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Things You Never Do/Use In KH Games


Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I booted up my KH1 file the other day and was just running around for fun. And I decided to do something that I normally never do and that's scroll through the magic options (rather than the shortcut) and I used Stop. I NEVER use Stop during a regular playthrough, except when you have to like with the mushrooms or the Phantom in NeverLand.

This made me think about other stuff that I never do/use in KH games and maybe I should try a run where I actually use them. In KH2, I NEVER use Chicken Little EVER. I remember when KH2 first came out and I found out he was a summon, I did the summon once to see the video, then I never used him again. I also don't ever use Stitch (used him once to see the video). The only summons I ever used in KH2 were Genie and Peter Pan. Speaking of summons, in KH1 I rarely used Bambi and maybe used Mushu 5 times over the years. In KH3, I summoned the Dream Eater once (just to see the video), then immediately dismissed it because I hate the Dream Eaters especially that one. I also only ever used Stitch one just to see the summon video.

Other magic that I never/rarely use is Gravity, Fire/Blizzard (in KH2), and Aero (in KH3, I love the version in KH1).

In KH1 and 2, I would almost always swap out Goofy for the Disney party member because I like having Donald to heal me over Goofy's offense. The only world that I ever get rid of Donald is Deep Jungle because he can't heal at that point in the game, but Tarzan can.

Everytime I play KH1, I go in the order of Wonderland>Deep Jungle>Olympus>Agrabah>Monstro>Atlantica>Halloween Town>NeverLand. I think I may try going with Olympus first when I replay, but the idea just feels so dirty to me. Even in CoM, I always try to follow that path.

The keyblade I use is always the strongest one, even if I prefer designs of weaker ones. Like when you get Lionheart in KH1, it's crap compared to the other keyblades you have at that time. That's why I like KH3 for giving you the opportunity to power up keyblades, so the ones you like can still be on par with the latter ones. I think I will try a playthrough where I use the keyblades I like, rather than the strongest. Because there are some keyblades with cool designs that I may have equipped for like five minutes just to see it in action, then immediately switch back to Oblivion.

Anyway, are there any things you always do in KH games and stuff that you never do/use?


Well-known member
May 8, 2007
Ariel, Jack Skellington and Beast are usually the only world-specific party members I use in KH1, as they’re the only ones of the bunch I like having around (regarding purely as characters, not as tools/items). KH2, I like having Auron and the aforementioned pumpkin king and Beast around and other than that, it’s all SDG whenever possible. I recall being pretty annoyed as a kid that D&G are taken out of KH2’s final battle for that reason (‘excuse me, Riku, where the hell were you when I was dealing with the water dancing, or the spear dragon dude. You weren’t there for me, these two were. Get the heck outta my party, you bucket of angst!’).

Tool-wise, I tend to forget those special keyblade moves in KH1 are there. Mainly because they take up MP and I’d rather save that for healing. KH2, Drive forms usually take party members away, so since I’d rather not do such, I only use them when wanting to get or upgrade the Growth abilities.

KH3, I like using a lil of everything to some extent, surprisingly enough! Even the apparently reviled special attractions, I find fun to look at and make for a fine last resort when I’m on low health and need to bide time before my MP fills back up.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I don’t use items in battle.

I don’t use Tents.

I don’t share AP/Strength/Defence ups with anyone.

I don’t really use much magic outside of cure (Aero, reflect, and KH3 as a whole changed that a little).

I don’t swap in Disney world party members in KH1.

I only use summons once or twice for the journal entries.

I never go to Wonderland first.

I don’t use Keyblades that are weaker in strength, even if the magic is higher.

I play Critical once for the trophy and then whenever I want to replay a game I choose beginner to have fun.

I will only leave a world in BBS until I have levelled up 5 times (I always drop this by Radiant Garden).

I don’t like to have less than 100% magic so I will use a cure to get it full, even if I have full health (another example of how I just don’t use items).

