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Fanfiction ► The Lion King - The Novelization



May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Just like before with Aladdin (currently on hold for the time being), I have decided to work on a novelization of all three Lion King movies. And this means that like with Aladdin, it will be in chronological order, so all of the events from 1.5 will be occurring during the events of the first film. So without further ado:

Prologue: Timon and Pumbaa are not Dead

It was a glorious sight! Old Rafiki could hardly believe his eyes: all the animals on the move, coming together from the Four Winds; who could forget a day like that? Everybody came to celebrate the birth of Simba, Mufasa's young cub. You see it was the Circle of Life… What's that you say? You've heard of this before? You think you know this story?! You don't know the half of it!

Pride Rock. So majestic. So powerful. So... bizarrely named. Our story does not start here. Rather it starts several hundred football fields away from the majestic rock spire over the Pridelands. Our story really begins in what the locals called "the Pit of Shame." A meerkat colony where the locals were so low on the food chain, they were underground. I'll just let them do the talking as one by one they popped out of their holes, like a game of Whack-a-Mole.

"What was that?!
What was what?! Shh!
What was that?!
What was that?!
Where? What?
Where? Where? Shh!
What was that?! Shh!

Quick, before the hyena come!"

A guard looked left and right before calling out: "CLEAR!"

"Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah
When you're done ya dig a bigga tunnah
Digga tunnah,
Dig, dig a tunnah
Quick, before the hyena come!

Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah
You can dig and never get dunnah
Digga tunnah, (Dig a little faster)
Dig, digga tunnah
What was that?!

Quick, before the hyena come!

Digga tunnah is what we do
Life's a tunnah we're diggin' through
Digga tunnah is what we sing
Digga tunnah is everything!
Mud and clay is a meerkat's friend
Always more around every bend
And when you get to your tunnah's end
Hallelujah! Let's dig again!

Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah (Digga tunnah)
When you're done ya dig a bigga tunnah.
Digga tunnah, (Dig a little faster)
dig dig a tunnah.
What was that?!

Quick, before the hyena come!
One meerkat, a rather portly female with red hair on the top of her head, was searching for someone. "Timon! Excuse me. Have you seen my son? Has he been through here? Timon!" She crept behind a distracted middle-aged meerkat with an army-cut and gray hair, her brother-in-law Max. Her presence made him jump, breaking him out of his out-of-key mantra, but only before she reassured him that she was looking for their only remaining blood-relation. "No, I haven't—and what a day it's been! No fractures, no lacerations, no concussions, contusions or injuries of any sort. As a matter of fact, there's no sign of Tee-mon's handiwork anywhere!"

Max spoke too soon as the ceiling collapsed on them, erasing all tunnels that they had just dug and covering them all with the topsoil. Max was not happy about this: There was only one meerkat capable of such a feat: "That would be… TEE-MON!!!"

A couple feet away and within earshot was the meerkat in question, a slender male with red hair, similar to the female talking to Max. This was Timon, turning around and looking sheepishly at the entire colony, all just as ticked as Max. "Hehe… Hey, everybody!" he said in an embarrassed tone. Even the prankster cousin Fred wasn't too happy, and he had been keeping count of how many times this happened. "Four in a week—a new record!" Timon tried to pass off this incident as a side-effect of building a thing to benefit the colony: a shoddily made skylight. It crumbled into dust, but then the female, Timon's ma, came up to give him some condolences. "Wow! Isn't that creative. A skylight! I'll go talk to him…" Timon and his ma left the scene of the collapse and to a meadow where years before, Timon had a conversation about dignity with his father, a meerkat that the colony nicknamed "Fearless Buzz" because of his willingness to fight off hyena packs, only to be struck down in his moment of glory when three named Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed ambushed him.

"I... I was just trying to shed a little light on our pathetic existence."

"Timon, this can't go on. Just this month, you've pulled down four walls and collapsed two tunnel exits. We have to look after each other. Our survival depends on it."

"What's the point? All we do is dig so we can hide, and hide so we can dig. I wanna be where we don't have to dig tunnels and live with our heads stuck in the sand. What's so bad about dreaming of a better home?"

His ma pushed some grass aside. "I wanna show you something. Look, Timon. Go on, look. Look out to the horizon, past the trees, over the grasslands. Everything the light touches... belongs to someone else!" Timon's grinning face began to shrink back to a scowl. This was the same conversation that Pa had with him while he was still alive. "Funny. I thought you were going a whole different direction with this." " What can I say? It's nature's design." Max popped out of some grass, "She's right! We're food for other animals—a moveable feast. Feared by no one and eaten by all!" "But when they die, they become the grass. And we eat the grass... right?" "Not exactly; we can't digest grass. We have carnivorous stomachs." He began to walk away, his presence not helping, but he gave one final warning: "Meerkat... it's what's for dinner!"

Timon made a circle motion with one of his fingers next to his head, but his ma said otherwise. "Oh, I just know there's a way for you to fit in here." That's when she heard it: Max was calling for sentries. "That's it! That's it—My son on sentry duty! Timon the sentry!"

