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May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Version 2.6.0 Update Notes

Thank you for playing KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross].

The app was updated to Version 2.6.0 on May 25, 2018 at 2:00 a.m. PT / 9:00 (UTC). 
Please see the below for a list of adjustments implemented with this update.

■ System Additions 
- Added PVP Mode, which can be accessed through the Coliseum 

- Added 7★ Medal rarity 

- Added Keyblade subslots 

- Added ability to use the Medal 'optimize' feature to Story Quests, Proud Mode, and PVP Mode 

- All following quests in the same questline will now unlock automatically after completing a Story Quest 
 * Skipped quests will be uncleared. 
 * There are some Story Quests you will not be able to skip. 
 * The skip feature does not extend to Proud Mode.

- A PUSH notification will now be sent out when a party member activates their 'Lux Boost' 

- Added the following Medal filter options: 
 7★ Rarity, SP Attack Bonus 7, SP Attack Bonus 8, Upright/Reverse Buff/Debuff 

- Added the following Medal sort option: 
 Sort by score bonus (useful for score events, like High Score Challenges)

■ Changes/Adjustments 
- Made the following adjustments to Keyblade upgrade materials, making it easier to upgrade Keyblades to +25: 
 ・Mythril Stones, Mythril Gems, Mythril Crystals, Orichalcum, and Adamantite Ore are no longer required upgrade materials 
 ・Only one Mythril Shard is required to upgrade a Keyblade to +1 
 ・Only one each of upgrade material collected from stages (such as Curative Leaves, Copper Ore, etc.) is required to upgrade a Keyblade to +1 
 ・The Moogle O' Glory Keyblade quests are now permanently available 

 *The following quests have been removed: each Keyblade's corresponding Materials quest, Mythril Madness, Adamantite Ore Challenge quests. 
 *No changes have been made to the amount of Gems, Electrum Ore, or Dark Matter needed to upgrade Keyblades.

- Made the following adjustments to Special Quests: 
 ・Mon.-Fri.: one of five former Combination VIP Quests will be offered daily 
 ・Sat./Sun.: former VIP Skill Quest will be offered 

- Fusing two of the same Medal together, even if they are different rarities, will now result in the base Medal gaining a new trait 
 *Example: fusing a 4★ No.200 KH II Aerith into a 6★ No.202 KH II Aerith will result in the 6★ KH II Aerith gaining a trait 

- Increased maximum Medal slots from 1300 to 2000 

- Added names to Jewel packages available for purchase (no changes have been made to the amount of Jewels in each package) 

- Added display support for iPhone X

0 AP Campaign!

●0 AP Campaign 
We're celebrating the launch of Version 2.6.0 with this 0 AP Campaign!

■Campaign Period: 
May 25, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 10, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
May 25, 2018 7:00 to Jun. 11, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

For a limited time, all quests and raid bosses will be playable for no AP cost! Use this opportunity to get caught up with the main story, progress through our ongoing event quests, or work on challenging Proud Mode quests!

Medal Storage Sale!

★ The long-awaited Medal Storage Sale is here! 
Medal inventory space has also been expanded!

■ Campaign Period 
May 25, 2018 after maintenance ends to Jun. 6, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
May 25, 2018 after maintenance ends to Jun. 7, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Campaign Details 
During the above campaign period, the price of all storage expansions will be half price!

Medal Storage Expansion 100 Jewels ⇒ 50 Jewels

Additionally with the Version 2.6.0 Update, the maximum amount of inventory space you can upgrade to has now been increased from 1300 to 2000!

Use this opportunity to increase your storage size and prepare for more future Medal additions!

Introducing 7★ Rarity Medals!

In Version 2.6.0, we're introducing 7★ Rarity Medals!

■ About 7★ Rarity Medals

・You can now evolve your Medals to the new maximum level of rarity: 7★
 *EXP Medals, Boost Medals, Cost Medals, Evolve Medals, and Munny Medals cannot be evolved into 7★ Medals. 

・Evolve a Medal to 7★ rarity to increase its maximum Strength over 10,000 and greatly increase its damage multiplier, making that Medal more powerful than ever before! 

