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June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

PVP Ranking: June Week 1 
 Aim for the top of the rankings and take on powerful opponents!

■ Event Period 
Jun. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 7, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jun. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jun. 8, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Event Details 
The first ranking week for PVP Mode has begun! 
 While previously we reported that PVP rankings would be monthly, we are happy to announce that these ranking periods will be weekly instead. 

Fight to the top to earn fabulous draw tickets as ranking rewards! 
 Use these draw tickets to receive Blue Fairy Evolve Medals, which are required to evolve a 6★ Medal into a 7★ Medal. 

You can use the OlympiaDivine Rose, and Moogle O' Glory Keyblades in this round of PVP!



Powerful 7★ Medals are here! 
 Get a Tier 4 7★ Medal each time you draw from this exclusive Falling Price Deal!

7★ Medals aren't just impressive in name only, they're also much stronger than their 6★ counterparts! 
As even Tier 4 7★ Medals are roughly as strong as EX Medals, and you're guaranteed to receive one per draw from this Falling Price Deal, now's the perfect opportunity to add some great firepower to your Medal collection! 
Even better, the Tier 4 7★ Medal you receive is guaranteed to come with the following: 
 - Special Attack unlocked 
 - A maximum Special Attack Bonus 
 - A powerful skill at max skill level

Check below for a full list of the possible skills your Tier 4 7★ Medal could come with! 
 ・Attack Boost VI Max 
 ・Defense Boost I Max  
 ・Defense Boost II Max  
 ・Defense Boost III Max  
 ・ATK B V Max & GA 1  
 ・ATK B V Max & Lux+ 
 ・Triple Threat II

In additon to receiving a Tier 4 7★ Medal in each draw, you are also guaranteed to receive a 6★ Illustrated Kairi [EX] within 5 draws from this Deal! 
With the Falling Price Deal, the Jewel cost will decrease with each draw, decreasing to 1900 Jewels from the 5th draw onward! 
Plus, as an added bonus, you will receive one Cid 5 Medal each time you draw this banner!

⇒ Check here for more information on 7★ Medals!

Read on for details!

■Campaign Period: 
Jun. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 7, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jun. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jun. 8, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Falling Price Deal Details: 
This 10-Medal Falling Price Deal guarantees the following: 
・The price of the deal will decrease after each draw: 
 - 1st Draw: 3000 Jewels 
 - 2nd Draw: 2500 Jewels 
 - 3rd Draw: 2200 Jewels 
 - 4th Draw: 2000 Jewels 
 - 5th Draw onward: 1900 Jewels 

・You are guaranteed to receive a Tier 4 7★ Medal, which will come with the following: 
 - Special Attack unlocked 
 - A maximum Special Attack Bonus 
 - A powerful skill at max skill level 
 *Check the list above for possible skills. 

・You are guaranteed to receive a 6★ Illustrated Kairi [EX] within 5 draws! 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity! 
・You will receive one Cid 5 Medal each time you draw from this banner!

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of these 7★ Medals! 
・Boosted SephirothIllustrated Sora & Pals, Pooh & PigletSora & Donald & Goofy AIllustrated CloudSP RoxasSP AxelSP Xion, Illustrated Sora AIllustrated Riku A, Illustrated Terra AIllustrated Ventus, Illustrated Aqua A, Illustrated AnsemBoss MarluxiaIllustrated Sephiroth, Illustrated KairiIllustrated King MickeyHD SoraHD RikuIllustrated XemnasIllustrated XionHD Axel, Casual Roxas: 1,000 more base Strength.

■ Illustrated Kairi [EX] Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 1 turn: ↑Upright STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53


Coliseum Update for June

■ Event Period: 
Jun. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 30, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jun. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jul. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

The June Coliseum update has arrived!

This month, those who battle their way through the Coliseum can earn themselves the Simba Style hairstyles!

Those who manage to battle their way to the top will also receive this new skillATK B VI Max & Lux+
Dish out 2.2 times more damage with a 100% activation rate at max level and get more Lux with this incredible skill!

Battle your way through the Coliseum to receive these and other great rewards!