"Tee-mon the sentry!? Why don't you save the hyenas the trouble and kill me now!? Just kill me now!"
Ma turned to Timon and told him how simple it was: "All you have to do is watch for hyenas and yell if you see one. Look at Iron Joe." She pointed to a skittish meerkat in a leafy straightjacket. "Don'tcloseyoureyes! Don'tlookaway! Somebody'sgottaguardus! Somebody'sgottaprotectus!"

"Well… now I'm convinced…" Timon thought. Listen—it's outside, up in the breeze, under the wide open sky—isn't that what you want? Or maybe you would rather have him go back on the digging crew?" Max shouted in protest, backed up with Timon and the rest of the colony. "Good... then we all agree. Timon, listen to Uncle Max. He'll teach you everything you need to know. And honey, try to make this one work."

Max drilled into his nephew's head a simple mantra for his new position as sentry: Scurry, sniff, flinch. "Good. Now... what do we do if we see a hyena?"

"Scream 'Mommy'?"

"That's right, mister! Because the world out there is fraught with danger. Fraught, I tell you! Even all bloodthirsty hyenas are waiting to rip us limb from limb!"

"Bra-vo, Uncle Max. Way to sell it to the cheap seats."

"Applaud now, sonny boy. But try clapping when you don't have any hands!"

Timon took position as soon as Max left. Fred was taking sentry on another end of the colony. Sure, Timon wanted to be out in the open air, but it was so… dull. The mantra started to replay in his head, but now he realized that he can make a dance out of it. "Huh... I like the sound of that. Scurry, sniff, flinch!

There's more to life than panic
And bein' some other guy's snack
I may be delicious, organic
But this little entree's fightin' back!

I'm gonna put diggin' tunnels behind me
And live at a new altitude
I'm gonna reach for the stars to remind me
That meerkats are not merely food!
For once I'll be...
Lookin' out for me...

I'll tell you what I want
This cat is movin' on
He's a bon vivant
Who's missin' out on bon
I'd be a bigger cheese
Far from the desert scene
A little cooling breeze
A little patch of green!

And I'll be snoozin' in my hammock by a rippling stream
Many miles from any tunnel and the digging team
Looking after number one will be my only creed
That's all I need
I've got it all worked out
That's all I need
I've got it all worked out

I've always been good at runnin' away
Well, now I'm gonna run the show-ow
I've always been seen as the ultimate prey
But now my status ain't so quo!
A dream sublime...
It's hyena tiiime...

Timon stopped singing. All around him were the three hyenas that had devoured Pa. Shenzi, a female and the largest of three, Banzai, a male with bushy eyebrows, and Ed, another male with a derpish look in his eyes and a lolling tongue. "Oh, look it's dinner and a show!" "And I thought beans were the only musical food." Ed cackled in agreement.

"Hy... Hy... Hy..."

"Well, hi to you too!" Shenzi swiped Timon with her paw, knocking the sentry down the hill. Timon ended up rolling into Max. " This is no time for horseplay, Tee-mon. You're supposed to be up there lookin' out for..." That's when he saw them, "HYENAS!"

The whole colony went into a frenzy. Banzai commented on the actions their prey made. "Whoa, look at 'em scramble. That's just how I like 'em: Scrambled, and a little runny!"

The hyenas began chasing the meerkats, but they missed Timon. His ma managed to pull him down in the nick of time, with the rest of the colony with her. "What are you, a meshugginah?" She made a role-call. "Oh, what a relief. Everybody's... Where's Uncle Max?!" Max was still running from the trio of carnivores as fast as he could. He tripped and got scraped up. He thankfully fell into one of Timon's holes that he made from earlier that day. "I flinched when I should've scurried. "

If Timon wasn't in trouble for collapsing the ceiling, he was now: Everyone was glaring at him. "I, uh... I guess I owe everyone an apology. All right, so I made a teensy mistake. Like we all haven't broken into song on sentry duty before. Ha ha ha... come on. Let me have a show of hands. Okay. ...Maybe it's a little too soon, but I'm sure we're all gonna laugh about this someday. Trust me."

"I did trust you. I trusted you to be sentry and you let the hyenas sneak up!"

Timon was all alone sitting on the rock where he broke out into an Elton John musical number. That was where Ma found him. "I'm never gonna fit in here. Nobody even likes me, besides you, Ma. I have to find my place; but it isn't here. My place is out there, Ma. Oh, I may not know exactly where or how far, but I gotta go!" "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for, honey."

Timon said his farewells and was given one last hug from his mother. Timon turned away, then began striding purposefully away into the sunset. "Be careful," "I will!" "Don't talk to strangers!" "I know, ma!" "Remember, wash behind your ears!" "Ma! I'm not a kid anymore!" "Never go swimming without a buddy!" "Got it!" "Send us a message sometime!" Timon couldn't hear what his mother just said. "Oy… WHAT?!" "I said, send us a message sometime!" WHAT?!" "I said, send us a--" "Good-bye, ma!"

