Shesez's YouTube series "Boundary Break" takes the camera to new heights in video games, as they explore the worlds in video games to find new information and secrets.
On April 24th 2018, Shesez uploaded an episode in the series that focuses on Kingdom Hearts 2. The video explores various worlds and environments from Kingdom Hearts 2, showing off unseen assets as well as discussing various development techniques that brought this game to life.
one of the most unusual things ive seen in game development. Instead of making the stars in the skybox yellow. They are actually holes in the sky and behind the sky isa sheet of yellow. Wut
-@BoundaryBreak, April 20th 2018
Something that wont be in the episode, in very rare cases, the game attempts to use culling in winding hallway areas. But only in areas the camera is not pointing at. Since this camera abuses the ingame camera, we can see most of it in one shot
-@BoundaryBreak, April 21st 2018
Shesez also shared various images from Kingdom Hearts 2: