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1/24 Union χ JP Update: KH3 Events and Deals, Coliseum Updates



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Starting today, the following quests will all cost 0 AP:

  • Main quests (Standard & Proud)
  • Enhancement quests
  • Proud+ and Tutorial quests

Additionally, normal raid bosses can no longer be summoned outside of raid events.

Raid hours and AP cost will be changed on 2/1.
The 101 Dalmation medals acquired from normal raid bosses will be moved to main quests.

Chasm of Challenges Season 2 begins! Participate in quests that get progressively more difficult with only fixed Keyblades at your disposal.

Magic Gems and synthesis medals are available as rewards.

Platinum Tickets and new evolution medals, Meow Wow SP & NM, have been added to PVP and PVE ranking rewards respectively. 

Additionally, the Platinum Ticket Draw is now available. Players can get 5 Meow Wow SP & NM per pull, each between Tier7~9.

These medals can be used to:

  • Upgrade a medal with SB to SB+
  • Grant SB to medals that don't have it 

Upgrading a medal with Meow Wow SP & NM will allow you to level up their Attack and Defense stats even further.

KHIII Special Draw is held from 1/25~2/11! These Falling Price banners offers 18 new medals between Tier7-9, and the first pull is free!

Two banners are available:

Standard: Guarantees 1 ★7 new medal, bonus 10 Limited VIP coins, 10 VIP coins, 3 Magic Mirrors
Premium (VIP only): Guarantees 2 ★7 new medals with increased pull rates, bonus 10 Limited VIP coins, 10 VIP coins and 5 Magic Mirrors

The Limited VIP coins can be used to get trait medals for KHIII Sora, Riku and Young Xehanort.

Tier 9

KHIII Sora [All Targets | 2 SP cost] For 2 turns: Increases Upright ATK+15, ATK +15, Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+160%, decreases enemy DEF-15. Recovers 5 SP, doesn't affect counters, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage when set earlier in the deck

SB [AOE]: Increases Guilt+200% (250% if SB+) for 1 turn. Doesn't affect counters. While defending in PVP, this effect will activate before the 3rd slot.

KHIII Riku [All Targets | 2 SP cost] For 2 turns: Increases Upright ATK+15, ATK +15, Power ATK+15 and Guilt+160%, decreases enemy DEF-15. Recovers 5 SP, doesn't affect counters, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage when set earlier in the deck

SB [AOE]: Increases Guilt+200% (250% if SB+) for 1 turn. Doesn't affect counters. While defending in PVP, this effect will activate before the 3rd slot.

KHIII Young Xehanort [All Targets | 2 SP cost] For 2 turns: Increases Reverse ATK+15, ATK +15, Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+160%, decreases enemy DEF-15. Recovers 5 SP, doesn't affect counters, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage when set earlier in the deck

SB [AOE]: Increases Guilt+200% (250% if SB+) for 1 turn. Doesn't affect counters. While defending in PVP, this effect will activate before the 3rd slot.

Tier 8
Unlock SB by upgrading medals with Meow Wow SP & NM

KHIII Goofy [All Targets | 3 SP cost] For 2 turns: Decreases enemy Upright DEF-8, DEF-8 and Power DEF-15. Raises Counter+3, inflicts 12 hits that deal more damage the more abilities are used in succession

SB [AOE]: Resets counters. While defending in PVP, this will activate before the 6th slot.

KHIII Donald [All Targets | 3 SP cost] For 2 turns: Decreases enemy Upright DEF-8, DEF-8 and Magic DEF-15. Raises Counter+3, inflicts 12 hits that deal more damage the more abilities are used in succession

SB [AOE]: Resets counters. While defending in PVP, this will activate before the 6th slot.

KHIII Buzz [1 Target | 5 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Upright ATK+15 and Power ATK+15, decreases enemy Upright DEF-15 and Power DEF-15. Inflicts 11 hits that deal more damage the more SP you have

SB [1 Target]: Recovers 30 SP. While defending in PVP, this will activate before the 4th slot.

KHIII Woody [1 Target | 5 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Upright ATK+15 and Speed ATK+15, decreases enemy Upright DEF-15 and Speed DEF-15. Inflicts 11 hits that deal more damage the more SP you have

SB [1 Target] : Recovers 30 SP. While defending in PVP, this will activate before the 4th slot.

KHIII Pete [1 Target | 5 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Reverse ATK+15 and Power ATK+15, decreases enemy Reverse DEF-15 and Power DEF-15. Inflicts 1 hit that deals more damage the more SP you have

SB [1 Target]: Recovers 30 SP. While defending in PVP, this will activate before the 4th slot.

KHIII Maleficent [1 Target | 5 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Reverse ATK+15 and Magic ATK+15, decreases enemy Reverse DEF-15 and Magic DEF-15. Inflicts 1 hit that deals more damage the more SP you have

SB [1 Target]: Recovers 30 SP. While defending in PVP, this will activate before the 4th slot.

