Super Groupies, the Japanese fashion brand known for its collaborations with various anime, manga, and video game franchises, recently launched its new Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary collection. Featuring the theme of “connected hearts”, this collection focused on a line of beautifully designed watches, jackets, umbrellas, backpacks, and wallets inspired by the three main trios of the franchise: Sora, Riku, Kairi; Roxas, Axel, and Xion; and Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.
Thanks to Super Groupies, KHInsider was given the chance to review two of the items from their latest Kingdom Hearts line!
(Photos taken and edited by lilylionheartdraws)
I really, really love Axel’s jacket. It’s large and roomy, so you can wear whatever you want underneath it and not feel constrained. It has a lot of weight to it, too, making it a very good heavy-duty coat that feels made to last. The hood is pretty big, but rests easily wherever it is placed on the head so it fits any size head without being overwhelming. Axel’s coat is also long enough to protect your legs from inclement weather while out on the go. The best part about this jacket are the small details. It has two zippers just like the Organization XIII coat, although I did find them a bit tricky to use at times so I rarely actually zipped the coat. The left breast features a small Nobody emblem, and the sleeves have the Recusant’s Sigil—the X symbol—and Axel’s chakrams. These small little details really elevate the coat and give it a unique flair that I think Kingdom Hearts fans will appreciate.
Normally I don’t carry large bags around, but Aqua’s bag was just too beautiful to not wear as my regular day-to-day bag. The outer material is a shiny, deep Prussian blue with a bold, stylized cross pattern with “Kingdom Hearts” lettering on the front pocket. The emblem worn by Terra, Aqua, and Ventus rests in the middle of the cross, balancing out the bold lines with a delicate centerpiece. The interior of the front pocket and main compartment of the bag have a lovely checkerboard pattern with the various emblems from the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
The front pocket is rather large and I’ve used it for a few miscellaneous items that I like to have easy access to like a notepad and pen. The main compartment is spacious and can fit a number of items like a laptop, tablet, wallet, book, and still have some room to spare. The inner pocket has a beautiful stained glass pattern that represents Aqua—featuring her blue Wayfinder, the Master’s Defender keyblade, and the Land of Departure. It’s a great place to put keys or makeup. The two sides of the bag have open pockets that can fit water bottles as large as 1 liter, making this a great bag to take around while traveling or on hikes.
For any fan interested in picking up items in the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary line, the items are top-of-the-line and well worth the cost. They are beautifully crafted and look fantastic when worn and will certainly steal the spotlight while out around town.
Fans can still pick up items from the line from Super Groupies US & Super Groupies JP (via World Shipping). You can also follow Super Groupies US on Twitter for more information about their current and upcoming collaborations.
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