And so, with high spirits he boldly ventured off where no meerkat had dared to go before. He put his past behind him, and never looked back…

"I want my mommy!"

Timon anticlimactically broke down in tears in front of ancient baobab tree that the Pridelanders called "The Tree of Life" The sound of the tears flowing from the meerkat's eyes alerted the tree's ancient inhabitant, a mandrill named Rafiki.

"What am I doing? Which way should I go?"

"That depends on what you seek."

Enter Rafiki, upside down, startling Timon. "Hey, where'd you come from?"

"Oh, the better question is, where are you going?"

"Oh, someplace wonderful, mister, where... where —You didn't happen to catch the song I sang a few minutes ago, did ya?"

"I didn't have the pleasure."

"To recap: I want to live in some beautiful place, outside... a carefree place where I don't have to hide or worry."

Rafiki chuckled before sitting next to Timon, holding an ornate staff with gourds on its head. "Life without worry. You seek Hakuna Matata."

"Harpoon a tomahto?"

"Hakuna Matata, it means 'no worries'."

Timon asked if Rafiki would draw him a map with his staff, but received a bonk to the head with it. The mandrill had already gone into a zen-phase. "To find it, you must look beyond what you see." Timon asked what it meant, and Rafiki said that it was a literal piece of advice. Timon looked as far as his eye could see, saying that Rafiki was getting existential on him. In his head, while his eyes focused further and further into the horizon, a musical swell began to play. "It's kinda hard to think with all this music! Beyond... what I see..." Then… "Oh, wait a second. It's comin' to me. It's either that slug I ate or I'm having an epiphany!" An angelic choir sang in his head. "I'm going to the big pointy rock!" He turned to thank the ancient mandrill but he was already gone.

"Dream home, here I come" The sun was beginning to show the earliest signs of rising, when Timon heard hoof beats following him. He crashed headfirst into a large warthog's snout. And then the unexpected happened as Timon got down on his knees and begged for mercy.

"Easy, easy there, little guy. I'm not gonna eat you."

"Then why were you stalking me!?"

"Well, gee, I saw you go by and I figured a little fella like you shouldn't be out here all alone."

"What about you? You are all alone, aren't you?" Timon was making sure the pig was alone. "Yeah, most animals give me a wide berth." "Even the predators?" "People see me comin' and they run for cover. They can't get out of the way fast enough." Timon began to deduce what it was, until the pig mentioned that it had more to do with their appetite, backing up slowly and occasionally checking his hind. Timon was happy about this and told the pig was hired and his job was to help him get to the big pointy rock. They shook "hands"

"Put 'er there, acquaintance. I'm Timon!"


"No, really!" Pumbaa, the warthog, grinned sincerely. "Let's hit the road. "So clear up one thing for me. If you weren't gonna eat me, what kind of a wacky wild pig are you?" "I'm an insectivore!" "Oh ho! A bug-eater! Me too, I just never had a name for them myself. I'm partial to the crunchy critters myself!"

"I prefer the slimy ones!"

"Pumbaa, this could be the start of a beautiful... acquaintanceship."
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May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Chapter 1: The Circle of Life

It was a glorious sight! Old Rafiki could hardly believe his eyes: all the animals on the move, coming together from the Four Winds; who could forget a day like that? Everybody came to celebrate the birth of Simba, Mufasa's young cub. You see it was the Circle of Life. All things exist together in a delicate balance. And so, we must respect every living thing, because we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.


Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama

Siyo Nqoba

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give

Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars

There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

All the animals arrived at Pride Rock, narrowly hitting Timon and Pumbaa, as they ventured across the veldt, against the rising sun, and even against Kilimanjaro. A hornbill flew over the mass of animals before he landed at the feet of a majestic looking-lion. The bird bowed, before the lion smiled and nodded his head. This was Mufasa, the king of Pride Rock. The monarch went back into the den that was part of the landmark and was greeted by his queen, Sarabi. Just then, the masses parted to reveal Rafiki among them, making his way to the king and the queen. Mufasa hugged the mandrill with one of his paws before Rafiki went to Sarabi. In her lap, was baby Simba. The mandrill smiled and waved his staff over the tiny cub. He took a gourd, broke it, and spread some of the juice on the cub's forehead. Then he sprinkled some of the sand at his feet on the juice. The baby sneezed, but his parents smiled.
While the baptism was going on, Timon and Pumbaa finally saw their destination. Timon shouted out. "Oh, baby, we're almost there!" But then everything came to a halt. They hit the baptismal traffic. The big pointy rock was indeed Pride Rock. "I think we're little late…" Timon started swearing under his breath, "It's a land rush! That loudmouthed-monkey must have blabbed it to the world!" "What did he say?" Timon repeated Rafiki's exact mantra that led them there Look beyond what you see. "So maybe you're supposed to look beyond the big pointy rock?" Timon started to focus beyond Pride Rock and saw a small oasis behind the landmark. "What do you know? The monkey's got an eagle eye for real estate!" Just then, Pumbaa saw Rafiki appear out of the crowd. "What's he doin'?" "It's not important. Come on! My dream home awaits."

