• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

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baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010


Today is the twelth and final day of our 12 days of giveaways here at KHInsider! Yesterday twitter useLaunchpad  won the Kingdom Hearts 2 print!

Today's prize is the artbook The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano!

This book features Kingdom Hearts art from the artist of the Kingdom Hearts manga and novel series, Shiro Amano. 


We will be giving away five KHInsider Award Passes. Meaning, five users will be able to request any 10 awards they want starting next year without having to fulfill the requirements. 

 Pay attention to the rules! They're different from yesterday! 

The entry period for this giveaway ends tomorrow, December 24th, at 8 AM PST. 

  • We will not ship the physical prize internationally. You don't have to be a resident of the US or its domestic neighbors to enter, technically, but if you enter you must have a domestic address that we can ship it to, otherwise you will be disqualified. We are not responsible for what happens to the prize once it leaves our care.
  • Digital Badge Pass Winners can live anywhere, but it'd be helpful if you specified that's what you wanted to win. 
  • If you are underage, you must have the consent of a parent or guardian to enter, as we will be in need of your shipping address should you win.  
  • To enter you must respond in this thread with your favorite moment in the KH Manga series. A paragraph break here and there would also be much appreciated. We will post the winner here and contact the winner over private message. The winner will have three days to respond, or we will choose another winner. It may take us longer to choose the digital award winners.

There you have it! Happy Holidays, and good luck! Remember: check back every day for a new giveaway. 

Remember to follow Kingdom Hearts Insider on FacebookTwitter, and Tumblr for the latest updates on Kingdom Hearts Union χ [Cross], Kingdom Hearts 3 and all things Kingdom Hearts!



New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

I haven't had the good fortune to read the manga, so my favorite part has to just be the fact that it exists. I want to read the manga so badly. >. <


New member
Dec 23, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

By far the most iconic moment within the manga series has to be in the 358/2 Days series where Roxas is getting to know Xion and are on one of their first missions together. Roxas obtains a stick to use as a weapon, when Xion says, "Roxas, that's a stick." Not only is this famous within the manga, but it is a highly recognized and heavily joked upon scene in the game. This moment represents the joking friendship between the two protagonists of the game and book series and demonstrates how comfortable they become with each other. This moment yields great nostalgia and acts as an unforgettable funny moment, especially provided the incredible and dramatic artwork of the Kingdom Hearts Manga series.


New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

In all honesty my favorite part of the kh manga series would be where Donald and Goofy tell Sora to only make happy faces and Sora makes that really dumb but funny face and Donald and Goofy laugh at him. That's my favorite part out of the entire manga franchise.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

Anything from the 358/2 days series was amazing. That's where the story of kh really gets good.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

My favourite manga moment? Mhhh.

There are a few, but I'll go with the Larxene fight in the second volume of CoM: I love that kind of slapstick comedy.
Especially when Sora Donald and Goofy activate Trinity all serious, only to be caught up in Larxene's shock prison.
Then they have a strategic meeting and Sora shouts to Larxene: "Playtime's over!" and she responds "I should be the one to say that." (or something like that, I'm ad-libbing from the italian version).

The manga gets a lot of hatred, but I really dig the comedy.

I usually don't take part in this neat event because I live outside the States and I don't have a domestic address to give, so I figured I'd let others get the prizes. I take part now for the Awards because they would be nice.
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New member
Sep 10, 2014
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

i so far have only finished reading the kingdom hearts 1, and CoM mangas i still have to read through 358/2 and KH2 (i have them i just have yet to read them) that being said honestly i love the part where sora's talking to cid while hes on the gummi ship, it gave a little extra bit of detail which i found to be pretty neat like i always wondered... we trail back and forth to traverse town why don't we just radio them, so i liked seeing that scene ^_^

Kiro Ven

New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

Mine is obviously Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix. I think it's where the story really takes off and the Organization XIII were great villains.

The combat is also the best in the series. The fluidity of Sora's movementsis incredible and with the magic attacks,crazy combos, drive forms, summons and limits, you have countless ways to defeat your enemies in amazing and flashy ways.

Sora's mobility is also at its best, with all the different movement abilities that you obtain from leveling the drive forms.

Let's talk about those drive forms actually. A great way to turn the tides of battle with enough drives gauges at your disposal, and a great change of pace for the gameplay,allowing Sora to even wield two keyblades. This is one of the greatest mechanics the series has had,and I'm glad that it's coming back in KH3.

The worlds are just as amazing. With beautiful and detailed landscapes,you feel like you really are travelling through Disney movies,and the world choice for the game is also great, such as Space Paranoids or Timeless River.

The bosses are really good too,they're all different and are a decent challenge,with the final mix version adding the lingering will,one of the best and most challenging bosses in the series.

Really,I could keep going for hours and hours talking about this game. It's my favourite of all time and the best in the series, and I am still playing it to this day.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

Oh yeah btw I think there was a mistake and yesterday's giveaway is still here!
If I'm not mistaken it should just be the first prize.


