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How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don't Blame Goofy)

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Gold Member
May 12, 2007
[parsehtml]<p> </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/HK30U.png" alt="" width="500" height="175" /></p>
<p>In my last editorial, I covered how I fell in love with <em>Kingdom Hearts</em>. In the Golden Days, the gameplay was simple and yet it felt solid and challenging when it needed to be. The bosses and enemies were creative and yet not over-the-top; in fact, in some cases, less was actually more when it came to their design. The atmosphere was an excellent blend of Disney and Square Enix characteristics, and I never felt too flooded from one side over the other (at least, in the first game), and even when the story had its shortcomings (which is often), I was so enveloped in the universe that I rarely thought about the negatives. The <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> universe exclusive characters were memorable enough to still care about, the new and unique take on the Disney characters was excellent, and the cameos by fan-favorite Square characters was entertaining for fans of the company.  So much was done right with the first game, which is surprising considering no one would expect a game that mixes something <em>Square</em> with something Disney to be a hit. But it was…at least, for a while.</p>
<p>I disillusioned myself when I was playing <em>Chain of Memories</em> and <em>Kingdom Hearts II</em>. I told you about how I’d spent hours playing both games and I absolutely adored them, but then I picked them up again just a couple of years later and found that I’d rather beat my head against a wall (which would actually probably be a more challenging experience (that was mean)). They have moments reminiscent of the things I loved about the first game, but they are, as a whole, lackluster.  And every game since the original has seen no major improvement upon the formula. </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/4HTBK.png" alt="" width="500" height="175" /></p>
<p style="text-align: left;">The combat systems have been reworked repeatedly and while they might be getting more complicated at a glance, I found myself just repeatedly tapping X and maybe the triangle button every now and then even in a newer title like <em>Birth by Sleep</em>.  Where was the challenge? The first game wasn’t exactly difficult, but I always felt like the gameplay was varied enough for me to be able to plan out certain strategies for certain bosses or enemies. Heck, <em>Chain of Memories</em> had a unique, very interesting combat system, which I sort of wish the developers had adapted to the entire series. When I played <em>Birth by Sleep</em>, all I did was tap the X button like a madman until I built up until I was able to use the “forms” (if that’s what they’re called) that let you pull off more extreme combos by –you guessed it– tapping the X button some more.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Worse than that, the story has just gone to heck in a hand basket. Granted, the story of <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> has never been fantastic if you paid any amount of attention to it in the original games, but it was manageable. But now, the series has gone astray, trying to adapt too many new plot points and mysteries that I’m sure Nomura will attempt to cleverly tie together. The newer Kingdom Hearts games kind of remind me of the manganime, <em>Bleach</em>: it’s ridiculously convoluted and it has become downright unbelievable. It isn’t cohesive, it isn’t simplistic, and there is absolutely no balance between the <em>Square</em> elements and the Disney elements anymore.  Goofy and Donald aren’t even your partners in <em>KH3D</em> from what I understand, and while that might seem irrelevant, it’s something that I appreciated from the other games because it always gave a feeling of coexistence between the two universes. Simple things like that are important, lest you get lost in the dark, edgy, and ultimately confusing universe of <em>Kingdom Hearts</em>. </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/bYGB2.png" alt="" width="500" height="175" /></p>
<p style="text-align: left;">So how did I fall out of love with the <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> series? As I talked about in my last editorial, I grew up.  Now, don‘t get me wrong: I don’t believe that the magic of<em> Kingdom Hearts</em> is inherently focused on a prime age group of early teenagers (though it doesn’t hurt). I think it’s possible to love <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> no matter the age; however, once you start recognizing what makes a game <em>good </em>(which I might argue comes not with age, but with experience and time), it becomes hard to reconcile with what the series has turned into. And that was my problem: as I spent more and more time gaming (transforming progressively into a neckbeard by the day), I started to understand what it took to make good gameplay, good atmosphere, and a solid story. <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> doesn’t have any of that anymore.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">“Anymore?” Yes, anymore. It <em>did</em> have all of it at one point, or, at the very least, it certainly had the groundwork. As I’ve mentioned, the gameplay <em>used </em>to be challenging and interactive, the atmosphere <em>used</em> to be magical and nostalgic, and the atmosphere <em>used</em> to be a fantastic blend of Disney and <em>Square</em> elements that made me excuse the shortcomings of the silly main story going on behind the scenes. So what happened? I think the biggest downfall of the series, as is with most other series, is overexposure. It was simple back in the early days of the series’ creation. You had the flagship title and then a portable sequel to tie into the second major installment.  It was simple and there was just enough to keep you wanting more without feeling like they were just milking the series for all they could. And then they corrupted that concept. I’m sorry, maybe <em>Birth by Sleep</em> is a necessary title but are <em>Days</em> and <em>Coded</em>? Do they actually matter that much on the whole that they deserve their own games? Can’t you just tie certain necessary plot points into other games?  Why does there need to be a constant procrastination in the development of the third major title?</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/0rEKQ.png" alt="" width="500" height="175" /></p>