And so, the unlikely duo began to breach through the crowd, Pumbaa nervously walking through. Just then, his stomach gurgled. "Timon… there's something I gotta tell ya." "Pumbaa, Pumbaa, Pumbaa. We'll have plenty of time to chat once we settle in." "I could really use a rest stop!" "Don't worry, you'll get your second wind." "I got a really bad feeling!" "It'll pass!" Timon grabbed Pumbaa's tail by accident. All at once: Pumbaa let out a massive fart, causing the animals around him to pass out. First gnu, then giraffes, then rhinos. Two zebras saw this as their cue to begin genuflecting. Timon turned to Pumbaa, being the epicenter of the flatus. "So, I guess that's your special power, huh? What a weapon!" "You don't mind?" "It was a gas!" "Well, I don't like to toot my own horn..." They made their way to the small oasis and began construction.

After construction was done, Timon set up a hammock. "This is it, buddy-boy. Home sweet home! The elbow-to-elbow life reminds me a little too much of home. This place has everything. Cool refreshments, cozy little hammock, a lovely water feature. It's all mine!" Pumbaa , took in the fact that Timon forgot to factor him in. "Well... it's really coming together, Timon, so, uh, so I guess I'll just be going." "There's no law that says you have to go…" Pumbaa smiled, "Great! I've already made us some beds!" Timon had a large nest that Pumbaa made for himself, and Pumbaa slept in a smaller one he originally made for Timon. "Good night." "Sleep tight." "Dream of bedbugs tonight! Zzzzzzzzz…."

Home sweet home indeed

Rafiki walked out to the edge of Pride Rock, Simba in his hands, and held the cub up high. All the animals began bowing as a domino affect from the flatus, but to Zazu, the hornbill, and Mufasa, it was out of respect. " Look, sire, how they kneel before the royal son."

In the Circle of Life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle, the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life


The next morning, word spread quickly across the Pridelands. Everyone rejoiced, save for one. In a small cave near Pride Rock, an orange lion was toying with a field mouse. This was Scar, Mufasa's younger brother. "Life's not fair, is it? You see I shall never be King. And you... shall never see the light of another day." Scar held the mouse over his extended tongue.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?"

Scar sighed. It was Zazu. "What do you want?" "I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. ...So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony!" The mouse that Scar once held scampered away. "Oh now look, Zazu; you've made me lose my lunch." "Hah! You'll lose more than that when the King gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia." "Ooh… I quiver with fear!" Scar turned his thoughts to attacking the majordomo, but then…

"Scar! Drop him!" It was Mufasa, with impeccable timing.

"Why! If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners." "Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba." "I missed it? Oh, I feel awful!" As he said this, Scar scraped his claws on a rock wall, giving off a nails on blackboard effect on Zazu. "Must have slipped my mind…"

Zazu flew up to Scar, avoiding his teeth. "Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should have been first in line!" "Well, I was first in line... until the little hairball was born."

"That 'hairball' is my son... and your future king." "Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy." "Don't turn your back on me, Scar!" "Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps YOU shouldn't turn YOUR back on me." "Is that a challenge!?" "Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. As far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool…"

Scar left his little den, while the King and his majordomo conversed about Scar's maverick tendencies. "There's one in every family, sire... Two in mine, actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions."

"What am I going to do with him?" "He'd make a very handsome throw rug." "Zazu!" "And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and BEAT him." The two of them chuckled at the idea of Scar being a throw rug.
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May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Chapter 3: I Just Can't Wait to be King

The years pass, and life continues in the Pridelands. One spring morning on Simba's birthday, Rafiki painted a special image on the inside of his tree: it was a painting of Simba, which he then marked with the line of his anointment from his baptism.


A few mornings later, Simba was up and about, feeling happy that he was the first up as he looked out onto the horizon from on the ledge of Pride Rock. He ran back into the den. "Dad! Daad! Come on, Dad, we gotta go, wake up!" He darted around several other lionesses that were still asleep. Sarabi and Mufasa were now a bit groggy. "Your son.... is awake...." Sarabi whispered. "Before sunrise, he's your son"

Simba began tugging on his dad's ear. "You promised!" "OK OK. I'm up, I'm up." Mufasa let out a large yawn, as he got up. Sarabi followed him out with their cub. Simba rubbed up against Sarabi and she lovingly nudged him ahead and stood behind to begin the morning's hunt, with a loving expression on her face. Mufasa and Simba sat on the pinnacle of the spire. As the sun began to rise. "Look Simba: Everything the light touches, is our kingdom. A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day Simba, the sun will set on my time here- and will rise with you as the new king." "This will all be mine? "Everything." "Wow!" But then Simba saw a dark spot on the northern edge. "What about that shadowy place?" "That's beyond our borders; you must never go there, Simba." "But I thought a a king can do whatever he wants?" "Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time." "There's more?!" Mufasa led Simba down into the grasslands.

"Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures: from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope."

"But don't we eat antelope?"

"Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life."

Zazu flew in and perched on a rock. "Good morning, sire!" "Good morning Zazu." "Checking in with the morning report." "Fire away."

"It's an honor and a privilege, a duty I perform
With due sense of decorum and with pride
With deference and great respect very much the norm
Plus a hint of sycophancy on the side
To lay before my ruler all the facts about his realm
To fill him in on all the beastly news

"Yes, yes, Zazu, get on with it!"

"In order that His Majesty stands sturdy at the helm
Aware of all the fauna's latest views

Mufasa cleared his throat. "Er-- yes, Sire-- the morning report…

Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all
Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall
Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks
Showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said 'No thanks!'
We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch
Not everyone invited will be coming back for lunch

This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report

While Zazu was singing, Simba was playing "Whack-a-mole" with a marmot. Mufasa broke focus from Zazu to look at his son. "What are you doing, son?" "Pouncing…" "Let an old pro show you how its done:"

"The buffalo have got a beef
About this season's grass
"Stay low to the ground…"

"Warthogs have been thwarted
In attempts to save their gas
"Okay, stay low to the ground, right yeah ..." " Try not to make a sound…. Take it slow…"

"Flamingoes in the pink and
Chasing secretary birds
Saffron is this season's color
Seen in all the herds
Moving down the rank and file
To near the bottom rung
Far too many beetles are
Quite frankly in the dung!


Simba pounced Zazu mid-song, and Mufasa started to laugh. Simba began to take pride in his successful pounce and began blocking Zazu at every turn.

"This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report

Right next to where Zazu was pounced, the marmot popped up. "Zazu, sir, news from the underground…"
Before Mufasa could suggest something that he could teach Simba for his next pouncing lesson, Zazu shouted the underground news. "Sire! Hyenas!! In the Pride Lands!" Mufasa ordered Zazu and the marmot to return Simba home: this was something he had to do alone. "I never get to go anywhere…" The marmot reassured Simba. "Don't worry, soldier. One day you will take the reigns on this body of work." Zazu chimed in. "Then you can chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers from dawn until dusk."

Simba decided to take a detour upon returning home to visit someone. It was Scar. "Hey Uncle Scar, guess what!" "I despise guessing games…" "I'm going to be king of Pride Rock!" "…goodie…" "My Dad just showed me the whole kingdom, and I'm going to rule it all." "Well… forgive me for not leaping for joy.... Bad back, you know…" Scar flopped onto the ground.

"When I'm king, what will that make you?" "A monkey's uncle." "You're so weird." "You have no idea… So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?" Simba nodded.

"He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border…?" "No… he said I couldn't go there." "And he's absolutely right! It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there." "Well, I'm brave!" "No, I'm sorry Simba; I just can't tell you. I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew."

"I'm your only nephew."

"All the more reason for me to be protective. An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince… Oops! Oh dear, I've said too much.... Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later, you being so clever and all... Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place."

Simba thought and agreed. "There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember… it's our little secret!" As Simba scampered off, Scar had a sinister grin on his face.

Simba decided to tell this new discovery to his best friend, Nala. He made his way to a grassy knoll where the lionesses were resting after the morning's hunt. He found Nala being groomed by her mother, Sarafina. "Come on. I just head about this great place." "I'm kind of in the middle of a bath," the young lioness said through clenched teeth. Sarabi, who was also in the immediate area decided it was time for Simba to have his, despite his protests of messing up his mane. "So where are we going? It better not be anyplace dumb." "It's really cool," both mothers were interested in this "really cool" place, so Simba fibbed a bit by saying it was near the water hole. Nala was reassured by Simba that it was beyond it. "Hmm… What do you think, Sarabi?" "PLEASE!?" Sarabi agreed…

…but only if Zazu went with them. "Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave.

The hornbill flew overhead guiding the cubs to the small oasis that the animals called a water hole. "So where are we really going?" "An elephant graveyard?" "WOW!" "Shh!" "So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?"

Zazu heard the whispers and landed in front of them. "Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled… what with your being betrothed and all."


"One day you two are going to be married!"

"I can't marry her. She's my friend!"

"Well, sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice. It’s a tradition going back generations"

"Well when I'm king, that’ll be the first thing to go."

"Not so long as I'm around."

"In that case, you're fired."

"Nice try, but only the king can do that."

"Well, he's the future king."

"So you have to do what I tell you."

"Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you’re shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed."

"Hmph. Not the way I see it…
I'm gonna be a mighty king
So enemies beware

Well, I've never seen a king of beasts
With quite so little hair

I'm gonna be the mane event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my roar

Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing
Oh, I Just Can't Wait to be King"

" You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think..."

"Simba & Nala:
No one saying do this
No one saying be there
No one saying stop that
No one saying see here

Free to run around all day
Free to do it all my way!