Tier 7
Unlock SB by upgrading medals with Meow Wow SP & NM

KHIII Hercules [1 Target | 2 SP cost] Increases DEF+5 and Speed DEF+8 for 1 turn.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites Player with Speed DEF+15 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Phil [1 Target | 2 SP cost] Increases DEF+5 and Magic DEF+8 for 1 turn.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites Player with Magic DEF+15 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Megara [1 Target | 2 SP cost] Increases DEF+5 and Power DEF+8 for 1 turn.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites Player with Power DEF+15 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Hayner [Random Target(s) | 0 SP cost] Increases ATK+8 and Power ATK+8 for 1 turn. Recovers 5 SP.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites Player with Power ATK+15 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Pence [Random Target(s) | 0 SP cost] Increases ATK+8 and Speed ATK+8 for 1 turn. Recovers 5 SP.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites Player with Speed ATK+15 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Olette [Random Target(s) | 0 SP cost] Increases ATK+8 and Magic ATK+8 for 1 turn. Recovers 5 SP.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites Player with Magic ATK+15 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Shadow [Random Target(s) | 0 SP cost] Decreases DEF-1 and Power DEF+3 of all enemies for 1 turn. Recovers 3 SP.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites enemy with Power DEF-12 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Soldier [Random Target(s) | 0 SP cost] Decreases DEF-1 and Speed DEF+3 of all enemies for 1 turn. Recovers 3 SP.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites enemy with Speed DEF-12 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Marine Rumba [Random Target(s) | 0 SP cost] Decreases DEF-1 and Magic DEF+3 of all enemies for 1 turn. Recovers 3 SP.

SB [AOE]: Overwrites enemy with Magic DEF-12 for 1 turn. While defending in PVP, this activates before the 1st slot.

KHIII Release Event is held from 1/25~1/31! Rare enemies and treasure chests have a chance of dropping Moogle & Riku medals, which can be sold for 500 jewels each.

Bosses may drop Attack Up XL 100% and ATK XL III 100% skills.

KHIII Riku, Woody and Bo Peep avatar boards are available from 1/25~2/11 for 2500 jewels each!

KHIII Riku costume
Scrooge ★6
(Guard  Up XL III) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Lux & ATK XL V 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(AB0 & ATK XL V 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror ★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 x 1 Broom Servant ★5 x 1
Mystic Gem x1 Huey & Dewey & Louie ★6 x 4
Cid5 ★6 x 1 KHIII Riku costume x 1
KHIII Riku gloves x 1 KHIII Riku Style x 1 


 Woody costume
Scrooge ★6
(Guard  Up XL III) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Lux & ATK XL V 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(AB0 & ATK XL V 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror ★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 x 1 Broom Servant ★5 x 1
Mystic Gem x1 Huey & Dewey & Louie ★6 x 4
Cid5 ★6 x 1 Woody costume x 1
Woody hat x 1 Woody Style x 1 


Bo Peep costume
Scrooge ★6
(Guard  Up XL III) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Lux & ATK XL V 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(AB0 & ATK XL V 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror ★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 x 1 Broom Servant ★5 x 1
Mystic Gem x1 Huey & Dewey & Louie ★6 x 4
Cid5 ★6 x 1 Bo Peep costume x 1
Bo Peep staff x 1 Bo Peep Style x 1 

KHIII Sora and Kairi avatar boards also return from 1/25~2/11 for 2000 jewels each!

KHIII Sora costume
Scrooge ★6
(Ability0 & ATK XL III 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Guard Up XL 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Lux2 & ATK XL II 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror ★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 x 1 Broom Servant ★5 x 1
Mystic Gem x1 Huey & Dewey & Louie ★6 x 4
Cid5 ★6 x 1 KHIII Sora costume x 1
KHIII Sora gloves x 1 KHIII Sora Style x 1 


KHIII Kairi costume
Scrooge ★6
(Ability0 & ATK XL III 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Guard Up XL 100%) x 1
Scrooge ★6
(Lux2 & ATK XL II 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror ★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 x 1 Broom Servant ★5 x 1
Mystic Gem x1 Huey & Dewey & Louie ★6 x 4
Cid5 ★6 x 1 KHIII Kairi costume x 1
KHIII Kairi bracelet x 1 KHIII Kairi Style x 1 


Category Avatar Part Luck Type Effect Value
Hand KHIII Riku gloves Skill Luck
Head1   +10
Hand Bo Peep staff +8
KHIII Sora gloves
KHIII Kairi bracelet

Union Cross is updated for 1/25~2/3! Clear quests to earn coins and redeem rewards like the Hugging Hamm accessory, which grants Critical Luck+5.

There are 4 sets of Cross Boards available:

(1) Magic Mirror set 1
=> Magic Mirror set 2
(2) Broom Servant set 1
=> Broom Servant set 2
(3) M_Hugging Hamm
(4) L_Hugging Hamm

Challenge Boss Time is held from 19:00~19:29 and 23:00~23:29 JST, during which players will receive more coins by defeating the boss.


Daily Enhancement Event returns from 1/25~1/31! Clear quests to earn rewards like Broom Servant, Chip, Dale and Cid medals.



Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Re: 1/24 Union ? JP Update: QoL Changes

I hope they just give us a "Raid Mode" that's like an automated gauntlet of raid bosses.
I hate having to babysit my phone for an hour and constantly respawn them.

Glad to see the AP costs for main quests are cut, that's a QoL update they should've carried over from χ[chi] to begin with. (Really, AP should just be axed altogether, but alas.)
The raid boss Puppies should have never existed, also. That medal is not good enough to warrant such grinding.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 1/24 Union ? JP Update: KH3 Events and Deals, Coliseum Updates

Updated OP with all the KH3 stuff

Sakuraba Neku

Well-known member
Nov 11, 2018
Re: 1/24 Union ? JP Update: KH3 Events and Deals, Coliseum Updates

I'm disappointed there's not a major story update to celebrate KH3 release in Japan.
I was expecting something like the revelation of Strelitzia killer, the announcement of the Disney World they promised months ago or eve new somebodies.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: 1/24 Union ? JP Update: KH3 Events and Deals, Coliseum Updates

I'm disappointed there's not a major story update to celebrate KH3 release in Japan.
I was expecting something like the revelation of Strelitzia killer, the announcement of the Disney World they promised months ago or eve new somebodies.

They plan the next story update to hit at the same time as the secret ending of KH III on the 31st instead.