<p style="text-align: left;">There doesn’t. And that’s where every single problem I listed stems from. The gameplay is ruined because it’s mindless and when you are constantly exposed to the same basic mechanics with slightly altered features, you’re going to get bored. The Disney worlds are atmospheric and nostalgic at first, but when you constantly have to visit the same characters over and over, it gets boring (I realize this is something they’ve been trying to fix as of newer titles, but there are only so many Disney movies that you can make worlds out of while still being practical. <em>Cinderella</em> is grasping at straws). </p>
<p style="text-align: left;">The story used to blend together original elements of the <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> storyline while also incorporating Disney events and characters in a relevant fashion. The Disney Princesses were <em>important</em> to the story in <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> without ever detracting from it. When I played <em>Birth by Sleep</em> last year, all I could feel was that I was just hopping around from Disney world to Disney world without any real point. It’s not like they ever came together. The characters there were only supposed to be important because they were Disney characters, not because they were Disney characters who also influenced what went on with the story as a whole. I felt like almost every world in the original game had something to contribute to the story outside of the mini-story that went on within that world. That’s not true anymore. The magic of the <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> games should not just be that Disney characters are just present; the magic of the series should be that the Disney characters are there and they contribute to the story, both in the grand sense and in the individual worlds.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Furthermore, the story within <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> as a series is just stupid now. Pardon my second-grade vocabulary, but I sat here trying desperately to think of a better word and nothing came to mind. The story is <em>stupid</em>. The original game had a simple yet effective plot of “boy saves girl from bad guy while also saving the world (universe?),” but there was also more than that. There was Ansem’s plot and Riku’s destiny and whatever King Mickey was doing at the time. There was just enough underlying ideas to make me thirsty for more information without ever hurting the basic plot. I mean, the underlying ideas are pretty bad by design, but they weren’t overexposed or overanalyzed. They were ambiguous enough to leave you exploring for yourself, always wanting more. That’s good writing. You want to know what bad writing is? Trying to explain why Xion exists or why Ven looks Roxas.  I know there are explanations in the games. <em>I don’t care</em>. They are complicated and stupid and I don’t want to ever take the time to try to learn the ridiculously convoluted storyline. Stop making up stupid characters, stop including silly elements like time travel or hearts held within hearts, and just get back to the basics that made the series loveable.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/JnOnA.png" alt="" width="500" height="175" /></p>
<p style="text-align: left;">I fell out of love with <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> because it stopped being something charming that I could appreciate and started being something repetitive and confusing. I don’t want to have to try to convince myself that the games I’m playing are good just because I enjoyed them in the past. I’ve tried <em>Days</em>. I’ve tried <em>Birth by Sleep</em>. I even tried<em> Dream Drop Distance</em> a few months back in a demo. All of them failed to captivate me. All of them felt like the same game that I had been playing since the first <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> except with a lot less heart (no pun intended). When a series has been around for as long as <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> has (happy anniversary), it's time to move forward and innovate. Every new entry into the series has felt either like a step backwards to me, and each new sequel is clearly just pushing along trying to recreate what the original game had.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">If <em>Square Enix</em> can refocus <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> into a series that is meant to portray Disney characters in a way that have never been seen while also making me appreciate the exclusive characters, maybe I’d care a little bit more. Maybe if they could fix the gameplay and think of ways to make now-tedious levels like <em>Hercules</em> more fun, maybe I could hop back into the series for once. Maybe if they can get back to the charming basics of the storyline and stop branching off into subpar, confusing storylines. They have enough time to get their acts together before <em>Kingdom Hearts III</em>. They have the ability to fix almost everything. They have the resources and clearly they still have a very strong fanbase ready and waiting for the sleeping giant to awaken. So figure it out <em>Square</em>!</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Also, just make Goofy the protagonist already. I love him. I do.<span style="text-align: center;">     </span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">~*~</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">So what do you guys think?  Am I way off base here or has <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> kind of lost what made it special?  What keeps you interested in the series, and if you are no longer a fan, what happened?  What might you like to see in <em>Kingdom Hearts III</em>?  Let us know in the comments section below! </p>[/parsehtml]


