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Dec 27, 2013
Greetings folks.
So Playing through 1.5 Final Mix on standard or normal mode, whatever the setting in between beginner and Proud was called and have tonight gone from Montsro to Atlantica. I have reached the final battle in the world with Ursula w/ Flotsom and Jetsam which I admit figured would be a long shot since it took me at least three tries to take out the damn shark in the Sunken Ship area and had taken note of the difficulty level before choosing the world but from what I could tell it had at the time been between it and one other with a slightly higher difficulty rating.

So it's no surprise to me that I was thrice clobbered by Ursula and those damn eels. Even in the original PS2 game I ended up having a friend defeat her for me but this time around I understand the important of leveling up and have ignored almost none of the random heartless encounters.
So current Status:

*Sora is at level 30
*Sora is armed with the Three Wishes Keyblade with the Cure spell set to the Square button for easy use.
*All of my elemental spells have been upgraded except Thunder which I read is supposed to occur after the Ursula battle
*I am using Ariel in place of Donald who is nearly level 40 (and has this bitchin' tail slap thing).
*Goofy is actually ahead of me level wise at somewhere around level 34 or so I am guessing. Interestingly Donald was the one I had always kept in the original game when using a world native team member but I discovered now that Goofy is actually the far better fighter. It sadly doesn't take much to knock my Donald out. :p

Thunder is the only spell I can aim at the cauldron without having to take it slowly to figure out buttons or what I am doing and it drains MP very quickly. Though I am equipped with Ethers, I hardly can find a safe moment to use them or cast my cure spell. So I lasted as long as I did in each battle thanks to Ariel also helping heal me a couple of times.

If Flotsam and Jetsam weren't around I could probably do it but they keep smacking me around when I am trying to focus on dodging Ursula's bitch spin move.

So please tell me fellow players, is my status not appropriate for this? What advise do you have?


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
First of all, I regret to tell you that this battle is only the penultimate battle of the world. You know, major bosses tend to have more than one phase. And now that it's cleared up...

I don't know if you're underleveled or not because I seldom paid attention to my own level before tackling a boss, and as such I've forgotten what level I was at in this fight. However, I hope I can provide some useful advice and help.

Actually, the presence of the two eels can be a boon. Whacking at them restores your MP, which can be a good strategy when you're running low on Ethers. I suggest you focus fire on them first and knock them out before going after Ursula, because they can indeed be a nuisance otherwise and you'll be having a hard time dealing damage to Ursula. Also, you may have noticed this, but if you cast the correct spell upon the cauldron at the correct time, all three of them will be stunned. Use this time to give Ursula a few good strikes before she and her eels regain consciousness.

In addition, Aero can also help in reducing the damage you take from enemy strikes. It's a good option if you don't mind its expensive MP cost at this stage of the game.


Dec 27, 2013
By more than one phase do you mean her multiple lifelines, which is indeed a pain or that after the cauldron battle she takes her gigantic form? I know she does that in KH2 which my friend also beat for me. KH2's Atlantica was so incredibly ridiculous being entirely singing based I didn't have any interest in trying. I just wanted to be done with it (the biggest of my very few beefs with KH2). By the way it may have been quite a few years but I remember quite well that Sora can't sing worth beans. XP
Or is it something else?

Anyway useful advise indeed, I will give it a try tomorrow. I've decided to give it a rest for tonight.

BTW Solosis I have found this time around that level does in fact help since you learn some of your abilities and magic gaining levels. My first playthrough I had been clueless beyond hope. not only did I not realize levels but I had no idea about equipping abilities and items. I remember once when I had my friend play for me he started rummaging my menu and equipping stuff to my characters. I'm just sitting there going "Wait...what...? o_O"
Apologies for roaming off topic but check this out, at level 14 I left OC unable to defeat Cerubus even with a full supply of potions and doing some pretty good dodge rolling. After locking Deep Jungle and Traverse Town I returned at level 25 to find him a piece of cake.
Speaking of Deep Jungle Clayton was also a cinch whereas my first time when I didn't know about levels and thus didn't pay attention once again my friend had to come to my rescue.
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Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
The latter. And it can be more frustrating than this one because of the narrow windows, both temporally and spatially, you can take advantage of to even land a hit on Ursula.