I will try and get things before I’m meant to, like abusing the radius of the drive form blast (the thing that happens when you choose a drive form) to get a puzzle piece just out of reach that even high jump doesn’t reach (it’s been a long time though so I can’t recall the location of the piece I was doing this for).


Oct 11, 2015
I don't use Links or Attractions in KH3

I don't use Magnet or Reflect in KH2 unless I'm absolutely sure or when I'm levelling up.

I never use Decisive Pumpkin.

I never use Divine Rose.

In KH1 and KH2 I never go to 100 Acre Wood whenever i collect a page. I actually collect all the pages first then get it all done in one go.

I never used a Surge command on bosses in BBS.

In fact I never used any other keyblades in BBS except for the starting ones and their upgraded forms/Lost Memory.

I never finish Day 2 of Twilight Town without getting the 2 AP.


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
I was thinking about this, since I'm going to replay the games in the near future. I really don't use the game's full potential and watching people battle "with style" or Everglow choreograph his battles sequences made me want to try playing differently. I don't use magic other than heal, thunder, fire, ice in the numbered games but I want to use the other types of magic more, especially Reflect which really have never used. I tend to save my mp for healing and never use items so maybe if I start using more magic I can use more items and also the keyblades I never equip. In kh2 in particular.

I also always pick the attack path when I start a numbered title. I just can't bring myself to pick another one. I should try it though.

I'd like to try to get the snow white scene in KH1?

I never use summons except for tinker bell, bambi and sometimes dumbo in KH1. I've never summoned Stitch or Peter Pan in Kh2. I'll try that soon.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Kingdom Hearts 1 never dos:

I only use Cure and Aero as my main spells. Obviously at times I'm forced to use other spells, but they are not on my daily playstyle.

I don't use summons. I've tried them out but never needed them.

I never leave the islands until I've beaten Riku at least 50 times with 50 potions.

I never upgrade my Gummi Ship. And it's a pain to try.

I don't use magic based Keyblades.

I don't do Atlantica without the Pumpkinhead Keyblade.

I don't give Donald and Goofy potions or ethers until right before a boss.

Chain of Memories never dos:

Finish the game.

Kingdom Hearts 2 never dos:

Summons again. I just started to use them but normally ignore them all. Never used Peter Pan either.

Same thing with Donald and Goofy with potions.

I don't allow myself to be saved by King Mickey. My ego won't allow it.

I usually don't heal Mulan out of spite for her "Ping" persona.

I never use Fenrir over Ultima.

I don't use Wisdom Form besides grinding, or in fights were it's required like Data Demyx's 99 water clones.

358/2 Days never dos:

I use to not use Pancea's until I learned how good they are, now they are a staple.

I don't keep backpack equipment to expand it. Rather waste a easy potion.

I don't Synthesize all that much.

I don't beat Saix with anything except the extended limit break, to really humiliate him.

I don't attack Riku, just Fire spam him to death.

I never use the Aga's of spells.

I don't play on Proud Mode.

Birth By Sleep never dos:

I don't fight the superbosses.

I don't play the command board game thingie

I don't use the mirage arena

I don't use links

I did not use anything but cure commands when fighting Terranort in Terra's story.

Kingdom Hearts 3 never dos:

I don't use attractions.

I don't use the foods.

I rarely cook. (Poor Little Chef)

I don't do 100 Arce Woods until right after Kairi is killed.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2018
When I was little, I would play the game without using any of the abilities, except ones like High Jump that were absolutely necessary for progression at certain points in the story. Nowadays, I'm of the opposite mentality: I try to make a point to make use of every single thing I can at some point or other. It makes the experience more fullsome for me.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2018
KH1: I don't use summons except Bambi and Tinkerbell. I never get the Rare Truffle rewards. I never defeat Sabor without triggering the hole on the Treehouse floor. In stardard difficulty I never use Tents or any items at all once I get Cure (this goes for all KH games, the only exceptions are the Vanitas Remnant fight, item cards in CoM and Drop-me-not in DDD). Actually I use only use each item once to see the animation and never use them again. On proud or critical I only allow myself to use potions and hi-potions, never ethers or elixers.