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I agree, I abhor Organization XIII, the nobodies, Roxas, and Ven. (Terra and Aqua are okay characters thrown into a shitty plot. Had they been in a stand alone game I think I would have enjoyed it.) I feel like Kingdom Hearts has been hijacked by fan girls who loved the blonde-haired, tween pop star-voiced, brat over the main characters. Roxas was supposed to be an empty identity thief who needed to be eliminated. I wanted him to be wicked and hell-bent on self preservation at the main character's expense. I wanted to cheer when Sora defeated him to take back his complete form and I wanted the fandom to cheer with me.

Instead they proceed to ruin the entire story to squeeze Roxas into the seat of the protagonist. Going so far as to make the monstrosity that is Ven. Ven is a Sue-esque character, he's pure good while Vanitas is pure evil. So they make Vanitas look like Sora...wtf? Sora is supposed to be the hero and yet his image is being used to represent pure evil. This story makes no sense. The only way I'd buy the stupid KH 1.5 is if it erased all games after KH, redid KHII to eliminate Roxas as a good guy, and provided a workable transition to KHIII.


Bronze Member
Jun 8, 2007
Non of your concern
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I agree, the ridiculous story additions, unnecessary characters, and the overall departure from that Disney feel has made me dislike all KH games outside of KH1.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I have to agree for the most part of this, but I wouldn't go so far as to stop loving the series. Yes, it has lost a lot of its magic, expecially with tying in the Disney characters, but it's still a great series. Personally, Dream Drop Distance is my favorite KH game. The characters in there help a lot to develop Sora and Riku more.

Yes, Xion is totally useless, but I doubt Square is milking this series, they wouldn't do that with a game like KH. A good example of a series being milked is Call of Duty. You could either be playing that or Kingdom Hearts.

The series is still all about heart, it still has the meaningful theme that KH1 brought about, but Square just chose features over atmosphere.


New member
Dec 26, 2009
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I was enjoying this read and agreed with most of it until I heard mention of procrastinating over KH3, where I just stopped. Honestly, do you even know why KH3 isn't being made? Versus 13, a project that is of signifcant more importance to Square Enix as whole, that's where the MAIN KH team is focused right now, and why Osaka took over for BBS and pretty much every title after that. If we weren't getting these games, even if naturally inferior, we wouldn't be getting anything. Even if it was good, I don't think people would like waiting as long as they have since KH2 for a new KH game.

