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6/1 Union χ JP Updates: 7-star Draw, Tier Draws, Story EV, Monthly Updates

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Story Event: A New Encounter -Decision- held from 6/1~6/7! Clear 5 quests to earn some jewels.

(Player and Bandana reunite with Mog and Pinky whilst on a mission in the Underworld. Mog appears quite upset.)

Mog: It's terrible, kupo! We're supposed to meet up now but the others still aren't back yet.

(Everyone thinks he's overreacting.)

Bandana: Alright. Let's split up and search for them.

(Player and Bandana find Afro collapsed on the ground.)

Bandana: Are you alright!?

Afro: Yeah.... somehow.

Bandana: Where's the leader!?

Afro: She went after the target by herself...

Bandana: Got it. Stay here and call for help.

(She turns to Player.)

Bandana: Let's go find the leader.

(The two of you leave Afro and proceed further into the Underworld. You find the leader, Glasses, in a bad state.)

Bandana: Leader!

Glasses: The target is just up ahead. It's up to you now.

Bandana: But you're hurt...

Glasses: Don't worry about me! You've got to finish the mission!

(Bandana turns to you.)

Bandana: We should fall back for now.

(You return to the others.)

Mog: Even the leader's been defeated, kupo?

Pinky: This mission is an absolute failure.

Afro: It can't be... We were so close, if only we could have gotten a little further...

(Bandana suddenly remembers what Glasses had said earlier.)


Glasses: We'll leave the backup to you.

-End Flashback-

Bandana: I get it now...

This mission isn't over yet. If we all work together, we can neutralize the target.

Afro: Will you lead us?

(Bandana, with a newfound confidence, takes her place in front of the team.)

Bandana: Let's go!

(You defeat the target enemy and return to Glasses. She and Bandana speak privately.)

Glasses: Looks like you've figured it out.

Bandana: I finally understand.

A leader's place isn't solely at the front of the line. So it's okay for someone like me to be the backup.

Glasses: That's right. Those in front are only able to advance if someone is watching their backs. By doing so, you all were able to achieve a perfect balance.

Don't forget, this is your team. You've got to have confidence in them.

Bandana: I will.

You've taught me so much already, but I hope to learn even more from now on. 

Glasses: Right. But you know, this team doesn't need me anymore.

(Bandana is shocked by her words.)

Glasses: It's like I just said. A good team is perfectly balanced.

Bandana: But...

Glasses: Hey now, don't show that face in front of the team.

I'll give you one last piece of advice.

Bandana: Alright.

Glasses: I'm going to put together an amazing team, just like yours. The next time we meet, we'll be rivals. You'd best be prepared for it.

I'll see you around.

(She leaves. Player and the rest of the team join Bandana.)

Mog: We're counting on you, Leader.

Bandana: Yeah.

(Glasses and her Chirithy talk privately.)

Chirithy: Are you really okay with that? Even though you've been searching for them all this time?

Glasses: It's fine. We'll see each other again.

Falling Price Tier4 ★7 Draw is held from 6/1~6/8! Each pull guarantees 1 Tier4 ★7 medal with a skill attached (possible to get T3 ★7 medals as well), along with 10 VIP coins and a bonus Cid5.  

Attached skills include:

ATK XL III 100% Ability1 & ATK XL II 100%
Guard Up S 100% Lux & ATK XL II 100%
Guard Up M 100% Triple Threat EX II
Guard Up  L 100%  

The more you draw, the less jewels it will cost:

1st Draw 2700 Jewels
2nd Draw 2200 Jewels
3rd Draw 2100 Jewels
4th Draw 2000 Jewels
5th Draw~ 1900 Jewels

This draw also offers a 5-pull mercy for Kairi KH Illustrated EX.

5 Medal Draws for Tier3~7 held from 6/1~6/11! The price, number of medals, and bonus varies in each pull, which guarantees 1 Premium/EX medal of that tier.

Draw Type Number of Medals
Jewel cost
1 Medal Guarantee Bonus
Tier 7 Medal Draw

10 medals
3000 jewels

  Tier 7
[EX/Premium] ★6
Magic Mirror x 5
VIP coin x 10
Tier 6 Medal Draw 7 medals
 2100 jewels
 Tier  6
[EX/Premium] ★6
Magic Mirror x 3
VIP coin x 7
Tier 5 Medal Draw  5 medals
1500 jewels 
  Tier 5
[EX/Premium] ★6
 Magic Mirror x 2
VIP coin x 5
Tier 4 Medal Draw  4 medals
1200 jewels 
  Tier 4
 [Premium] ★6
 Magic Mirror x 1
VIP coin x 4
Tier 3 Medal Draw  3 medals
900 jewels 
  Tier 3
[Premium] ★5,6
 VIP coin x 3


To commemorate Donald's screen debut, 2 avatar boards are returning from 6/1~ 6/9 for 2000 jewels each.

