Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hey Sign, what program do you use to record footage on your phone screen? I'm undergoing a project and every other program can't capture the music right.
Hey there's been an abundance of spam posts from user longsone, random korean posts that really seem kinda fishy. They've posted a lot of them since I first saw their name pop up.
Sorry, I just got excited and just am curious and I like to predict on what to expect for the next few months on magazine world reveals for KH3 and I admit I poked the bear to much on this thread for most of you especially with you, but it isn't because I'm spamming it everywhere on the thread and with that I very sorry for the mess I made.
Hello. I'm a new member to the site and I was going through the quick links tab for site leaders and saw you were an administrator. I'm currently having permissions issues with posting, is there a limit on the number post I can do a day as a new member? I think i've tried to post 3 times in this roleplay discussion, and only 1 time did it take my post, the other times I was prompted of needing a moderator's approval, or alternatively I didn't have the proper permission to post?
Hey, I just noticed something about the PM I sent you. It got clumped up in a giant wall of text! Sorry! I had some trouble registering so I had to tweak my browser settings. It's all fixed now. If you need me to resend you the PM, please let me know.