Yeah, 'course levelling helps. It does, a lot. It's not that I don't care about levelling, but I'm the type of person who would rush into battle without even worrying about levels and if I fail a lot, that's when I know I'm way too underlevelled. I don't really have level thresholds when it comes to fighting bosses.

PS. HJO's singing voice is quite okay, if you ask me. At least he can still hit the right notes. And did you know he sang a full song as Mowgli in Jungle Book 2?


New member
Dec 21, 2013
I was done playing kh for the day and then i seen this post and since i stopped playing as soon as i got to Atlantis, i figured i'd hop back on and whip up a strategy for you. You'll need the spellbinder keyblade and at least ray of light for your equipment. You should also take at least two ethers. This should give you atleast 6 mp bars. It gave me 6 since i'm playing the game at lv1 but since you're leveling up you should have one or two more.
The best thing to do is to swim around until Ursula throws two thingies into the cauldron and once she does all you have to do is shoot it with fire a few times and it'll leave everyone stunned. When Ursula wakes up just repeat this process. If you need to use an ether(which you will) the best time to do it is when everyone is stunned. If you're having trouble avoiding attacks then try swimming up and down and you'll feel nearly untouchable.
This took me over an hour to figure out but its really simple once you get it down. As for the next Ursula fight...good luck. I'll fight her in the morning.

Almost forgot. to get spellbinder you have to talk to merlin once you've learned all magic spells. To get stop i believe you just have to beat the final boss in monstro. To get gravity you have to complete the Phill cup which was a pain at lv1 but thats another story for another post.


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
For that subsequent fight, I suggest you equip as many Thunder-resistant accessories as you're allowed to and stock up on Ethers to compensate for the reduced MP. That'll make your life easier since Ursula will summon thunderbolts that just won't stop once her HP is down to half or so.


New member
Jul 9, 2013
I remember when I was younger, for the second Ursula fight, I just constantly swam around the perimeter of the map and allowed my party members to do all the damage, occasionally giving them an ether. Yes, very cheap, but it was after about 4 hours on that battle.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I'm not sure if I can add more too this than Solosis already has, but I know that when I versed her, I prioritize the cauldron. Now given I'm the player who loves to overlevel just because so I power through the bosses, I make sure Goofy and Donald NEVER attack the cauldron and once in awhile (if you're lucky) they'll dispatch Flotsam or Jetsam and you can go pick up the MP balls. If not, I bring a lot of potions instead of ethers because you do not want to use Cure (it wastes too many bars of MP that you could be spamming Thunder with).

I would stock a few Ethers though in case you need to for whatever reason but I didn't seem to need them. Obviously after the cauldron backfires on her, attack and then rinse and repeat.

Honestly, I've always found this first fight significantly harder than the second and that's all being you can easily take the cheap route whenever you want to during the second battle and just swim while your party members do the damage for you.


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
I remember when I was younger, for the second Ursula fight, I just constantly swam around the perimeter of the map and allowed my party members to do all the damage, occasionally giving them an ether. Yes, very cheap, but it was after about 4 hours on that battle.

Honestly, I've always found this first fight significantly harder than the second and that's all being you can easily take the cheap route whenever you want to during the second battle and just swim while your party members do the damage for you.

I didn't know you can do that. That's even cheaper than using the Strike Raid for its invincibility frames. o_O

Divine Past

Bronze Member
Jun 11, 2013
I didn't know you can do that. That's even cheaper than using the Strike Raid for its invincibility frames. o_O

Yea it's time-consuming and boring, but gets the job done. After failing to try to get stuck behind her head, you just take the cheap way out.


