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News ► Dengeki Playstation: Mini Interview with Tetsuya Nomura

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

The 600th issue of Dengeki Playstation officially released yesterday, featuring a large spread on Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue! Along with that, they've included a mini-interview with Series Director Tetsuya Nomura covering those titles and what we can expect in the future.

Thanks to goldpanner, we have a translation for you below, along with his special message for the commemorative 600th issue:


Congratulations on your 600th issue. Thank you for your long-time support.
I also feel some kind of fate at play in how the timing of your 600th issue celebration has coincided with the announcement of KH2.8.
I drew for this issue with a spirit of celebration and congratulations towards both.

Due to my schedule situation the picture of King Mickey and friends is something I drew a while ago, but to give it a sense of unity, I recoloured and reorganised it from scratch to match this one.
Actually, I wanted to have that Chirithy on the far right there holding a pen and do a handwritten congratulatory message in the upper right corner, but I had to leave it out due to the layout.
As for what I was going to write, I hope you can see it with your heart.

Come to think of it, I have been asked to draw covers a few times in the past.
I have deep and bitter memories of being asked to redraw one for Parasite Eve.
I didn't redraw it in the end though, which is a good memory, haha.

Besides the announcement of KH2.8, there's still KHIII to follow, so if there's another chance to work with you I'll look forward to it.
Plus, when you get to issue 700 or 777 etc, I've got FFVII on the way, so I'll look forward to that too.

Kingdom Hearts series director: Tetsuya Nomura


Creator's Voice KINGDOM HEARTS Tetsuya Nomura

---The term 'lost masters' comes up in the conversation at the start of KHIII between Xehanort and Eraqus. Do those people also have some connection to the story of KHχ?

Nomura: That is content to be explored from hereon in KHχ, KHUχ and KHχBC, but the term will be used in KHIII.

---Developments so far have shown us that Master Xehanort's keyblade is a special blade. Will the setup surrounding that be further revealed in KHIII?

Nomura: Things will be told in KHχBC that connect to KHIII.

---In KHIII, which is to be the last installment, will we get a clear definition of what exactly series-keyword 'kingdom hearts' is?

Nomura: This also touches on endgame things so I still can't say how much, but more will be told than has been so far.

--- Please tell us about the content of the Kingdom Hearts Premium Theatre event that will be held at D23 on the 3rd November.

Nomura: Last time we went with the concept of 'Stage'. This time it's 'Theatre', so please look forward to a video.

---In KH3D you touched upon the 'seven lights' and 'thirteen darknesses' that serve as the groundwork of what will be continued in KHIII. Who (or what) do they refer to?

Nomura: Aside from what has already been revealed in KH3D, we will be keeping who they are under wraps until the final stages of KHIII, so I suggest you look forward to finding out.

---What transformations (newly available abilities etc) appear upon becoming a Keyblade Master?

Nomura: It is a title, so rather than big changes or the like, it's more that you possess officially recognised succession. Masters are taught through theory what they ought to accomplish, such as being conferred missions to go follow teachings.

---While Aqua wandered the Realm of Darkness, we believe that in the outside world the events of KH to the very end of KHII took place. Will KH0.2BbS include links to that?

Nomura: It's a story that connects to KHIII, so naturally there are links in that area.

---Who was speaking in the newest trailer for KHχBC?

Nomura: Chirithy.

---Please give us the rundown on new characters Chirithy, the Foretellers, and Ephemera.

Nomura: Chirithy is the player's guide in the χ series. There are as many of them as there are players. There are still many mysteries about the Chirithies, and I am often asked by players of χ and staff alike whether they are enemies or allies. The Foretellers are people who are prototypes of what are now called Keyblade Masters. The world of χ develops upon their prophecies. Ephemera is a boy who, like the player, is a Keyblade Wielder collecting light. However, feeling doubt over the estrangement of the organisations run by each Foreteller known as Unions, he is trying to investigate the mysteries of the world.

---In the newest trailer for KHχBC, words such as 'Master of Masters', 'six disciples' and 'traitor' appeared. Please tell us a little about each of them.

Nomura: The Master of Masters is the teacher of the six disciples, and the person who brought Chirithy into the world. He is rather eccentric, but revered by the six. As I have answered before, five of the six disciples each formed a Union and now have a following of Keyblade Wielders. As for the remaining disciple, nothing has been said about them anywhere yet, so please wait for KHχBC. As for the traitor, that is the keyword which the plot of KHχBC revolves around, so I think this too will be revealed in KHχBC.




Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
I'm so stoked that we're finally going to know what "Kingdom Hearts" actually is.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
I don't get the theater concept part?
If I recall correctly the last fan event in 2013 was a stage show. So maybe now they have recorded a show, and you go to watch in a movie theater or something?

---In KH3D you touched upon the 'seven lights' and 'thirteen darknesses' that serve as the groundwork of what will be continued in KHIII. Who (or what) do they refer to?
Nomura: Aside from what has already been revealed in KH3D, we will be keeping who they are under wraps until the final stages of KHIII, so I suggest you look forward to finding out.

Hmm, so does Nomura mean that the rest will be revealed more towards the end of the game, or will they keep their identities? Or maybe he means that their identities are hidden until KHIII is more close to completion?

---What transformations (newly available abilities etc) appear upon becoming a Keyblade Master?
Nomura: It is a title, so rather than big changes or the like, it's more that you possess officially recognised succession. Masters are taught through theory what they ought to accomplish, such as being conferred missions to go follow teachings.

Interesting. Maybe we will learn more about the theories and teachings of the Keyblade Masters trough Eraqus and Xehanorts time as apprentices? We got a little glimpse of in BBS with Eraqus mark of mastery speech.

Hngg, so wanna know who the traitor is and to learn more about the Foretellers.

Oh, also we will learn more about Kingdom Hearts. Ooh, this is so exciting! I kinda thought that KH or an area relating to it would form the final dungeon of the game. Like in the first game you think Hollow Bastion is the first level, but in reality it is the End of the World. Now with III we might think it`s the Keyblade Graveyard, but it turns out to be KH.

Spock ninja`d.


New member
Sep 29, 2007
Nice interview and thanks for the translation! I really hope they give us a story trailer and a little glimpse of gameplay from BBSv2. Still November 23th won't come that fast.. :(


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
I can't believe how evasive Nomura was being in this interview. Considering everything folks have been saying while we were working on translations, you'd think he'd let slip some amazing secrets but no, it was almost entirely "please look forward to it" or "it connects to KH3" lol

I have deep and bitter memories of being asked to redraw one for Parasite Eve.
I didn't redraw it in the end though, which is a good memory, haha.

Pissed off and rebellious Nomura is a hoot <3

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
If I recall correctly the last fan event in 2013 was a stage show. So maybe now they have recorded a show, and you go to watch in a movie theater or something?

Uhhh, no. The last event was a stage show in that they had a panel of voice actors and Nomura on stage discussing memories about the games, showed off 2.5 and that early KH3 gameplay footage.

This event will still have a panel of guests where they will discuss things about the series, but the focus is on showing off more video content. i.e. trailer of KH3, probably footage of 2.8, footage of KH3, and what have you.

Hmm, so does Nomura mean that the rest will be revealed more towards the end of the game, or will they keep their identities? Or maybe he means that their identities are hidden until KHIII is more close to completion?

We will probably see them all in the game at some point, but we won't know if they are a GoL & SoD for certain until the final world when they all come together in the Keyblade Graveyard.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
I'm so stoked that we're finally going to know what "Kingdom Hearts" actually is.
This got me the most excited. Though the way Nomura words it sounds to me like we still won't know completely what Kingdom Hearts is, but we are still getting more info about it which is great.

Hngg, so wanna know who the traitor is and to learn more about the Foretellers.
Calling it: The traitor is the Master of Masters and he just so happens to look like Sora.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
---In KHIII, which is to be the last installment, will we get a clear definition of what exactly series-keyword 'kingdom hearts' is?

Nomura: This also touches on endgame things so I still can't say how much, but more will be told than has been so far.

Eesh... I have a bad feeling about this. The true Kingdom Hearts has always struck me as something akin to a Noodle Incident- whatever it actually is, it's probably going to be pretty underwhelming compared to whatever craziness our imaginations have created from earlier hints and ambiguity. Feels like on of those things that's best left vague...

Ephemera is a boy who, like the player, is a Keyblade Wielder collecting light. However, feeling doubt over the estrangement of the organisations run by each Foreteller known as Unions, he is trying to investigate the mysteries of the world.</p>

I'm hoping that Ephemera isn't a clone of anyone else, but this kinda makes me worry that he might end up being a Xehanort expy. Albeit less obviously evil and not ax-crazy.
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Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
I can't believe how evasive Nomura was being in this interview. Considering everything folks have been saying while we were working on translations, you'd think he'd let slip some amazing secrets but no, it was almost entirely "please look forward to it" or "it connects to KH3" lol

Pissed off and rebellious Nomura is a hoot <3

He's probably the Master of Masters. He's been too evasive lol


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
Uhhh, no. The last event was a stage show in that they had a panel of voice actors and Nomura on stage discussing memories about the games, showed off 2.5 and that early KH3 gameplay footage.