I think it's time that you and I
Arranged a heart to heart

Kings don't need advice
From little hornbills for a start

If this is where the monarchy is headed:
Count me out!
Out of service, out of Africa
I wouldn't hang about!
This child is getting wildly out of wing!

Oh, I Just Can't Wait to be King"

Meanwhile, Timon and Pumbaa, resting in their beds like that day years ago, were disturbed from their slumber from the Broadway musical number. Timon fetched a rod and began hitting the ceiling of their cave. "Hey, keep it down up there!" "We have neighbors? We should go say hello." "Noisy neighbors. There go the property values."

Everybody look left
Everybody look right
Everywhere you look I'm
Standing in the spotlight!

Not yet!"

The animals at the water hole began to form a pyramid with Simba and Nala on top, riding an ostrich. Timon, rod in hand, and Pumbaa, emerged from the cave. "Oh, perfect. We moved to the theater district! Get a load of these guys."

"Let every creature go for broke and sing
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling

Oh, I Just Can't Wait to be King
Oh, I Just Can't Wait to be King

Oh, I Just Can't Wait to be King "

"Knock it off!" Timon smacked an elephant at the bottom, but this was a bad idea. The entire pyramid began to collapse with the duo and Zazu in the epicenter of it all. Pumbaa and Timon were sat on by an elephant. Zazu was less fortunate as he was crushed by a rhino. "I beg your pardon madam but… GET OFF! Simba? Nala?"

"Oy, showpeople."


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 3 - Be Prepaired
After the fiasco at the water hole, Simba and Nala ran north, near the outermost border of the Pride Lands. "I… am a genius!" "Hey, Genius, it was my idea." A small play fight broke out between the two cubs, with Nala pinning Simba twice, the second time after rolling down a hill. Before another tussle could start again, a geyser went off. They looked in its direction and saw a ghastly sight: a giant skeleton of an elephant.

"This is it.... We made it."

It was the Elephant Graveyard. The shadowy place that Simba saw earlier that day from atop Pride Rock. "It's really creepy. We could get in big trouble." "I know!" Both cubs decided to investigate the skull if it still had its brains intact. "There's only one way to know. Come on. Let’s go check it out."

"Wrong!" Zazu appeared, somehow he managed to get out from under the rhino. "The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here. We're way beyond the boundary of the Pride Lands!"

Simba started to mock Zazu's cowardice. "I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger!" Simba chortled, but his laugh was met by maniacal cackling. Out of the giant skull came Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. They were a bit thinner than when they attacked Timon's colony, but they were still healthy. "Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here?" "I dunno Shenzi. What do you think Ed?" Ed just cackled. "Just what I was thinking: A trio of trespassers!" Shenzi then pointed out the hornbill as Mufasa's little "stooge," and deduced that Simba is the future king. "Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?"

"You can't do anything me." "Technically, they can. We are on their land." "But you told me they're nothing but slobbering mangy stupid poachers." "Ix-nay on the upid-stay…" Banzai shouted out. "Who ya callin' 'upid-stay'!?
He called us slobbering!

Said we were mangy!

Did I hear stupid?

Tell us again—gee
It's so incredible

That you're so rude

When you're so edible

When you are food!

It's time to chow down

Chow down!
Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down

I'm chompin' at the bit, baby

My stomach's on the growl, son

Chow down!
Chow down!

You both been invited on a date
Two courses handed to us on a plate
We'll have you raw, won't be long to wait
Seeing you're already brown
Chow down!
Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down!

Your ribs are looking so tasty

Such chewy little chops, chums

Eat up!

Now wasn't it her mom who ate your dad?

And having parents eaten makes us mad

We're gonna settle up the score a tad

We've never had a snack of such renown
Chow down!
Chow down!

While they were distracted by their own song, Ed jumped up and started gesticulating and jabbering. "What? Ed? What is it?" "Hey, did we order this dinner to go?" "No, why?" "'Cuz there it goes!!" The cubs and Zazu were already off running. Zazu was grabbed by Ed in his paw. "The little Majordomo bird hippity-hopped all the way to the birdie-boiler." "Oh no… Not the birdie boiler!" Zazu was shot off in a geyser. He thankfully landed near Mufasa. "Sire, the hyenas are after the children!"

While the hyenas were indeed after the cubs, Timon and Pumbaa were making their way out of the rubble of their temporary home. "Our dream home's around here somewhere." "You know, Timon, I once came across a place that might be just what you're looking for. Spectacular waterfalls, set in a lush tropical oasis. A scrumptious array of bugs!" "Forget it, Pumbaa. I'm a realist, and I'm not gonna go chasing after some fantasy. I'm goin' beyond what I see." "But if you always go beyond what you see, how do you know when you're there?" "Oh, I'll tell you how I know. We're there!" They were in the Elephant Graveyard too. Timon began describing the place as lovely, rustic, and picturesque, also commenting on their limitless supply of ivory. "After all... this is an elephant graveyard. And who would ever come to an elephant graveyard?"