Special Missions for June

■ Event Period: 
Jun. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 30, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jun. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jul. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

Collect Lux during the campaign period above to earn the new Brown Horstar and Chirithy Pouch Spirit Parts!

Lux Collected Spirit Part
4,000,000 Brown Horstar Head
20,000,000 Brown Horstar Ears
100,000,000 Brown Horstar Body
500,000,000 Brown Horstar Legs
2,500,000,000 Brown Horstar Tail
10,000,000,000 Chirithy Pouch

As you collect Lux, collect your Spirit Part rewards from the Limited tab in the Missions menu!


The Monthly Gem Quests for June are here! 
Complete these challenging quests to receive 

■Event Period: 
Jun. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 30, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jun. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jul. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details: 
These Monthly Gem Quests are both difficult and rewarding! 
Complete objectives for a series of five quests to receive a variety of Gems
This month, you can get two Power Gems, one Speed Gem, and two Magic Gems!

Each quest will require you to use a certain Keyblade, and you won't be able to use any Friend Medals. 
Additionally, you will be unable to use the continue function during these quests, so come prepared for a fight!

If you find the quests to be too difficult, try upgrading your Keyblade or leveling up your Medals!


The Moon Gem Cup is here! 
Complete these difficult quests to get fabulous rewards!

■ Event Period: 
Jun. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jun. 10, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jun. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jun. 11, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

Players who manage to complete the quest objectives will receive two Moon Gems, a Fantasia Mickey B Medal, and Magic Mirror Medals! 
But be careful, if you fall in battle you will not be able to continue!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town



Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Did a yolo pull on the new banner, got a Boosted SP Axel with DBIIIMax attached. Suffice to say he's been quite a help in PVP netting me a 3rd source of that skill and fitting neatly onto MoG for this week. Pretty nice.

This Moon Gem event was MUCH better than the Dragon. Probably a testament to snagging the right medals, but I got through all 3 stages with little trouble. My DD is +30 now, and with Coli I am 1 Moon Gem away from +31. Here's hoping we get more in the near future.

As for PVP as a whole, I think my setups this week have gone better. DR leads with a solid set and a newly 7* WOFF Sephy who further buffs the Beatdown Stick MoG to ensure that my second set deals crazy damage and nets me one win minimum. Clearly it's effective as I haven't demoted as much yet, but the TTII spam in the higher tiers defense sets is obnoxious. I really want a Medal with a Ribbon effect that completely prevents Status Ailments from affecting the player for a turn. More as a bird flipper to Ailment abusing Heartless, but it would help in PVP as well. Outside of Etrian Odyssey I do not like Ailments, and would not mind seeing them vanish off the face of existence. Maybe the next big Kairi medal will have it or something...


New member
Dec 26, 2014
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I have to second that about triple threat. It's either it activates and i lose or it doesn't and i win. Really a coin flip at this point.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Kind of sad to see that PVP is pretty much just a game of having Triple Threat II in two of your setups. It just feels cheap to me, and I wish something could be done about it.

I mean I got beat by someone who didn't have any defense boosts in the first setup (I won that round spectacularly) but then later had a tier 2 Sora, not even 6 star, with Triple Threat II on it. >.> Lame.


Sep 18, 2013
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I started to play less and less because the updates feel so underwhelming to me and it's kinda sad? I only farmed 800m lux the last 2 days because I couldn't force myself to do more. I hope with the upcoming week it will be a little more exciting for me and hopefully we'll catch up with some HSCs soon.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

lol i actually snuck in to top 1000 just now because some guys triple threat went of and didnt put me to sleep, and even though he buffed up i rofl stomped him with saix b, im having fun, winning to these sill strategies is whats really letting me enjoy pvp


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

PvP may have put the last nail in the coffin of Khux for me. It really isn't enjoyable. I've lost so much interest, that I couldn't even bring myself to do any raiding this weekend.

What happened to Story updates? The direction of the game is not to my liking. Sad, really. I've been with the game from the get go, but PvP has totally ruined it for me. Chasing after 7* medals is not really fun. Sigh. I guess nothing lasts forever.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Not a big fan of those people who have a laughably weak set up for the first Keyblade to lure you in and then decimate you with their next two. I mean, jokes on me because their plan worked but damn, it's a waste of a ticket.