Dec 27, 2013
I was done playing kh for the day and then i seen this post and since i stopped playing as soon as i got to Atlantis, i figured i'd hop back on and whip up a strategy for you. You'll need the spellbinder keyblade and at least ray of light for your equipment. You should also take at least two ethers. This should give you atleast 6 mp bars. It gave me 6 since i'm playing the game at lv1 but since you're leveling up you should have one or two more.
The best thing to do is to swim around until Ursula throws two thingies into the cauldron and once she does all you have to do is shoot it with fire a few times and it'll leave everyone stunned. When Ursula wakes up just repeat this process. If you need to use an ether(which you will) the best time to do it is when everyone is stunned. If you're having trouble avoiding attacks then try swimming up and down and you'll feel nearly untouchable.
This took me over an hour to figure out but its really simple once you get it down. As for the next Ursula fight...good luck. I'll fight her in the morning.

Actually I had been doing the swim up and down defense technique which worked decently well to avoid that spin routine but the eels still got at me.
I found that about 3 thunders caused the overflow which allows you to strike at Ursula herself.

Almost forgot. to get spellbinder you have to talk to merlin once you've learned all magic spells. To get stop i believe you just have to beat the final boss in monstro. To get gravity you have to complete the Phill cup which was a pain at lv1 but thats another story for another post.

Hmm I don't have the spellbinder, should I leave Atlantica until I can obtain it? the Stop spell I have as I completed Montsro JUST prior to traveling to Atlantica(that damn second parasite cage was a pain in the ass with it's way too many lifelines, I was afraid I would not live as I finally got it down to it's last but the cure spell had my back big time).
BTW out of curiosity how are you not gaining levels with all the necessary battling?

I'm not sure if I can add more too this than Solosis already has, but I know that when I versed her, I prioritize the cauldron. Now given I'm the player who loves to overlevel just because so I power through the bosses, I make sure Goofy and Donald NEVER attack the cauldron and once in awhile (if you're lucky) they'll dispatch Flotsam or Jetsam and you can go pick up the MP balls. If not, I bring a lot of potions instead of ethers because you do not want to use Cure (it wastes too many bars of MP that you could be spamming Thunder with).

I would stock a few Ethers though in case you need to for whatever reason but I didn't seem to need them. Obviously after the cauldron backfires on her, attack and then rinse and repeat.

I too like to over level though not too significantly, a strategy I use all the time in my Pokemon games before facing gym leaders. In this game however one thing about levels I have not learned is what levels are appropriate for each world and thus don't know at what level I am surpassing any minimums.

Honestly, I've always found this first fight significantly harder than the second and that's all being you can easily take the cheap route whenever you want to during the second battle and just swim while your party members do the damage for you.

Interesting, I might keep this in mind for if I can ever get to that battle.

solosis said:
For that subsequent fight, I suggest you equip as many Thunder-resistant accessories as you're allowed to and stock up on Ethers to compensate for the reduced MP. That'll make your life easier since Ursula will summon thunderbolts that just won't stop once her HP is down to half or so.

Thanks a bunch for that warning. I assume you mean the second battle?

Everyone thanks this is providing a lot of insight.


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
Hmm I don't have the spellbinder, should I leave Atlantica until I can obtain it? the Stop spell I have as I completed Montsro JUST prior to traveling to Atlantica(that damn second parasite cage was a pain in the ass with it's way too many lifelines, I was afraid I would not live as I finally got it down to it's last but the cure spell had my back big time).
BTW out of curiosity how are you not gaining levels with all the necessary battling?

If you've gotten every type of spell (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Gravity, Aero, and Stop), just drop by Merlin's house and pay him a quick visit. It shouldn't take too much of your time.

And by playing on Proud mode, you have the option to choose if you'd like to not gain experience. This is done via the Zero EXP ability, which is, as I said, exclusive to Proud mode. By equipping it the first chance you get, you can force your way through the game at level 1.