・Some Medals (limited time Medals, High Score Challenge Medals) will gain a 3 tier Upright/Reversed Strength buff when evolved into 7★ rarity.

Example: HD Sora
Medal Special Attack Strength Damage Multiplier*
HD Sora (6★) Deals 8 hits. 2 turns: ↑ PSM-STR by 1. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. 7356 × 3.47 - 7.08
HD Sora (7★) Deals 8 hits. 2 turns: U-STR by 3, PSM-STR by 1. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. 12121 × 7.51 - 11.13
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus. 

■ Evolving a Medal into 7★ Rarity

・In order to evolve a 6★ Medal into a 7★ Medal, you will need to fulfill the following conditions: 
 - The Medal must be max level and have a maximum Special Attack Bonus 
 - You must have the necessary "Blue Fairy" Evolve Medals

* There are 8 different varieties of the Blue Fairy Evolve Medal, corresponding to Special Attack Bonus Tiers 1-8. 
* You will need 5 Blue Fairy Evolve Medals corresponding with a particular Medal's Special Attack Bonus Tier in order to evolve it from 6★ to 7★ rarity.

・You can obtain Blue Fairy Evolve Medals by using draw tickets earned from PVP Mode to draw for them. 

*The images used in this announcement are still under development.

Ticket Draw for 7★ Evolve Medals!

★ Get Evolve Medals for 7★ Medals from these Ticket Draws!

■ About Ticket Draws 
・Use Gold TicketsSilver Tickets, and Bronze Tickets to draw from these 5-Medal Deals. 

・You will receive five Blue Fairy Evolve Medals from each draw, and there are 8 different varieties of the Blue Fairy Evolve Medal, corresponding to Special Attack Bonus Tiers 1-8. 

・The type of Blue Fairy Evolve Medals you receive will depend on which banner you draw from, per the below!

Ticket Type Obtainable Evolve Medals
Gold Ticket
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 8]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 7]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 6]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 5]
Silver Ticket
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 8]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 7]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 6]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 5]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 4]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 3]
Bronze Ticket
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 3]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 2]
Blue Fairy [SA Bonus LV 1]

*You will need 5 Blue Fairy Evolve Medals corresponding with a particular Medal's Special Attack Bonus Tier in order to evolve it from 6★ to 7★ rarity. 
*You can receive each type of draw ticket from PVP Mode.

Introducing PVP Mode!

In Version 2.6.0, we're introducing PVP Mode!

■ About PVP Mode

・In PVP Mode, you'll face off against other players using multiple Keyblades. 

・As both you and your opponent will have infinite HP, the player that dishes out the most damage will be the winner. 

・There will be monthly ranking periods for PVP, and the Keyblades that can be used in PVP during these periods will be pre-determined. 

・While the number of times you can play PVP is limited per day, you can increase your number of tries by purchasing the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza. 
 Offer expires on Sun. at 11:59 p.m. (PT) / Mon. at 6:59 (UTC) of the week you purchased the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

■ PVP Battle Rules 
・When three Keyblades are used in PVP, you and your opponent will use them one at a time in a three round battle. 
 The player that deals the most damage per round will win that round. The player that wins two rounds first will win the overall match.

*You and your opponent will alternate who gets the first attack each round. For example, if you get the first attack during round one, your opponent will attack first during round two. 
*Buffs and debuffs that last for multiple turns will carry over between rounds.

・When you defeat your opponent, you and your opponent will swap ranks. 
 Example: You (rank 1000) defeat your opponent (rank 500) 
 → You will become rank 500 and your opponent will become rank 1000. 
 Should you defeat an opponent whose rank is lower than yours, there will be no effect on either player's rank.

・Battles have a 5 minute time limit. Should the battle exceed this limit, it will be treated as a loss. 
 In this event, rankings will not be affected.

Other Rules: 
・Both you and your opponent will be considered to have no attribute, and therefore have no weak attribute. 
 *Excludes Special Attacks that ignore attributes 

・Status effect skills will have special PVP Mode only effects, and will have different durations from regular battle. 

・Your opponent will be considered a "ground enemy."

■ Equipping your Keyblade

・On the PVP Mode Keyblade screen, you can customize the order of your Keyblades and the Medals in each Keyblade setup.

