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May 17th - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books

Version 2.6.0 Update Preview Volume 3!

Version 2.6.0 Update Preview!
Volume 3
Arriving May 25, 2018!

Today, we're excited to give you a preview of some additional new features that will be arriving in Version 2.6.0!

■ Introducing 7★ Rarity Medals! 
  Evolve all your Medals to this new level of rarity!

・A new level of maximum rarity will be added with the release of Version 2.6.0! Even better, you can evolve all Medals to 7★ rarity! 
  *EXP Medals, Boost Medals, Cost Medals, Evolve Medals, and Munny Medals cannot be evolved into 7★ Medals. 

・Evolve a Medal to 7★ rarity to greatly strengthen its parameters and Special Attack. 

・In order to evolve a 6★ Medal into a 7★ Medal, you will need to fulfill the following conditions: 
  1. The Medal must be max level 
  2. The Medal must have a maximum Special Attack Bonus 
  3. You must have the necessary Evolve Medals

■ Introducing Subslots!

・Following the release of Version 2.6.0, subslots will be added to each of your Keyblades. 

・By equipping Medals in these subslots, you can increase your Keyblade's slot multipliers. 

・As you can only equip 7★ Medals in these subslots, try evolving as many Medals to 7★ as you can!

■ Get caught up on Story Quests fast! 
  Introducing the skip feature!

・With the version 2.6.0 update, after you complete a Story Quest, all following quests in that same questline will now be unlocked automatically. 
  *There are some Story Quests you will not be able to skip. 
  *The skip feature does not extend to Proud Mode.

・New players, or players who have fallen behind in Story Mode, can use this feature to get caught up quickly!

*The images used in this announcement is still under development.


Captain Goofy Avatar Boards!

★ Captain Goofy Avatar Boards!

■ Available Period: 
May 17, 2018 12:00 a.m. to May 28, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
May 17, 2018 7:00 to May 29, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Details: 
Lead the Royal Knights with the Captain Goofy avatar boards! 
For 2500 Jewels apiece, each board includes a set of avatar parts, boost Medals (including three Magic Broom Medals!), a Magic Gem, plus a trio of useful skills!

・Dress your character up with Captain Goofy avatar parts! 
・Stock up on bonus Medals like ChipDaleCid 10 and Magic Mirror Medals, plus three Magic Broom Medals, along with a Magic Gem from each board! 
・Get ATK B VI Max & GA 2ATK B V Max & Lux++, and Defense Boost IV skills!

■ Contents of Limited-Time Avatar Boards 
(The rewards listed below are for each board unless noted otherwise.)

Avatar Parts

Male Female
Captain Goofy 
Captain Goofy: Helm
 (Item Drop Perk +3) 
Captain Goofy: Gauntlets
Captain Goofy 
Captain Goofy: Helm
(Item Drop Perk +3) 
Captain Goofy: Gauntlets

 6★ Chip x 2 
 6★ Dale x 1 
 6★ Cid 10 x 2 
 6★ Magic Mirror x 5 
 5★ Magic Broom x 3

(Attach these to your other Medals using the "Overwrite Skill" button!) 
 ATK B VI Max & GA 2 x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
 ATK B V Max & Lux++ x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
 Defense Boost IV x 1 (6★ Scrooge)

 Magic Gem x 1

■ About Avatar Boards: 
・Select "Avatar Boards" from the Menu to view these boards. 
・Once purchased, these avatar boards will remain unlocked for you even after the campaign period ends. 
(If you have not unlocked these avatar boards before the campaign end time, they will no longer be available to you.) 
・You will not need Avatar Coins to unlock nodes on these boards.

Get ready for PvP with the Keyblade Challenge!

PvP is just around the corner! 
Get ready with the Keyblade Challenge!

■Event Period: 
May 17, 2018 12:00 a.m. to May 23, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
May 17, 2018 7:00 to May 24, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details: 
With PvP making its debut soon, it's time to get your Keyblades up to snuff! 
Use your Three WishesSleeping Lion, and Darkgnaw Keyblades to complete objectives for a series of 15 quests! 
Rewards include a Power GemSpeed Gem, and Magic Gem, which you can use to strengthen your various Keyblades!

Each quest will require you to use a certain Keyblade, but there are no limitations on which Medals or Special Attacks you can use. 
This time, you'll find the quests are more difficult, and you won't be able to use any Friend Medals, so come prepared for a fight! 
Complete all of the quests to reap all of the rewards!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town



Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: May 17th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Mmmmmmmmmm!!! Those Max Skills are music to my ears!!! All of my yes!!! Grabbing both boards for sure, with the Lux++ skills going on SG2 and my Vanitas HD, while ABVI&SP2 will go on MXEX+ and Lexaeus+. Sooooo much yes.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: May 17th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

i like the skills, but im a little dissapointed at the ex banner deal, maybe if it was cheaper, or at the very least they removed the tier 5 and sixes from it, i know they think they are good but they are a tad outdated
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