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(English Subs) Union X: Agrabah 7th story update

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

KINGDOM HEARTS Union X updated today with 5 story quests in Agrabah.

Translations and subtitled videos are now available thanks to goldpanner!

(Under Jafar’s orders, the guards chain Aladdin to a ball and drop him into the ocean to drown. He struggles to reach the lamp but runs out of breath. The lamp slides into his hands and he rubs it unconsciously, summoning Genie.)

Genie: Al? Al! Kid, snap out of it!

You can't cheat on this one! I can't help you unless you make a wish.

You have to say "Genie I want you to save my life." Got it?

Okay. C'mon Aladdin!!

(Genie grows more and more frantic and shakes the unresponsive Aladdin, causing his head to nod.)

Genie: I'll take that as a yes.

(He scoops Aladdin up and brings him back to land, saving his life.)

Genie: Don't you scare me like that!

Aladdin: Genie, I--uh, I-uh...

Thanks, Genie.

(They hug. You happen to stumble across them.)

Aladdin: Oh, so you came too.

(You ask what happened.)

Aladdin: What happened? Jafar tried to get rid of me.

Seems like I got in his way when I showed up as a prince.

He's planning something.

Genie: We can't stay silent on this one, can we?

Aladdin: No.

(He turns to you.)

Aladdin: Come with me.

(You nod.)

Genie: Well then, my time to shine. Let's go!

(Genie flies you and Aladdin back to Agrabah.)

(Jasmine rests in her room after the magic carpet ride, when her father pays her a visit.)

Sultan: Jasmine!

Jasmine: Oh, father--

I just had the most wonderful time. I'm so happy.

Sultan: You should be, Jasmine. I have chosen a husband for you.

You will wed… Jafar.

(Jafar steps out from behind him.)

Jafar: You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife.

Jasmine: I will never marry you.

(Jasmine rushes to her father’s side.)

Jasmine: Father, I choose Prince Ali!

Jafar: Prince Ali left!

???: Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!

Jasmine: Prince Ali!

(Aladdin arrives with you to foil Jafar’s evil plan.)

Iago: How in the he--

(He shuts up as Aladdin confronts them.)

Aladdin: Tell them the truth, Jafar! You tried to have me killed.

Jafar: What?

(Jafar goes to the Sultan and uses his scepter to manipulate him.)

Jafar: Ridiculous nonsense, your highness. He is obviously lying.

Sultan: Obviously...lying.

(Aladdin realizes what’s going on.)

Jasmine: Father, what's wrong with you?

Aladdin: I know!

(Aladdin grabs Jafar’s scepter and smashes it, dispelling his control over the Sultan.)

Sultan: Oh, oh, oh my!

Aladdin: Your highness, Jafar's been controlling you with this!

(He hands the scepter to Sultan, who is enraged.)

Sultan: What? Jafar? You, you traitor!

(You all advance on Jafar.)

Jafar: Your majesty, all of this can be explained.

Sultan: Guards! Guards!

Iago: Well, that's it--

(Jafar catches a glimpse of the magic lamp in Aladdin’s turban.)

Jafar: This is not done yet, boy!

(He summons a Fortuneteller Heartless and escapes. You and Aladdin prepare to fight.)

Aladdin: Jasmine, your Majesty, you have to get out of here.

Jasmine: Okay.

(They run off.)

Several days later--

(You and Chirithy hang out at Aladdin’s house.)

Chirithy: So Jasmine is gonna marry Aladdin, huh…

Oh, he's 'Prince Ali' right now. I forgot. I heard they're gonna hold a big announcement at the palace.

Time for their happily ever after…? You know, I really don't think so.

Not while Aladdin is still hiding the truth.

Yeah. I agree.

After all he's done, it would be fine if he told the truth.

Oh, yeah. We should go check on him.

(You go off to talk to Aladdin. Meanwhile, exactly as Chirithy said, he’s lamenting over hiding his identity.)