・Drag a Keyblade to change the order you'll use your Keyblades in battle. 

・Unlike normal, you cannot use the same Medal more than once in different setups. 
 You'll need to strategize carefully about what order to use your Keyblades in and where to place your most powerful Medals!

■ About Point Rewards 
・You will receive points for participating in PVP battles, and can get different rewards based on these points. 

・You will receive points even in the case of a draw or losing a battle, but you'll receive more points should you win battles instead. 

・Points earned will be reset when each ranking period ends.

■ Other 
・A portion of the Daily Missions have been changed to PVP related missions. 
 *Should you exit a PVP match before completing it, your progress will not count towards completing these missions.

*The images used in this announcement are still under development.

Enter the Fray! PVP has Begun!

■ PVP Mode has arrived! 
 Aim for the top of the rankings and take on powerful opponents!

■Event Period 
May 25, 2018 after maintenance ends to May 31, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
May 25, 2018 after maintenance ends to Jun. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details 
・Face off against other players in the new PVP Mode, which can be accessed through the Coliseum! 

・Earn fabulous new draw tickets as ranking rewards! 
 Use these draw tickets to receive Blue Fairy Evolve Medals, which are required to evolve a 6★ Medal into a 7★ Medal. 

・You can use the Three WishesSleeping Lion, and Darkgnaw Keyblades in this first round of PVP!

*You can obtain Sleeping Lion from Proud Mode Quest 3, and Darkgnaw is obtainable from Proud Mode Quest 328.

・While the number of times you can play PVP is limited per day, you can increase your number of tries by purchasing the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza. 
 Offer expires on Sun. at 11:59 p.m. (PT) / Mon. at 6:59 (UTC) of the week you purchased the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza. 

Introducing Subslots!

In Version 2.6.0, we're introducing subslots for your Keyblades!

■ About Subslots

・Each of your Keyblades now has subslots

・By setting 7★ Medals in these subslots, you can increase your Keyblade's slot multipliers. 
 * Spirit Medal slot: base Spirit slot multiplier + equipped Keyblade subslot multiplier 

・How much a slot multiplier increases is based on the Special Attack Bonus for the Medals set in subslots.

■ Setting Medals in Subslots

・Tap the 'subslots' button on the Equipment screen to set Medals in subslots.

・You can only set 7★ Medals in subslots. 
 Additionally, you can only set Medals that match each particular subslot's attribute. 

・Medals must be set in subslots in order, moving from 'SLOT 1' to 'SLOT 2,' and so on.

*The images used in this announcement are still under development.

Get a 7★ Medal in each Draw!

★ We're celebrating the arrival of 7★ rarity Medals with these three Deals! 
 Get a 7★ Medal each time you draw from any of these banners! 
 Get a 7★ version of HD AxelIllustrated Aqua A, and Illustrated Ventus within 5 draws from their respective deals!

A new top tier of rarity is here! 
In comparison to 6★ Medals, 7★ Medals can have a maximum Strength exceeding 10,000 and have much larger damage multipliers, making them more powerful than ever before! 
Also, as you can only set 7★ Medals in Keyblade subslots, you're going to want to expand your collection fast!

As you are guaranteed to receive a 7★ Medal each time you draw from any of these three banners, you can expand your collection fast!

Even better, the 7★ Medal you receive is guaranteed to come with its Special Attack unlocked and with a maximum Special Attack Bonus! 
You're also guaranteed to receive a 7★ version of HD AxelIllustrated Aqua A, and Illustrated Ventuswithin 5 draws from their respective deals! 
Plus, as an added bonus, you will receive one Cid 5 Medal each time you draw from any of these banners!

Read on for details!

