection of your hearts."
「絆があるからこそ心痛かったんだと思う。心の痛みが絆なんだ」 - "I think you had that heartache precisely because you have a bond. The pain of the heart is what bonds are."
「おまえは本当によく眠るな 」 - "You really do sleep a lot, don't you."
「女心がわからない子ねぇ、放っておいてあげなさいよ」 - "Hey there clueless, leave things be. You clearly don't understand the female heart."
「ロクサスが戻れたら、ナミネも戻れるんだよね」 - "If Roxas can come back, then so can Naminé, right?"
「手加減はなしだよ、リア」 - "Please don’t hold back, Lea."
「目の下のマーク、消えたんだな」 - "The marks under your eyes disappeared, didn't they?"
「アイス、買ってくりゃよかったな」 - "I wish I'd bought ice cream."
「これで俺とおまえの旅も終わる。。。」 - "Now our journey ends too, yours and mine…"
「それはきっと、リクが大切な人を守る強さを手に入れた、ってことじゃないかな?」 - "That must mean Riku's obtained the strength to protect those who are dear to him, right?"
「自分の感情より誰かを助けたい気持ちの方が前にきてる。不安や孤独を感じる隙がないほどにね」 - "The feeling of wanting to help someone comes before your own emotions. Until you have no room for stuff like anxiety or loneliness."
「もし闇に敗北するなんて結末になるなら、俺が書き換えるさ」 - "Who's to say I can't change it and maybe light will prevail."
「つかみ取るのだ究極の鍵、Χブレードを!」 - "Take it, the ultimate key, the X-blade!"
「ゼアノートを倒すには悲しみの中で眠る者を再びこの地に迎えねばならない」 - “To strike down Xehanort, we need the individuals King Mickey spoke of in his letter. We must lead them out of sorrow and slumber.”
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June 25, 2018 @ 05:14 amOffline