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10/4 Union χ JP Update: Version 3.0.1

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

KINGDOM HEARTS Union X is updating to Version 3.0.1! Here are the changes that are being implemented:

  • Bonus Jewel Packs will offer Skip Ticket II (can be used to skip any quest) instead of the normal Skip Tickets
  • χ3 can be accessed without having to return to the title screen. Find it via MENU > Other > χ3
  • On medal details and evolution screens, players can tap on the ability/skill/Super Burst descriptions to prevent it from scrolling
  • Changes when the timer will stop in quests with time limits:
    • [Before] When the last enemy disappears
    • [After] When the finishing blow is dealt to the last enemy

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Thank you very much for playing KHUX. We are informing you of an error in the following 3rd anniversary draws:

Riku KHIII Ver [EX+], Ava HD Ver [EX+], Ira HD Ver [EX+], Invi HD Ver [EX+], Gula HD Ver [EX+], Aced HD Ver [EX+] 

The affected text: "1 Tier6 or 7 ★7 medal is guaranteed."

There were cases in which a player would obtain the featured Tier 8 medal in their respective draws, and this medal would mistakenly occupy the guaranteed T6 or 7 ★7 medal slot.

Example: Player pulls from Riku KHIII Ver [EX+] medal draw and obtains Riku KHIII Ver [EX+], but not a guaranteed T6 or 7 medal.

*There are no errors in the descriptions for medal pull rates.
*Other 3rd anniversary draws share the same description but were not affected by this error

We will distribute 3000 jewels to your present box as an apology on 10/5 at 16:00.
*All accounts created by 10/4 at 10:00 will receive this compensation.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

Falling Price Copy Medal Draw is held from 10/5~10/8! Each pull guarantees 1 of 13 ★6 copy medals and 10 VIP coins.

Dusk Illustrated Ver
 [1 Target | 0 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the following medal. Fails if none exists
Riku=Replica HD Ver [1 Target | 1 SP cost] Copies the ability of the previous medal, fails if none exists
Pete PL Ver [1 Target, 1 SP, Tier 4] Copies the ability of the medal in the previous slot, fails if none exists
Beagle Boys [1 Target, 5 SP, Tier 3] Copies the ability of the medal in the previous slot, fails if none exists
Namine KHII Ver  [1 Target | 0 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the following medal , fails if none exists
Vanitas HD Ver [1 Target | 0 SP cost] Activates the ability of the following medal, fails if none exists
Sora AntiF HD Ver  [1 target, 0 SP cost] Activates the ability of the following medal, fails if none exists
Xion HD Ver [1 Target | 0 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the following medal, fails if none exists
Key Art AIR [1 Target | 2 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the previous medal, fails if none exists
Key Art BOND [1 Target | 2 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the previous medal, fails if none exists
Key Art COMING [1 Target | 2 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the previous medal, fails if none exists
Namine HD Ver [1 Target | 0 SP cost] Copies and activates the ability of the following medal, fails if none exists


Limited Deck Cost Challenge is held from 10/5~10/11! Clear 7 quests to earn Huey & Dewey & Louie medals and Event Coins.


Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: 10/4 Union ? JP Update: Version 3.0.1

I am so glad they fixed that timer issue. Always hated finishing off an enemy with a 10+ hit special attack that would put me over time due to the long animation sequence.


New member
Oct 4, 2018
Re: 10/4 Union ? JP Update: Version 3.0.1

Yes Long Hit Series was bad, but The worst was it ive the timer runs out in the victorypose
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