■Campaign Period 
May 25, 2018 after maintenance ends to May 31, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
May 25, 2018 after maintenance ends to Jun. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

These three 10-Medal 7★ Medal Deals guarantee the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive a 7★ HD Axel within 5 draws from the HD Axel banner! 
・You are guaranteed to receive a 7★ Illustrated Aqua A within 5 draws from the Illustrated Aqua A banner! 
・You are guaranteed to receive a 7★ Illustrated Ventus within 5 draws from the Illustrated Ventus banner! 
・You are guaranteed to receive one 7★ Medal each time you draw from any of these banners! 
 - The 7★ Medal you receive will come with its Special Attack unlocked and with a maximum Special Attack Bonus! 
・You are guaranteed to receive at least one of the following returning 6★ Medals listed below! 
 - Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
 - Illustrated Xion [EX] 
 - HD Zack 
 - Yuna & Rikku & Paine 
 - The World Ends with You Art 2 
 - HD Pete 
 - HD Zexion 
 - HD Larxene 
・The remaining 8 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity! 
・You will receive one Cid 5 Medal each time you draw any of these banners!

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of these Medals! 
7★ Medals: Boosted SephirothIllustrated Sora & PalsPooh & PigletSora & Donald & Goofy AIllustrated CloudSP RoxasSP AxelSP XionIllustrated Sora AIllustrated Riku AIllustrated Terra AIllustrated VentusIllustrated Aqua AIllustrated AnsemBoss MarluxiaIllustrated SephirothIllustrated KairiIllustrated King MickeyHD SoraHD RikuIllustrated XemnasIllustrated XionHD AxelCasual Roxas1,000 more base Strength.

6★ Medals: Boosted Illustrated Kairi [EX]Illustrated Xion [EX]HD ZackYuna & Rikku & PaineThe World Ends with You Art 2HD PeteHD ZexionHD Larxene1,000 more base Strength and Defense.

・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost!

■7★ Medal Details


Reversed / Upright
Special Attack Bonus Tier
Special Attack Target
Gauge Cost
Damage Multiplier*
HD Axel P Reversed 4 Deals 13 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3, ↓ targets' DEF by 1. Inflicts more damage the more gauges are full. All 2 × 9.94 - 11.49
Illustrated Aqua A M Upright 4 Deals 4 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ target's M-DEF by 1. Single 3 × 14.86
Illustrated Ventus S
Deals 13 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ target's S-DEF by 1.
Single 3 × 14.86
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

■Returning 6★ Medal Details


Reversed / Upright
Special Attack Bonus Tier
Special Attack Target
Gauge Cost
Damage Multiplier*
Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 1 turn: ↑Upright STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53
Illustrated Xion [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Reversed 7 1 turn: ↑ Reversed STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓ targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53
HD Zack S
Deals 13 hits. 1 turn: ↑ Upright STR by 1, S-STR by 4, ↓ targets' Upright DEF by 1, DEF by 1. Inflicts more damage the higher the slot number.
All 4 × 9.30 - 12.95
Yuna & Rikku & Paine M
Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ Upright STR by 1. Inflicts more damage the more Lux collected in that stage.
All 4 × 8.82 - 13.56
The World Ends with You Art 2 
*Includes artwork. 
*Includes music.
P Upright 7 Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ Upright STR by 1. Inflicts more damage the more Lux collected in that stage. All 4 × 8.82 - 13.56
HD Pete P
Deals 4 hits. 1 turn: ↑ Reversed STR by 1, ↓ targets' DEF by 3 tiers. Inflicts more damage the higher the slot number.
All 4 × 7.80 - 11.35
HD Zexion M
Deals 7 hits. For 2 turns: raises PSM-STR 4 tiers & PSM-DEF 2 tiers, lowers targets' STR & DEF 1 tier. Inflicts more damage the more gauges are full.
All 3 × 9.82 - 11.88
HD Larxene S
Deals 3 hits. Lowers targets' DEF by 3 tiers for 1 attack. Inflicts more damage the more gauges used this turn.
All 4 × 8.37 - 13.62
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Wow, what a great start to PvP. Can't even get into a single battle because whoever I click on is either "already in a battle" or "unavailable because someone has chosen to battle you". So if someone is battling me, I can't do any form of PvP!?


Traitor of KHInsider.com
Mar 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Wow, what a great start to PvP. Can't even get into a single battle because whoever I click on is either "already in a battle" or "unavailable because someone has chosen to battle you". So if someone is battling me, I can't do any form of PvP!?
I 100% agree. Well, at least Dark Souls (Remastered) comes out today, so it's not ALL disappointing.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Imma just leave this here...