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Not a big fan of those people who have a laughably weak set up for the first Keyblade to lure you in and then decimate you with their next two. I mean, jokes on me because their plan worked but damn, it's a waste of a ticket.

Just wait. Players are gonna start dressing up as new players to bait you in. I bet some do already, but it would suck especially because how they look plays a role on whether I challenge them or not.


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Just wait. Players are gonna start dressing up as new players to bait you in. I bet some do already, but it would suck especially because how they look plays a role on whether I challenge them or not.

I was against PvP from the beginning, and was one of a few who did not welcome it. It's turned out to be worst than I even imagined it. I think it's just the whole direction of the game that I find disappointing. Very little real content for those who don't have a lot of money to spend, Story quests have disappeared only to be replaced by piece meal events and banners, and now the ugliest heartless of all...PvP.

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I was against PvP from the beginning, and was one of a few who did not welcome it. It's turned out to be worst than I even imagined it. I think it's just the whole direction of the game that I find disappointing. Very little real content for those who don't have a lot of money to spend, Story quests have disappeared only to be replaced by piece meal events and banners, and now the ugliest heartless of all...PvP.

As a solo f2p, I've learned not to care about care that much about an event if I can't do it or if I can't make a ranking. While yes, there could be more story quests, I just login every day to get my jewels and wait until something worthwhile comes up.


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

As a solo f2p, I've learned not to care about care that much about an event if I can't do it or if I can't make a ranking. While yes, there could be more story quests, I just login every day to get my jewels and wait until something worthwhile comes up.

I think a game should be healthier than that. Players should be fully enjoying a game, not just logging in and logging back out. Those are signs the game and the producers of that game have lost touch with how to put out content for all players. Sure, a major part of any mobile game is the gacha money grubbing aspect, but there are other games that incorporate all of that nastiness plus a healthy portion of game play for others who do not have money to blow but love the game. SENA is failing. Big time. And I don't know if they care.

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I think a game should be healthier than that. Players should be fully enjoying a game, not just logging in and logging back out. Those are signs the game and the producers of that game have lost touch with how to put out content for all players. Sure, a major part of any mobile game is the gacha money grubbing aspect, but there are other games that incorporate all of that nastiness plus a healthy portion of game play for others who do not have money to blow but love the game. SENA is failing. Big time. And I don't know if they care.

KHUx has definitely lost its charm since it first came out. Unfortunately the way things operate today is that you have to vote with your wallet. So the only way for things to change is for people to stop spending money on the game. Knowing the community, that isn't gonna happen. Remember when people were campaigning against pulling for Illustrated Terra A? They then, after advocating for boycotting pulls, spent money and pulled for him.

KHUx won't change until the community changes, that's just the bottom line.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I think a game should be healthier than that. Players should be fully enjoying a game,

I dont Know about you but i am fully enjoying the game, then again i come the background of the kinda players who like grinding out medals and coli and farming things for hours on end, im not having a problem with pvp either, i think its a refreshing addition to the game

But then again its like this everytime they try to add something to keep the game fresh, they add union mutiplayer, people complain, pvp people complain,

tbh i could care less if the story gets updated. i mean i enjoy proud more just because of restrictions, only thing id liek more is maybe A cup here or there liek Hades or phil, heck id love if they made a tier 2 or lower cup that be fun

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: June 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

People should also realize that KHUx is just a mobile game. No one if holding a gun to their head forcing them to like or play it. They can easily get the important story bits from a YouTube video. Like PvP has actually made me figure out which medals to put defense boosts on and strategizing to where I can play defensively instead of tanking everything I can. Even if it may not be the greatest design.

And when it comes to loosing I can accept when I get defeated(although if this were two years ago I would have raged out). At least you get some points for it, right?

However, I do wish there were a way to get more silver and bronze tickets. They could implement an evolution system. For example, you need 10 bronze tickets to get a silver and 10 silvers to get a gold ticket.
I put ten there so there could at least be a challenge to evolve them, 5 just seems too little.
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