Donald Costume
(Poison EX) x 1
(Paralyze EX) x 1
(Sleep EX) x 1
(Lux &  Attack Up M) x 1
Mickey & Broom Servants6 x 1 Broom Servant5 x 2
 Sword Gem  x 1 Huey & Dewey & Louie6 x 4 
Cid6 x 4 Donald Costume x 1
Donald Costume hat x 1 Donald Costume gloves x 1


Court Wizard Donald costume
(Guard Up M 100%) x 1
(Ability1 & Attack Up L 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror★6 x 5 Mickey & Broom Servants★6 x 1
Broom Servant★5 x 1 Mystic Gem x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie★6 x 3 Cid5★6 x 3
Court Wizard Donald costume x 1 Court Wizard Donald costume hat x 1
Court Wizard Donald costume gloves x 1  


Category Avatar Part Name Luck Type Effect Value
Head1 Donald costume hat    Raid Appearance Luck +5
Court Wizard Donald costume hat Skill Luck +6

Some changes have been made to PVP:

  • Rankings now held weekly from Friday~Thursdays
  • Number of times you can participate daily have increased
    • (Before) 3 times (+2 with VIP)
    • (After) 5 times (+5 with VIP) 
  • Keyblades for 6/1~6/7 are Olympia, Divine Rose and Moogle of Glory

June 2018's Coliseum Board offers Simba Style! Coliseum Rankings also introduce a new skill: Lux & ATK XL IV.

Ranking Rewards
1~100 Magic Mirror★6 x 10
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL IV) x 2
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL III) x 1
Chip★6 x 5
Dale★6 x 5
Cid10★6 x 1
101~500 Magic Mirror★6 x 9
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL IV) x 1
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL III) x 1
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL II) x 1
Chip★6 x 3
Dale★6 x 3
Cid5★6 x 1
501~1,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 8
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL IV) x 1
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL II) x 2
Chip★6 x 3
Dale★6 x 3
Cid5★6 x 1
1,001~2,500 Magic Mirror★6 x 7
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL IV) x 1
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL II) x 1
Chip★6 x 2
Dale★6 x 2
Cid★6 x 3
2,501~5,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 6
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL IV) x 1
Chip★6 x 2
Dale★6 x 2
Cid★6 x 2
5,001~10,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 5
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL II) x 1
Chip★6 x 2
Dale★6 x 2
Cid★6 x 2
10,001~20,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 4
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL) x 1
Chip★6 x 1
Dale★6 x 1
Cid★6 x 1
20,001~30,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 3
Scrooge★6 (Lux & ATK XL) x 1
Chip★6 x 1
Dale★6 x 1
Cid★6 x 1
30,001~50,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 2
Chip★6 x 1
Dale★6 x 1
Cid★6 x 1
50,001~100,000 Magic Mirror★6 x 1
Chip★6 x 1
Dale★6 x 1
Cid★6 x 1


Monthly missions have been updated for June! Earn a large amount of solo Lux to get HorStar [Brown] and 3 Fairies Balloon!

Objective Reward
Get 4,000,000 Lux HorStar [Brown] Body
Get 20,000,000 Lux HorStar [Brown] Legs
Get 100,000,000 Lux HorStar [Brown] Tail
Get 500,000,000 Lux HorStar [Brown] Head
Get 2,500,000,000 Lux HorStar [Brown] Ears
Get 10,000,000,000 Lux 3 Fairies Balloon

Monthly Magic Gem Quest is held from 6/1~6/30! Clear the 5 quests to earn 1 Sword Gem, 2 Wing Gems and 2 Mystic Gems.

New Monthly Raid from 6/2~6/30 pits players against the Purple Gummi Hound! Defeat it to earn coins and get Hugging Timon and Pumbaa Balloon, which grants Raid Sub Appearance Luck+5. 

The boss will be available from 12:00~12:29 and 22:00~22:29 JST. 



Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 6/1 Union ? JP Updates: 7-star Draw, Tier Draws, Story EV, Monthly Updates

So PvP will refresh weekly. That's certainly interesting...thankfully means the tickets should be easier to get than expected since they'll be more frequent. Thursday nights are gonna be a bloodbath though with everyone vying for score before the clock ticks over. The next set of keyblades is...well, I can make DR pretty dang good, but the other two not as much. Olympia is gonna be my Achilles Heel this round...

So ABVII&Lux+ is up net for JP along with some snazzy Simba Hair. Little iffy on the ears aesthetically (I know why they're there, just not my thing), but the hair looks really nice and poofy. Lol at HorStar, I see what you did there with the name SE. The critter itself looks really nice, but I'll stick with the Fox. Wish we'd gotten that nine tails one....Did it ever release anywhere? Can't recall JP getting it either.

Those Banners though. 7* Falling Price with skills that will certainly help in PVP, guaranteed 1 7* Tier 4 with a skill with Tier 3 7*s popping up randomly if I'm reading that right, and KEX guaranteed in 5 Pulls. Oh, and a set of choose your pull banners with adjusted prices and content as well. The 7* banner is really good, while the CYP Banners are interesting but very much bait. I swear SE are building up to some new big medal to come out soon. Even if Glacie has said no E3 specific medals are coming, something is coming this month (besides the obvious Zexion+). I can feel it...


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 6/1 Union ? JP Updates: 7-star Draw, Tier Draws, Story EV, Monthly Updates

If anyone still cares about this, I've finally gotten around to posting the story event scenes lol

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