Here's what I'm discovering as I look through my invo.

The Tier 3 WOFF Medals and Nick&Judy A have their SP cost reduced by 1. In addition, WOFF are among the few Tier 3 Medals to get the Alignment Buff, which goes for 3 turns. If you got them in the past and built them up, evolve them ASAP. WOFF will be great for PVP. WOFF Sora does not get reduced cost, likely the same for the Lann and Reynn (sp?).

Illustrated Belle&Beast gets a nice alteration. Cost goes down from 5 to 2SP, and GenStr is buffed by 4 instead of 3. Wish more medals got tailored like this one. Will keep looking.

Copy Medals do get the Alignment Buff, but it only activates if it doesn't copy anything, so sadly no easy mixed buff sets. The buff lasts 1 turn.

Various VIP medals did not get Alignment Buffs, such as the Key Arts and PLSora. Minnie&Daisy seem to be the only exception as they got the UStr buff. Thus the VIP medals are the only medals over Tier 3 not to get the Alignment Buff so far.

Not sure if intentional or a text error, but Iago, a Reverse Speed medal, gains the Upright Str Buff upon evolving. On the bright side, that makes him a nice candidate for Sleeping Lion. It's pretty hilarious in general if accurate. Chip&Dale have the same effect, so Iago might be a case of text copypasta.

Moana and Maui got a HUGE buff. Cost is reduced to 0, their buff is the whole turn instead of 3 attacks, and they restore 6SP. No Alignment Buff, but hot damn I'd suggest evolving them if you got them. Free 6SP recovery is pretty damn nice.

All HSC reward medals get the Alignment Buff, even the Tier 3 ones. So if you have any old T3 HSC medals guilted, they're worth considering.

Pluto B gets the Alignment Buff.

Man in Black gets the Alignment Buff, but still removes your buffs alongside the foe's, so....not sure if the buff actually works on him.

Copied my post from Gamefaqs. Pretty interesting discoveries. IIRC the altered medals are now akin to their JP counterparts, so that's pretty cool.

PVP is interesting. Got a few matches myself, though the whole "Can't fight if they or your data are battling" is kinda odd. I can understand the former, but if someone is fighting my data, I shouldn't be stuck waiting. DBMax skills and GED-60 are definitely gonna be Meta for PVP, the damage reduction is a serious boon if you have it and the foe doesn't. And my Saix B was totally worth upgrading. Sadly the Organization B medals don't get the alignment buffs, but the DAMAGE he's dealing is soooo gooood.
Last edited:

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I pulled on thr Ventus banner in hopes to better my speed setup....I got a boosted 7 star Sora & Pals and 7 star Goofy. I'm not complaining tho.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Imma just leave this here...

Copied my post from Gamefaqs. Pretty interesting discoveries. IIRC the altered medals are now akin to their JP counterparts, so that's pretty cool.

PVP is interesting. Got a few matches myself, though the whole "Can't fight if they or your data are battling" is kinda odd. I can understand the former, but if someone is fighting my data, I shouldn't be stuck waiting. DBMax skills and GED-60 are definitely gonna be Meta for PVP, the damage reduction is a serious boon if you have it and the foe doesn't. And my Saix B was totally worth upgrading. Sadly the Organization B medals don't get the alignment buffs, but the DAMAGE he's dealing is soooo gooood.

Looks like medals that got different abilities in Global will now match JP when leveled up to 7-star.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

dude Not gonna lie Saix B upgraded to 7 star still hits like a god damn tank. its a nice medal. im going to upgrade my woff Lightning next, i won 3 of my 5 matches last night, but alot of people i played if not all had the extra attack copycat medal and all teh stained glass, its a good thing though i did listen to octo and didnt fuse my kairi Exs now i have 2 of them to use for pvp

Also side note i am so happy storage is at 50 again i think im going to spend a couple thiusand Jewels and get up some high storage

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I tried PvP and all of my opponents didn't even equip medals onto their keyblades....so they all got tanked.