Thanks a bunch for that warning. I assume you mean the second battle?

Yeah, that's for the second battle.


Dec 27, 2013
I see, unfortunately I have all but Gravity.

Solosis said:
PS. HJO's singing voice is quite okay, if you ask me. At least he can still hit the right notes. And did you know he sang a full song as Mowgli in Jungle Book 2?

I had no idea HJO was Sora. I have seen the film but it's been a while so I don't remember the song you are referring to. I do like him.


New member
Dec 21, 2013
Actually I had been doing the swim up and down defense technique which worked decently well to avoid that spin routine but the eels still got at me.
I found that about 3 thunders caused the overflow which allows you to strike at Ursula herself.

Hmm I don't have the spellbinder, should I leave Atlantica until I can obtain it? the Stop spell I have as I completed Montsro JUST prior to traveling to Atlantica(that damn second parasite cage was a pain in the ass with it's way too many lifelines, I was afraid I would not live as I finally got it down to it's last but the cure spell had my back big time).
BTW out of curiosity how are you not gaining levels with all the necessary battling? [/COLOR]
I havent tested it with thunder but just make sure you wait until she throws two things into the cauldron or you'll have to use extra magic to make it overflow and stun everyone. You don't need spellbinder but i highly recommend it since it makes the battle really easy. All you have to do is talk to merlin once you've learned all spells and he'll give it to you. In the Final mix version of KH1 you start the game off with an ability called "exp 0". If you equip it at the beginning of the game then you can remain at level 1 through out the entire game. You don't receive any trophies or any extra items for doing this incredibly challenging task so its just for players like me who enjoy challenging games. There actually aren't very many necessary battles out side of boss battles. For example I was able to go through Monstro entirely without fighting a single heartless except for parasite cage.


New member
Dec 21, 2013
OK so i just went and finished the second Ursula fight and i found that it wasn't as hard as i remember but then again i could just be getting better at the game. There aren't any necessary items for this fight, although i do recommend taking off any combo plus abilities you have.

The strategy is pretty simple. Do not stop moving. Use mermaid kick to escape every attack. Only attack after she does that move where shes sucking the water in or after she shoots a laser beam of lightening(i guess thats what it is) from her mouth at you. Attacking at any other point is very risky and probably won't work unless you only do 1 hit. For the first half of the fight you can get away with doing a full three hit combo but after a while the constant lightening attacks become more frequent. At this point i suggest doing a two hit combo then moving and doing another one or two hit combo. Make sure that after you're done attacking her you immediately swim away to avoid being hit by anything. Mermaid kick is the quickest way to avoid any attack she does. Even if its just the basic lightening attack. Also try to avoid swimming where you're party members are KO'd at since Ursula's lightening still attacks them and you could easily run right into it.

Using this method took me about 14min but considering i got it done on my second try, its not so bad. It may even be a shorter amount of time for you since you're character is probably stronger than mine.


Dec 27, 2013
Hello again. Firstly I'd like to apologize for my disappearance I have been dealing with two classes worth of projects which have had me work loaded for the past few weeks. Today however with both current projects under appropriate control I went back to the game and just defeated her in the first battle...though damned if I know how! We had just gotten into her green/last lifeline when I'd last been aware but somehow all of a sudden she was defeated. Goofy and Ariel must have been really going at her while I was busy keeping myself healed and MPed with the eels.

On to the second round.

And second victory! Two of the strategies here were wonderfully effective. Mostly I mermaid kicked around in circles keeping myself healed (which could be done a lot more frequently this time since magic was not required to strike Ursula) and got only a few strikes in here and there mostly while she was sucking in water. Other than that my teammates did most of the dirty work.

BTW I just love how she used the exact line from the film before the second round begun:
"The sea and all it's spoils bow to my power!"

Thanks to all.
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