KH2: I never use any summon except for leveling them up or Stitch in certain colisseum matches to get easy points. I rarely use Star Seeker as my main keyblade due to it being automatically in the second slot for Valor Form. I never use Forms in Org XIII bosses because of the increased chance of triggering Antiform. I have to use Mickey at least once in every playthrough but I never save the game after using him so it's not canon in my saved file (hahaha). I never fight Absent silhouettes or Mushroom XIII as soon as they're available, i wait until I reach TWTNW and have maxed drive forms to do so. I never use Disney party members in KH1 and 2 unless I'm forced to. I don't use Reflect at all because I'm not good at timing it.
I never let Sephirot finish his Heartless Angel attack.

Chain of Memories: I rarely use magic-based sleights (except Cura and Curaga), though I know some of them are pretty broken. I never transform normal cards to premium. I never visit the worlds in a different order than KH1. I never finish a boss with a normal attack.

BBS: I never use D-links except for upgrading them as soon as they're available. I never use Ice creams. I never use Terra's Darkgnaw keyblade because Ends of the Earth and Chaos Ripper look much cooler. I never fight the special Unversed added in Final mix until I finish the game. I don't play the minigames outside of Miracle Arena.

358/2 Days: I don't use mission mode at all.

Re:Coded: I don't pay attention to Keyblade clock abilities unless they are useful in those system sectors that have requisites.

Dream Drop Distance: I never let the Drop Gauge to deplete naturally forcing me to change character if I'm in the middle of a world's plot, so I abuse Drop-me-nots like I said before. I forbid myself from using flowmotion or balloon commands outside of boss fights because they're too broken.

0.2: I never finish bosses with normal attacks, it has to be spellweaver's finisher or a situation command spell.

KH3: Never use foods (except for Yozora), never use atractions in boss fights or scripted battles. I don't upgrade any keyblade other than Kingdom Key before the Keyblade Graveyard (unless they're at minimum level due to being imported from a previous save, then I upgrade them 3 or 4 times) I never let Disney party members to actively participate in combat when I revisit a world to farm materials, so I always set them to do nothing. I never do the minigames again after getting the necessary scores, except the flans when I need to farm their fruits to complete the cooking minigame. Never use summons except Ariel to bypass Yozora's special attack and Simba with the Monstropolis flan. I never remember to use magic during keyblade transformations, which is a shame because I know some of them have different spell animations.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Wow, I thought I was alone in having a specific way of playing KH.

I forgot about the combat abilities in KH1. I never use them except for Ars Arcanum, and that one I just equip and don't even really use unless I happen to see it pop up during battle and I'm desperate.

In KH2, I only ever use Valor Form or Ultimate Form (except when I'm levelling up the forms to get access to the Garden of Assemblage). I never use the limits for just Donald/Goofy, except once just to see what they look like. The Disney ones I use more because I think the auto-limit is always activated for them, so if it pops up to hit triangle to activate, I just do it.

Reading what you all have to say about what you never use, it makes me wonder if they should make the game lean more towards actually using that stuff (especially things like magic). In KH1, once I have Cure/Aero I'm good (and maybe Tinkerbell), so I'm less inclined to do anything else.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
just curious to the people who doesn’t switch party members in Kingdom Hearts 1, how do you have the patience for that?

Kingdom Hearts 1 requires certain party members to activate and unlock key moments. If you don’t have the right member you have to backtrack and switch the member at a save point. Agrabah is a nightmare especially when you’re in the bottom chambers swimming trying to activate the Abu command. Honestly I hate backtracking and I always forget who’s required so I switch out Donald or Goofy just in case.

In other games I completely understand though.


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
just curious to the people who doesn’t switch party members in Kingdom Hearts 1, how do you have the patience for that?