Aug 14, 2017
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

What bothers me is that you need to be at least in the top 5000 to get ONE gold ticket. One. All the silver tickets will probably yield a ton of Tier 3 and 4 pulls. So this is kinda worse than Coliseum. Dunno how to feel about that.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Now I feel remorse for selling off Moana and Maui. Hopefully they'll be available for Union Cross.

The Tsum Tsum and Toon Medals have also gained amazing buffs with their 7-star variants.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

How come people are putting defense medals like Vexen B in their PVP keyblades and beating my purely offensive setups? Is there something I'm missing here?

Deleted member

Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

How come people are putting defense medals like Vexen B in their PVP keyblades and beating my purely offensive setups? Is there something I'm missing here?
If they up their defense your attacks do less damage and you get less points?


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

How come people are putting defense medals like Vexen B in their PVP keyblades and beating my purely offensive setups? Is there something I'm missing here?

You have to play defensive and be offensive at the same time. For example while i do have alot of offense each of my set ups has a defense boost max 3 on it to severly cut teh opponents points

So put medals with defense boost on each set up as well and offensive defense medals lie zexion and Vexen,also if you pull another kairi or xion ex id keep it and not fuse it because then youde have mutiple for set ups


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I like it not. I don't like PvP one bit. Sigh. It's the dark side of Coli. And those rankings need fixing. As matter of fact, the whole set up need to be more balanced. Add Aerial Trait as well as Ground. Everyone is equipped out the you know what with DB Max skills. People that don't have it or have weaker keyblades will be crushed and never, ever get Gold tickets. The system is broken and better be fixed.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

You all are right. That was obvious. Geez. >.<

I just didn't know how or if 'turns' worked in the mode like they do in other modes.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I like it not. I don't like PvP one bit. Sigh. It's the dark side of Coli. And those rankings need fixing. As matter of fact, the whole set up need to be more balanced. Add Aerial Trait as well as Ground. Everyone is equipped out the you know what with DB Max skills. People that don't have it or have weaker keyblades will be crushed and never, ever get Gold tickets. The system is broken and better be fixed.

to be fair its only day 2 of pvp so its going to take a while to work out things, but what you said is like complaining about coli on how you need to raise your keyblade levels i dont think has legs to stand on, the game has always pushed to have you level up keyblades the same however people decided to stick with one or 2 just to pass things and now theres complaints, Granted you are right that air needs to be implemented as well as ground, or ground needs to be taken out to provide fair balence, as for the defense boost max 3 theyve been handing out that and defense boost 4 like cake heck isnt there a defense boost 4 in the avatar boards and defense boost 5 in coli right now

So i feel complaining about defense boost isnt something that can be complained, esp since the last def boost 3 max was given out in aprils boards and only players from the last month or those who dont manage points well wont have it

If you want to be good at coli you just need a combination of 3 defense boost 3 4 or 5, A xion A Kairi, and 1 stained glass, maybe 2 and they all prob come back within a month or 2 heck, i feel liek they are just throwing kairis and xions at us,

Side note a good tip if you pull enough tier 3 blue Fairies, and youve been playing since july or did the Org event in Auguest, upgrade your Saix B to 7 star first, it has an 8.87 multipler and nearly 13000 atk, it hits pretty damn hard,


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I actually do okay in Coli, but PvP is a different beast. Again, the heartless side of Coli! Lol. Nope. Don't care for it. Will do it for my daily jewel count, but won't spend most of my playing time indulging in it. I will never get enough Gold Tickets, so why worry.


Sep 18, 2013
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Blergh. I have zero interest in PvP I wasn't into it when it got first introduced and I still dislike it, but them changing the daily missions and adding PvP is forcing me to play a mode I don't want to play basically /:. I hope I'll dislike it less at some point but I'm not a fan of the turn the game took.

Deleted member

Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

honestly, PVP daily missions are so much better than what was there before imo. I find the daily missions so easy to clear now, when before, while it wasn't necessarily hard, it felt more time consuming and I'd usually give up before getting all the raid bosses. Here you just do three battles and that's it. So easy! You dont even have to win them lol You don't even have to set medals in your blade if you dont want to. Just a few taps and you're good.


New member
Dec 26, 2014
Re: May 25th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I think they should just put a few tickets as PvE coliseum rewards and everyone will be happy.
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