That said, you clearly haven't played 3D. (Saying as much, yourself) Which IMHO makes anything you say on that topic completely irrelevant. KH3D was pretty damn challenging for KH at Proud and Critical.

Sure the story has gone to buggery but the gameplay is still great and challenging.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

Yes, Xion is totally useless, but I doubt Square is milking this series, they wouldn't do that with a game like KH.

What makes kingdom hearts any different from any other franchise they have, or square-enix any different from companies that cash in on their games?

Sure the story has gone to buggery but the gameplay is still great and challenging.

Uhhhh, the gameplay has never been particularly "great or challenging". KH1 isn't a difficult game in the slightest (if it's harder than the other games it's because of design issues exclusive to itself). Neither is Chain of Memories if you know what you're doing. I don't think I have to go into detail over how easy KH2 is. BBS isn't much more difficult. Maybe 3D is more challenging than those (haven't played it), but it's not like the series was ever hard to begin with.


Gold Member
May 12, 2007
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I was enjoying this read and agreed with most of it until I heard mention of procrastinating over KH3, where I just stopped. Honestly, do you even know why KH3 isn't being made? Versus 13, a project that is of signifcant more importance to Square Enix as whole, that's where the MAIN KH team is focused right now, and why Osaka took over for BBS and pretty much every title after that. If we weren't getting these games, even if naturally inferior, we wouldn't be getting anything. Even if it was good, I don't think people would like waiting as long as they have since KH2 for a new KH game.

That said, you clearly haven't played 3D. (Saying as much, yourself) Which IMHO makes anything you say on that topic completely irrelevant. KH3D was pretty damn challenging for KH at Proud and Critical.

Sure the story has gone to buggery but the gameplay is still great and challenging.

oh dude you're right, they're procrastinating with versus. which, by extension, is extending the dev time of kh3. i don't think there's a very strong defense here.

i did not play 3D. not playing one game in the series does not make my opinion invalid, especially when i'm not directly comparing anything directly to KH3D.

but if you want to tell yourself that the gameplay is at all challenging or engaging, feel free. that's your opinion and i'll happily and wholeheartedly disagree.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I was enjoying this read and agreed with most of it until I heard mention of procrastinating over KH3, where I just stopped. Honestly, do you even know why KH3 isn't being made? Versus 13, a project that is of signifcant more importance to Square Enix as whole, that's where the MAIN KH team is focused right now, and why Osaka took over for BBS and pretty much every title after that. If we weren't getting these games, even if naturally inferior, we wouldn't be getting anything. Even if it was good, I don't think people would like waiting as long as they have since KH2 for a new KH game.

I'm going to give my best bet that Versus XIII has not been a factor behind why KH3 hasn't come out yet for a few years now. SE is a bit of a different place than when Nomura first made that statement.

I agree that if they didn't give us games, we'd be sitting here with nothing and I think something is better than years of silence.

That said, you clearly haven't played 3D. (Saying as much, yourself) Which IMHO makes anything you say on that topic completely irrelevant. KH3D was pretty damn challenging for KH at Proud and Critical.

Agreed on KH3D being challenging. It was rather refreshing to die while doing normal fights. Even at my high level I still die when walking around TWTNW if I'm not careful when fighting Dream Eaters.


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

That said, you clearly haven't played 3D. (Saying as much, yourself) Which IMHO makes anything you say on that topic completely irrelevant. KH3D was pretty damn challenging for KH at Proud and Critical.

Sure the story has gone to buggery but the gameplay is still great and challenging.

it's made artificially hard tho
all that happens when you increase the difficulty in a KH game is that enemies attack more vigorously and do more damage. all you have to do is grind more and suddenly it's like you're playing on easy. enemies don't start having different behaviors and attacks and strategies that force the player to actually be good at the game.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

it's made artificially hard tho
all that happens when you increase the difficulty in a KH game is that enemies attack more vigorously and do more damage. all you have to do is grind more and suddenly it's like you're playing on easy. enemies don't start having different behaviors and attacks and strategies that force the player to actually be good at the game.
this is kind of a problem with games in general nowadays. i'm trying to think of a recent game that actually changed enemy and boss patterns on harder difficulty levels and i can't think of a single one.