The question was answered by Mufasa's roar as he charged in with Zazu in tow, sending Timon and Pumbaa into the skull's brains. The hyenas by this time had already cornered Simba and Nala in a ribcage. "Look, boys! A King fit for a meal!" Simba tried to roar at them, but it kept coming out as a small yowl. "That was it? Hah. Do it again.... come on." Simba tried again, this time the MGM Roar rang out. It was Mufasa! Timon made a comment on the ordeal "I see carnivores!"

Mufasa had the hyenas pinned down. They started begging for mercy. "Silence! If you ever come near my son again..." The hyenas began to give weak excuses, but only Ed gave the stupid correct response. They ran off, with a pissed off Mufasa looking at the cubs. "You deliberately disobeyed me." "Dad, I'm.... I'm sorry." Mufasa led them out, just as the sun was setting. What they didn't know was that a fourth lion was in the Graveyard watching the events unfold from the shadows: it was Scar.
Night fell as they finally arrived back on the veldt. Zazu was given orders to take Nala home, while Mufasa told his son a lesson. "Simba!" Simba slowly walked to his father, stepping in one of his paw prints. It also came across Simba that he had some rather big shoes to fill, so to speak, and is only now realizing his true position. It was a harsh reminder that he shouldn't act so brash. Mufasa thought for a moment before turning to his son.

"Simba, I'm very disappointed in you. You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse,- you put Nala in danger!"

"I was just trying to be brave like you…" Simba was on the border of crying. "I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba ... being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble." Simba was in disbelief, up 'til now he always thought that his dad was the epitome of courage. "I thought I might lose you." Simba's mood lightened. "I guess even kings get scared. But you know what? I think those hyenas were even scareder."

"Cause nobody messes with your dad! Come here, you." Mufasa's attitude returned to his old self as he and Simba began playing under the night sky. Simba then asked his dad if they'll always be together. Mufasa then decided to teach Simba some of the wisdom that he was renowned for. "Simba, ... Let me tell you something that my father told me ... Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you ... And so will I."

After the little fiasco in the Boneyard, Timon and Pumbaa were still in search of their dream home. Timon was beginning to look a bit crazed. "Beyond what you see... beyond what you see... Ha ha ha ha ha! Beyond what you see..." "Timon? Would this be a bad time to bring up that little place I told you about?" "Hey! This is home sweet home, baby!" A geyser shot Timon up in the air. "Steam is good. Steam is—is—is water. Gotta have water. You know, for the dream home. Steam home, dream home!" It was clear that Timon was beginning to lose his grip on reality, the fumes of sulfur getting to him. In another area of this boiler room, the hyenas were recuperating from Mufasa mauling them. "Man that lousy Mufasa! I won't be able to sit for a week." Ed was simply laughing his ass off. Banzai went for the lunatic compadre until Shenzi told them to knock it off. "Look at you guys. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain." "I hate danging." "You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be runnin’ the joint." "I hate lions." "So pushy, and hairy, and stinky. And man, are they ug-ly!"

"Oh, surely we lions are not all that bad…"

Scar made an entrance veiled in steam. The hyenas began to joke about how they thought he was someone important like Mufasa, a name that gave Shenzi the chills. "I'm surrounded by idiots."

"Not you Scar, I mean, you're one of us. I mean, you're our pal." " Ohh, I like that. He's not king, but he's still so proper." Banzai began to whiff some meat. Scar brought them a leg of a zebra. "I don't think you really deserve this. I practically gift wrapped those cubs for you. And you couldn't even dispose of them…"

Shenzi tried to apologize through a stuffed mouth that they had back up. "Yeah. What are we supposed to do? Kill Mufasa?"

Scar grinned. "Precisely

I never thought Hyenas essential
They're crude and unspeakably plain
But, maybe there's a glimmer of potential
If allied to my vision and brain

I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride

It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares

So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer

And where do we feature?

Just listen to teacher

I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues
And injustice deliciously squared
Be Prepared

The hyenas were all in a pile of bones. "Yeah, be prepared. Yeah-heh. We'll be prepared, heh ... For what?"
"For the death of the king"
"Why, is he sick?"
"No, fool, we're going to kill him, Simba too."
The hyenas agreed with this. "No king! No king! la--la-la--la-laa-laa!"
"IDIOTS! There will be a king! I WILL BE KING! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!"
Several other hyenas appeared and shouted "Long live the king" before they assembled in a Nazi quadrangle, with Scar standing in for Hitler. Timon and Pumbaa saw the hyenas and stood up in shock. "Somethin' tells me this ain't the traveling company of 'Riverdance.'" They riverdanced away from the boiler room and made their way out of the Elephant Graveyard.
It's great that we'll soon be connected
With a king who'll be all-time adored

Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
To take certain duties on board

The future is littered with prizes
And though I'm the main addressee
The point that I must emphasize is:
You won't get a sniff without me!