Genie: Aladdin, you've just won the heart of the princess. What are you gonna do next?

Aladdin: Haaaaaahh...

Genie: Psst, your line is "I'm going to free the genie."

Aladdin: I can't. They want to make Prince Ali sultan.

Without you, I'm just Aladdin.

What if Jasmine finds out? I'll lose her.

Genie, I can't keep this up on my own. I can't wish you free.

Genie: Hey, I understand. After all, you've lied to everyone else.

Hey, I was beginning to feel left out.

Now, if you'll excuse me, master.

(He leaves.)

Aladdin: What am I doing? Genie's right--

I gotta tell Jasmine the truth.

Jasmine: Ali, oh Ali--will you come here?

Aladdin: Well, here goes. 

Jasmine? Where are you?

(He hurries off to find Jasmine, but it was actually Iago who was imitating her voice.)

Iago: In the menagerie, hurry.

(With the lamp now unguarded, Iago takes the opportunity to steal it.)

Iago: Boy, Jafar's gonna be happy to see you!

(Meanwhile, Jasmine watches as Sultan addresses the citizens of Agrabah.)

Sultan: People of Agrabah, my daughter has finally chosen a suitor!

(Aladdin arrives.)

Aladdin: Jasmine?

Jasmine: Ali, where have you been?

Aladdin: There's something I've got to tell you.

Jasmine: The whole kingdom has turned out for father's announcement!

(Jasmine pushes Aladdin out so everyone can see him.)

Sultan: May I present to you... Prince Ali Ababwa!

(Aladdin awkwardly waves at the crowd. Meanwhile, Jafar and Iago watch from their lair.)

Iago: Look at them, cheering that little pipsqueak.

Jafar: Let them cheer.

(He rubs the lamp and summons Genie, who is still mad at Aladdin.)

Genie: You know Al, I'm getting reallyyyyyy--

(He whips around but is surprised to see Jafar instead.)

Genie: I don't think you're him.

Jafar: I am your master now. Genie, grant me my first wish.

I wish to rule on high, as sultan!!!

(You and Chirithy watch from the city as the sky over Agrabah grows dark and murky.)

Chirithy: Something must have happened.

Let's hurry!

(You rush back to the palace to find everyone at Jafar’s mercy.)

Jafar: Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!

(He uses his magic to transform Aladdin’s clothes back into rags.)

Jafar: Or should we say Aladdin?

Jasmine: Ali… what?

Aladdin: Jasmine, I tried to tell you. I’m just...

(Jafar stuns Aladdin with his magic. You rush forward to defend him.)

Jafar: What, do you want to go with him?

Mwahahaha… As you wish.

(He zaps you with his magic as well.)

Jafar: Now, fly!

(Jafar sends you and Aladdin flying away.)



Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Re: Union X: Agrabah 7th story update

Its not over yet? UX main story will finish before Agrabah at this rate.

Then they'll do the 2nd and 3rd films. And adapt every episode of the TV show. And that 1 PS1 game with Jafar's sister.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Agrabah 7th story update

Its not over yet? UX main story will finish before Agrabah at this rate.

Then they'll do the 2nd and 3rd films. And adapt every episode of the TV show. And that 1 PS1 game with Jafar's sister.

I had a thought yesterday that they would troll us and the "new world" would just be a continuation of Agrabah a la King of Thieves.

But they did say it's a new Disney world that hasn't been in the franchise yet.


Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
Re: Union X: Agrabah 7th story update

I had a thought yesterday that they would troll us and the "new world" would just be a continuation of Agrabah a la King of Thieves.

But they did say it's a new Disney world that hasn't been in the franchise yet.
sign i starting it will conntected to a kh3 world that will announce at some point


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Subs are up, thanks to goldpanner!


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Tfw the UX-friendship between Aladdin and Genie is more believable than 95% of all other friendships in the series. ;_; So sweet.
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