Update 12/7/2018: Nomura has shared on Twitter the exact times and dates to expect new footage.
goldpanner has translated his tweet:
Morning. Happily, we now have more PR planned than previously reported. So, I rewrote the tentative schedule for you:
10th Midnight New Video
16th 6pm 30sec CM (Japanese Cinema Trailer)
18th 5pm Final
21st (TBA) 15sec CM x3
Above times are JST & subject to change. -Nomura
Kingdom Hearts III went gold in late November as development of the game has concluded. Since then, we have gotten our first look at the disc art and the art book cover that comes with the Deluxe Edition of the game. Amazon have also announced their own exclusive pre-order content for US and Canadian citizens only, that being the Dusk Till Dawn Keyblade skin.
Kingdom Hearts III is scheduled to launch on January 25th 2019 in Japan and January 29th 2019 everywhere else. A release date for the PlayStation 4 Pro that was revealed at E3 has not been set outside of Japan and Taiwan but hopefully news on it’s availability elsewhere will be announced soon.
With the final trailers for Kingdom Hearts III coming in less than a month, are you holding out hope for a final Disney world reveal or would you like to see some more original worlds announced?
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November 27, 2018 @ 02:17 pmOnline