Kingdom Hearts 1 requires certain party members to activate and unlock key moments. If you don’t have the right member you have to backtrack and switch the member at a save point. Agrabah is a nightmare especially when you’re in the bottom chambers swimming trying to activate the Abu command. Honestly I hate backtracking and I always forget who’s required so I switch out Donald or Goofy just in case.

In other games I completely understand though.
Yeah... Agrabah had me say "ah dammit" a few times on my last playthrough. I'd forgotten you needed Abu so often. I don't remember any other moments when the Disney party member is required though?

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Yeah... Agrabah had me say "ah dammit" a few times on my last playthrough. I'd forgotten you needed Abu so often. I don't remember any other moments when the Disney party member is required though?
The only other one I can remember is Peter Pan to talk to Tinkerbell, so that you can fight the Phantom.

I can't say for sure, but was Ariel needed to get Sebastian to unlock the switch in Atlantica? I normally have Ariel on the team, so I really don't know, but that seems like an occasion that you need her.

In KH1 and KH2, I always made sure that the Disney party member was in the team for the boss fight. I kind of always felt like, hey this is your villain, you gotta be here for the fight, even if I didn't care for the party member and they weren't in my team during the entire world run (like Jack Sparrow).


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
The only other one I can remember is Peter Pan to talk to Tinkerbell, so that you can fight the Phantom.

I can't say for sure, but was Ariel needed to get Sebastian to unlock the switch in Atlantica? I normally have Ariel on the team, so I really don't know, but that seems like an occasion that you need her.

In KH1 and KH2, I always made sure that the Disney party member was in the team for the boss fight. I kind of always felt like, hey this is your villain, you gotta be here for the fight, even if I didn't care for the party member and they weren't in my team during the entire world run (like Jack Sparrow).

I don't think I had Ariel in the team and Sebastian unlocked the switch.

By the way, this:
Chain of Memories never dos:

Finish the game.

made me lol.
I've stopped trying to even start the game. Feels good to know I'm not the only one. I felt like such a loser.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I don't think I had Ariel in the team and Sebastian unlocked the switch.

By the way, this:

made me lol.
I've stopped trying to even start the game. Feels good to know I'm not the only one. I felt like such a loser.
I used to beat CoM all the time on GBA. But it is hard to finish ReCOM. I think I've only ever done that once and never even bothered with Reverse/Rebirth.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
just curious to the people who doesn’t switch party members in Kingdom Hearts 1, how do you have the patience for that?

Kingdom Hearts 1 requires certain party members to activate and unlock key moments. If you don’t have the right member you have to backtrack and switch the member at a save point. Agrabah is a nightmare especially when you’re in the bottom chambers swimming trying to activate the Abu command. Honestly I hate backtracking and I always forget who’s required so I switch out Donald or Goofy just in case.

In other games I completely understand though.
Yeah... Agrabah had me say "ah dammit" a few times on my last playthrough. I'd forgotten you needed Abu so often. I don't remember any other moments when the Disney party member is required though?
It's annoying either way for me. Sometimes you need certain characters like Aladdin, Beast, or Peter Pan to do things, but then you cannot get Trinities with them so backtracking is unavoidable in some cases.

the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I don't use items in battles. only on superbosses.
i don't use summons or d-links at all
i didn't use magnet/fire/ice magic in KH2. only for leveling up and fire for demyx.
once i got final form in KH2 i never used the other ones (only wisdom for demyx to kill clones with fire)
i didn't use limit attacks in KH2. was saving my MP for cure.
i don't share my AP/attack/magic/defence boosts with any of the party members
i don't build my own gummi ship.
i don't use items like tent
didn't use attractions in KH3. only the train one.
i skipped a lot of KH1 basic combat stuff because it wasn't much fun to begin with, and i just wanted to jump into KH2. didn't use magic like gravity/aero and more i can't remember.
not sure if it counts, but i didn't play CoM because the combat system. just watched the cutscenes on youtube.