This event will still have a panel of guests where they will discuss things about the series, but the focus is on showing off more video content. i.e. trailer of KH3, probably footage of 2.8, footage of KH3, and what have you.

Oh sorry my memory played tricks with me. :(
Should have refreshed my memory a bit beforehand and checked stuff up before I started babling.

We will probably see them all in the game at some point, but we won't know if they are a GoL & SoD for certain until the final world when they all come together in the Keyblade Graveyard.

Yeah, this could very well b the case.

Calling it: The traitor is the Master of Masters and he just so happens to look like Sora.

Whaat!? Nomura revealing a mysterious new character to look exactly like Sora? Strange plot twists in KH? No way. :D
I have never been so confused when I saw Vanitas face the first time. :D

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I do not imagine Ephemera being related to Xehanort in any terrible way. He seems more...Namine and Riku mixed together. Mysterious and fleeting, but with a strong will and desire to uncover the truth in order to help the person he cares about most.

Aka he's kind of like Kingdom Hearts' very own Kaworu Nagisa but without his head getting blown off.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Third planet from a G-type star
I do not imagine Ephemera being related to Xehanort in any terrible way. He seems more...Namine and Riku mixed together. Mysterious and fleeting, but with a strong will and desire to uncover the truth in order to help the person he cares about most.

Aka he's kind of like Kingdom Hearts' very own Kaworu Nagisa but without his head getting blown off.

Just, you know, getting stabbed in the heart with a giant key (so calling it). TBH, it's certainly better than getting your head blown off or chopped off. At least you can still have an open casket funeral if it was a stab to the heart.

This got me the most excited. Though the way Nomura words it sounds to me like we still won't know completely what Kingdom Hearts is, but we are still getting more info about it which is great.

Calling it: The traitor is the Master of Masters and he just so happens to look like Sora.

We all don't know what Kingdom Hearts really is, but we do have a basic idea and a few scattered bits and pieces of information from the games and the literature. What we know of what Kingdom Hearts is that it's:

•The amalgamation of the heart of all worlds
•Also the amalgamation of the heart of all men
•Basically the amalgamation of the heart of all living beings
•The Heart of THE World
•The unseen land that provided the Light for The World
•Source of all Wisdom
•Counterpart of the X-blade
•A heart-shaped moon
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Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
Just, you know, getting stabbed in the heart with a giant key (so calling it). TBH, it's certainly better than getting your head blown off or chopped off. At least you can still have an open casket funeral if it was a stab to the heart.

We all don't know what Kingdom Hearts really is, but we do have a basic idea and a few scattered bits and pieces of information from the games and the literature. What we know of what Kingdom Hearts is that it's:

•The amalgamation of the heart of all worlds
•Also the amalgamation of the heart of all men
•Basically the amalgamation of the heart of all living beings
•The Heart of THE World
•The unseen land that provided the Light for The World
•Source of all Wisdom
•Counterpart of the X-blade
•A heart-shaped moon

As we currently know it, Kingdom Hearts is some sort of all-powerful "source". It's the source of all hearts, the source of Light, and a source of immense power and wisdom. We just haven't been given the "textbook" definition yet. Like, is it an object? Is it a land? Is it a dimension? Is it Heaven? Is it God (We know it can hear and respond to people, since it responded to Ansem SoD in KH1)? Is there a "shadow" Kingdom Hearts where Darkness comes from? Or is the idea that Light naturally casts shadows, and thus Kingdom Hearts is the source of Light, but also has Darkness inherent within it?

We must know the answers.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
@ethy ephemera (ephy?) is wearing some of Xehanort's clothes tho

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
@ethy ephemera (ephy?) is wearing some of Xehanort's clothes tho

Not really, though. Sure, it is similar in design but this is something the player can wear as well and it is much more Xehanort looking on the player than Ephemera.


He's got a red scarf, which could be something, but the inner lining of his jacket is green...I'm not going to take his outfit as a hint of anything until we can see it in full color and detail by Nomura.

Here is the male Player outfit for reference:



baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
That's fair, it's so hard to tell over 2D. (I bet he likes it that way)
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