
First off, omg thank you so much for making that chart in the OOC thread; it's super helpful and I really appreciate it ;A; Thank you!!
With rank 4, I've brought that up before, but it wasn't specifically resolved unfortunately. Because he posted a template for the spot first, Chromatic gets rank 4 and I discussed this with SwagStarIV, who said he would change it, but I guess he didn't ;A; Annnnnd now most of the Embodiment spots are taken, so crap lol. But yeah, the spot belongs to Chromatic.
Oh and yup, I'm reserving the 13th spot!

Granted, I don't know if I'm going to use it, but I wanted to hang onto it for now since something along with the lines of what happened to Roxas may happen in the RP. (Rena sorta-kinda has a Nobody character and I'm trying to decide if I want to bring him in or not, but if he comes in, he may be an unofficial member of the Embodiment~)
And yup that helps out a lot!! Thank you so much for bringing this all up with me!

And awesome! I'm really excited to RP with you again since I think the last time we RPed together was in the TWEWY RP lol.