Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Get a can of air duster or whatever it's called. That's how I fixed a family members Xbox 360.
Not only am I'm too poor, but I'm hesitant to jump over to a ps4 because it's not backwards compatible which is bullcrap.
I think if I had the money I would buy a WiiU.
Proud mode is too much for me. I remember playing through kh1 on proud mode a few times no problem, but proud mode on final mix? I had my brother beat the guard armor for me. 50+ attempts. Currently stuck on the wonderland boss.
Whenever you start playing again. Good luck. I rather play bbsfm because Aqua<3 lol
I'm also looking for work at the moment. I was thinking of Pre-ordering 2.5 while I still have the money..but the game DOES come out a week before my birthday so I might just wait. I just bought 1.5 Tuesday so I've been playing that.