I haven't yet managed to put it up, but I do hope to manage it this weekend. Preparing a chapter for FF.net is a bit more work than for the forums due to other formatting requirements.
That reminds me I also hadn't time yet to answer the current reviews...<__<.
But it's effective, we had some 30? C outside and I managed to keep it around 25? C in my flat by just shutting all windows and close the curtains while I was at work.
Right now it's 236 trophies for PS3, 174 Bronze, 44 Silver, 15 Gold and 3 Platinum.

PS2 games were the ones who started this, yes, but it also depends on the developers and the type of games. Not yet with DDD, as I want to finish all business before I do that for a critical playthrough. Since DDD has only two save slots you need to be considerate with your playthroughs.
Really, lol? The only ones I found to be somewhat funny where those of FF VII, as VIII and IX had already pretty professional ones. Yep, they were one of the famous selling point of FF back in the day besides the gameplay and storylines. Many people nowadays don't know it anymore since they started FF with FF X, but any FF before X had actually no voices...*ggg*.
Nope, the trophies are strictly for bragging rights. And I think there is a ranking on PSN, but that's it.
I had my fair share of challenging in FF XIII recently. I used to farm these big turtles for Items on Gran Pulse (Adamantoise and their two weaker siblings), yet after I finished all missions, these turtles were replaced with their stronger blueish cousins, the Long Gui and Shaolong Gui. These suckers know how to cast Ultima on your party, and unless you have three sentinels in the field you're dead when Ultima hits.
Then there's of course the last mission target from mission 64, Vercingetorix, a flying pest who has whopping 15 million HP, can turn invincible for a certain period and heal himself for 99.999 HP up to eight times as well as spew out a fire tornado that's no less powerful than Ultima. <__<
I doubt it, KH is one of those franchises where stuff is sometimes faster on the net than people liking to avoid spoilers can handle, lol.