This grieves me. Please disregard their obstreperous behavior. We do not all share that vexing sensibility. This series is far too enamoring for you to alienate yourself from it due to the sophomoric pratings of a batch of raving idiots-just refrain from associating with them. Trust me, on this. Yes, they (myself included) frequently belabored the issue on Namco's Facebook page and were growing more and more militant with our efforts with each "Talesless" day. The fanbase itself often excoriates one another, so them ostracizing .hack// fans does to come of much surprise.
As affirmation of this that we are not all this way:
Remember this topic?
Dothackers // BBS | .hack//Quantum, .hack//Link, .hack//G.U., .hack//SIGN
That was me.
To follow up on that, this was also me:
NAMCO Bandai Games | Forums • View topic - Is localizing .Hack//Link HONESTLY that difficult?
(You can view my posting history as well. Nothing more than be advocating Link's release stateside.)
Clearly, I adulate both franchises with utmost respect. There are many others as well. Those who were bashing .hack// clearly never gave it a chance, and therefore their "opinions" are invalid. Don't deprive yourself of this awesome series! If you can, I recommend either as a starting point:
Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube)
Tales of the Abyss (Playstation 2)
Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360)
You'll thank me later