The Origin
Sep 11, 2008
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I think I can agree for the most part with you on this. Just a few points I'll make myself on my opinions on things and I suppose details of what you've mentioned.

The gameplay has evolved new mechanics, but the design around those mechanics aren't all necessarily good. Reaction commands are, essentially, quick-time events you can get from mashing triangle. QTEs are a horrible thing games should just get rid of entirely. KH1 was fun because it was simple but still had strategy and patterns to look out for in enemies.

Chain of Memories implemented a truly awesome system that made you think on the fly about what you were going to do, and how that would affect what you would have to do much later in the fight. It made you build your own strategies the way you wanted to. It was flawed in the way that it made a large jump in simplicity and turned off many of the fans from the original game by making things much more complex than they had been.

And of course, the obvious reuse of worlds and the same general plotlines that were previously there, making the game rather tedious. Especially because it felt you didn't have the same freedom you had before by restricting battles to being a "touch to begin battle" and forcing you to get the correct cards to move forward.

Kingdom Hearts 2 is where they really, really turned it off for me. The gameplay was basically reduced to "mash x until you actually need to block something." That was pretty much it. The only times you had to do anything else was to use Curaga on yourself if you screwed up or run away for a minute. Oh, and drive forms if you really wanted to make things even easier for yourself.

Story-wise, yeah, it got really messy. Sure, they added some really awesome Disney movies, but they wrecked the plotline of Kingdom Hearts itself. Introducing nobodies wasn't a bad idea; fighting Organization 13 in boss fights were probably the best parts of the game. It was how you're basically confronting a problem because of somebody else's doing, who is actually you essentially. I can't describe this part too well, but you didn't feel as involved in the plot as KH1. Riku was basically the only thing I looked forward to the entire game.

Birth By Sleep (here's where I kinda disagree with you) stepped the series up a step in my opinion. The gameplay still had the simple stuff that made KH1 fun. "But didn't you just bitch about how 2 was oversimplified?" Yep. It still added a level of complexity to it with the command list though. It gave you the fun and awesome customization of Chain of Memories while, at the same time, keeping the combat down to an easy to get level. The flaw here was that bosses and AI are still pretty much pushovers aside from the extra bosses. But hey, that was me. Otherwise, this game really set the standard to me for how combat in Kingdom Hearts could be.

Story-wise, the plot was okay. Nothing too great. It definitely had great replayability though, and you didn't feel you got the full package every time you beat an ending unlike most games with multiple story perspectives. The characters all felt like old news though. It felt like the same personalities being put into multiple characters designed differently. They all fell flat, aside from Terra imo. And if we're calling them flat, he was only a bump because of how he succumbed. He was basically this game's Riku. Master Xehanort felt like your typical bad guy, which actually wasn't that bad. Vanitas was a nice step up too as well.

Re:Coded is kind of another mess to me. Gameplay was new, sure, but I didn't really find it too fun. Story was also another rehash of old stories, which I know everybody has to be fucking sick of at this point.

KH3D's gameplay was okay. I don't have much to say on this front given I only played it for a good hour or 2 on my friends and watched cutscenes for the rest. The story was kind of the fall of the series for me. It's trying to over-complicate the hell out of things, and the revelations about Org. 13 just made angry. It threw the story into a spiral for me, and it's just enough.

I don't think I've given up entirely on the series, but I certainly have low hopes for it. I can definitely agree with the series needing to return to it's roots though. That may just be me nostalgiafagging, but we'll see when 1.5 comes out and I see if I can still enjoy it.