New member
Dec 23, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

One of my favorite moments in the manga was Roxas and Sora's meeting in the KHII manga, and their exchanges during and after their battle. Especially due to the fact that they were both moved to tears which made the moment so much more emotional. The manga did an excellent job of re-telling that moment with an added layer of impact, showing how important each of them are to each other. It's the kind of moment that led to so many of us, myself included, hope and wish for Roxas' return as his own person.


Twilight Warrior of the Stars
Jan 29, 2006
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

One of my favorite moments from the Kh manga was from the 358/2 days manga. Roxas began to ask Lexeaus what is a heart. Lexeaus told him that he will find out soon enough and that the organization is relying on Roxas to complete his mission. What made it memorable is that Lexeaus was calm and straight forward unlike Marluxia and Larxene who we know is going to be the traitors and has a hidden agenda. It showed me that Lexeaus is some what of a wise person that can be relied upon. It’s such a shame that Lexeaus was only there for that part then went to castle oblivion


New member
Dec 14, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

In Kingdom hearts three five eight days over two, book 5. Ch.34

when Axel/lea finds xion to take her back home, she refuses saying that she is doing the right thing by going back with sora.
Axel/lea gets pissed because by this time roxas is leaving the organization as well.
Axel/lea just wants to be able to be friends and hang out with roxas and xion while also wanting to please siax/isa.

Plus I just love that line, "go on you keep running!... But I'll always be there to bring you back!"


New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

My favorite part in the KH manga series was in the KHII manga where Olette was gonna destroy Axel with a nail-bat.


New member
Dec 13, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

What's great about the manga for me is that this is how I got into the series. My favorite part of the manga is probably where roxas and his friends are trying to earn money to get tickets. I feel like it shows a better relationship with roxas and his friends.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

The final scene of the KH2 manga, with Riku and Kairi going to look for Sora in the play island and him seeing the paopu drawing. We get a few flashbacks of the whole paopu drawing thing, and then it ends with Sora leaving the secret place to meet with Riku and Kairi.

It's just. A really nice ending. Because it is the ending of the manga, and after the whole journey of KH1, CoM, the first half of KH2, Days and then the rest of KH2, it deserved a nice ending, and the entire last volume is amazing, with this final scene just being such a great way to finish it off.

I really enjoy Sora's relationship with Riku and Kairi, despite how messy it can be in the games, but the manga does an amazing job with it, especially in KH2, and seeing it end with the three of them together was just really good.

(Doing this just for the award thing due to living outside of the US)


New member
Dec 23, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

My favorite part of the manga series was definitely the Chain of Memories arc. I love how much character they gave to Namine who is also my favorite character. It had small hints of humor while still telling a serious story. Namine got to share some good feelings with herself and towards Sora, who I believe is someone she does like a lot. When Marluxia traps Namine in a wall of roses and describes her feelings of not wanting to hurt Sora has created them was so heartfelt. I also love that we get to see Riku's struggles and issues and how he decided his path in life and saw Sora before going off. It gave a lot of life to a game that personally wasn't my favorite, but made the manga the best/


New member
Sep 3, 2014
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

That's an excellent question! But also so difficult! I'll go with the Larxene fight in the second volume of CoM as well! It's just so well done with her attitude!! It's priceless! Also with her, it's just like me in certain situations!! :biggrin::biggrin: OR... The entire KH2 Manga! It's so well done, it always makes me shed a tear! It's just so hard to decide a specific part of the manga as it is all so good.

Shoutout to KH Insider for the 12 Light Days Giveaways. They had amazing prizes, and everyone is so kind on the website. :) Keep up the good work!
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New member
Mar 20, 2017
Orlando, FL
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

So far I've only read the KH (1) mangas. I liked the general feeling, not a specific scene though. It was great you had some jokes and laughter in there from time to time.

Also, the Days mangas are already waiting for me. A goos friend tols me for years now how great they were and Finally got them for me for my birthday haha So I'm excited for that :)


New member
Sep 3, 2014
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

That's an excellent question! But also so difficult! I'll go with the Larxene fight in the second volume of CoM as well! It's just so well done with her attitude!! It's priceless! Also with her, it's just like me in certain situations!!
OR... The entire KH2 Manga! It's so well done, it always makes me shed a tear! It's just so hard to decide a specific part of the manga as it is all so good.

Shoutout to KH Insider for the 12 Light Days Giveaways. They had amazing prizes, and everyone is so kind on the website. :) Keep up the good work!


Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Re: KHInsider&#039;s Season of Light Day 12: The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts by Shiro Amano

The thing I like most about the manga is that Amano took liberties with the story, making it feel distinct from the games.
The novels are unfortunately faithful, they don't feel like a new experience as much.

Amano's artstyle perfectly conveys the tone he wants to achieve and it fits KH really well. In some ways, arguably more than even Nomura's.

I like that for 358/2 Days, Amano placed a larger emphasis on the interactions between Organization members, even including the Dusks doing menial labor around the castle. That's the kind of thing I think a lot of fans wanted out of the game, but didn't get.
A part of me feels like that story suits a manga much more than it does a game.

But my favorite, singular moment is probably when Kairi gets her Keyblade in KHII. It's a cool scene and if I don't get a berserker Kairi in KHIII I swear to God I'll--
Anyway, the manga in general is really fun and it makes me sad that we won't get more of it.
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