Dec 6, 2009
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

goofy is, in all seriousness, the least stupid character in the entire series. thank you for spreading the love, taylor.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

also can i just mention how boring se makes every disney world?

every single level in the games is barren and empty with a few treasure chests in plain sight. there's no exploration, npc's, or anything to make those worlds feel alive. i always cite the example of the duke in bbs saying you frightened all the guests...in the ridiculously empty ballroom.

besides not incorporating them to the broader plot, they don't even do a good job of faithfully tying in the movies' original themes and ideas into kingdom hearts. i mean think about tarzan for example. it is a film about growing up, discovering yourself, finding out where you belong and what matters to you. those are all ideas that would like a glove in kingdom hearts which is essentially all about feelings. but deep jungle was one of the most boring worlds in the entire series.


The Origin
Sep 11, 2008
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

Kinda forgot to mention this, but it's been increasingly annoying about how many less Final Fantasy cameos we're seeing in the games. TWEWY was a nice surprise, but seriously. Birth By Sleep had ONE cameo.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

Kinda forgot to mention this, but it's been increasingly annoying about how many less Final Fantasy cameos we're seeing in the games. TWEWY was a nice surprise, but seriously. Birth By Sleep had ONE cameo.

I'd comment on this but I'm actually writing an editorial on this very topic soooo

Kevin Perez

New member
Nov 25, 2010
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I'm not one to disagree with the notion that the series is convoluted. Some of these concepts seen in recent installments seem to come out of Nomura's ass and aren't exactly original but still, I'm also one who believes the original game is given a lot more credit than it deserves and seeing it be put on such a pedestal, as well as given the sacred cow status, is a bit grating. It's seem to be a common meme: How great the original game and how the others suck.

I liked KH2 and BBS a lot better than I did the original.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

That’s good writing. You want to know what bad writing is? Trying to explain why Xion exists or why Ven looks Roxas. I know there are explanations in the games.
I don’t care
. They are complicated and stupid and I don’t want to ever take the time to try to learn the ridiculously convoluted storyline. Stop making up stupid characters, stop including silly elements like time travel or hearts held within hearts, and just get back to the goddamn basics that made the series loveable.

I disagree with that. I personally find that the plot mysteries enigmas don't stray away from the primary themes of the series, rather they reflect them instead, although in a more abstract kind of way. In other words, the mysteries seem like a manifestation of the series' philosophies.


Oct 9, 2009
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

I cant help but agree with this article and the Goofy love.
I especially agree on the parts of the story and characters its these factors that's led to my growing distance from kh.

There's also other factors to like the lifeless worlds sure they was empty in kh1 but thinking back on it despite being empty they didn't feel entirely lifeless to me like they do now but i attribute this to nostalgia rather than reason.

The worlds dont feel connected to the overall plot either, ever since Chain of Memories its felt like all i do is hop randomly from one world to another just to get a scene of a guy in a black coat.
Then there's the lack of FF cameos......its like losing half the appeal.....

Could rant more but b*tching wont do me no good and after all kh1 wasn't perfect either (that damn camera!).


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

There's also other factors to like the lifeless worlds sure they was empty in kh1 but thinking back on it despite being empty they didn't feel entirely lifeless to me like they do now but i attribute this to nostalgia rather than reason.

well, you could explore a little bit in kh1. the platforming was pretty awkward and terrible but it gave the worlds a bit more life.

they streamlined that in kh2 and forgot to give us GOOD exploration to replace it.


Oct 9, 2009
Re: How I Divorced Kingdom Hearts (Please Don&#039;t Blame Goofy)

well, you could explore a little bit in kh1. the platforming was pretty awkward and terrible but it gave the worlds a bit more life.

they streamlined that in kh2 and forgot to give us GOOD exploration to replace it.
That is true searching for trinities did add a bit more life to them plus some worlds in kh1 made sense as to why there was no people such as monstro, deep jungle, wonderland, hollow bastion it made sense for these worlds to lack people so its not something that crossed your mind as feeling empty.

everything in kh2 felt streamlined....
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