So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam
Meticulous planning
Tenacity spanning
Decades of denial
Is simply why I'll
Be king undisputed
Respected, saluted
And seen for the wonder I am
Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared
Be Prepared

Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared
Be Prepared

Scar and the hyenas laughed evilly against the moon.


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 4: To Die For
The next morning, things seemed like everything will be different after today. Timon was finally given some fresh air, but he was still searching for the dream home. " Beyond what you see... beyond what you—Hey, how am I supposed to look beyond what I see, beyond that?" He was referring to Pumbaa blocking his field of vision. Pumbaa stepped aside and revealed a gorge.

Within the gorge, Scar took Simba to a small rock with a tree in it. "Now you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you." "What is it?" "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it" "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised." "You are such a naughty boy! This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of father-son ... thing... I'd better go get him." "I'll go with you." "No. Just ... stay on this rock. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the hyenas... Simba, everybody knows about that. Lucky Daddy was there to save you, eh? Oh… and just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours, hmm?"

"Hey, Uncle Scar? ...Will I like the surprise?"

"Simba, it's To Die For." Scar left Simba to his own devices. From atop a ridge on the side of the gorge, there was a herd of wildebeest, and near them were the hyenas. Banzai was getting antsy, but Shenzi told him that they can only make their move once Scar gave the signal. Indeed, he did.

Simba decided to practice roaring as if to disprove Scar. He tried it on a passing chameleon. Twice, it didn't flinch to his yowl. The third attempt let out a shrill roar, echoing across the canyon walls. This moment of triumph was short lived. The ground started to shake. From the top of the ridge came the herd, heading right towards a frightened Simba. Simba began to run from the impending doom.

Timon and Pumbaa, several yards away from the stampede, were trudging on the canyon floor. "What this place lacks in water and shade, it makes up for with searing heat and blinding sunshine. Home sweet home, Pumbaa!" Then they felt the ground shake too. Pumbaa turned and with a leisurely tone said, "Shall we run for our lives?" "Oh, yes, let's." And indeed they ran for their lives.

"Oh look, sire; The herd is on the move." "Odd" Scar arrived "out of breath." "Mufasa. Quick. Stampede. In the gorge. Simba's down there!"


Simba was running as fast as his legs could take him. He clung to a dead tree, just as Zazu arrived. "Your father is on the way! Hold on!" Zazu flew back up and pointed out the tree. "Hold on Simba!"

Zazu attempted to fly and get help, but he was backhanded by Scar. Mufasa was still making his way through the gnu to rescue Simba, all while Scar monitored his brother's progress. Simba's perch broke from wear-and-tear damage, but Mufasa caught him, delivering him onto a small ledge, but was immediately struck by a wildebeest and carried off into the stampede.

Simba watched in horror, frantically searching the bodies for his father until, with a mighty leap, Mufasa leapt from the stampede and began to climb the side of the gorge. Simba ran to a higher ledge to reunite with him. Out of Simba's sight, Mufasa reached a point right below a ledge where he couldn't climb due to steepness. His claws scrapped and his back paws were without traction. Above him on the ledge was Scar. He begged for help. What happened next had to be seen to be believed. Scar grabbed Mufasa's paws.

"Long live the king…"

It was as if time itself stopped after Simba saw his father plummet into the stampede.
On the other side of the gorge, Timon and Pumbaa held onto a few wildebeest for dear life until the herd stopped at the edge of a river. "That wasn't so bad. You can't knock old Timon down that easy! Yeah. Bring it on!"
He spoke too soon. A growing roar of water was heard. "Pumbaa? Question: is it possible to fall off the edge of the Earth?" "Technically, no. The Earth is round like a sphere, Timon, so it doesn't actually have an edge." The duo fell off of a waterfall and into a basin below.

Timon fell unconscious and began to think back to his days with Pa.

He was 15 in meerkat years. He was following Pa out to a ledge overlooking their fraction of the veldt. "Look Pa, I know we're pretty low on the food-chain and all, but why do we have to dig tunnels all the time?" He got into a boxing pose as Fearless Buzz started to scurry, sniff, flinch. "Where's our pride? Where's our-" Pa flinched and held Timon as if there was a predator. A small bunyoro rabbit hopped by. "-dignity?"

Fearless Buzz let go of his son. "Timon, let me tell you something about dignity. Son, look out to the horizon, past the trees, over the grasslands. Everything the light touches belongs to someone else." As Timon looked and his smile dropped, light shone brightly on a big pointy rock in the distance. "I'm sorry, pal. But that's just the way it is. Dignity has nothing to do with it!" He held Timon's shoulders. "It's nature's designs: We are what we are. And what we are is food for other animals.
A consummate prey. A moveable feast. Feared by no one and eaten by all!" Fearless Buzz clutched to his son as if he was a security blanket.

"But when they die, they become the grass. And we eat the grass... right?" "Not exactly; we can't digest grass. We have carnivorous stomachs." Fearless Buzz forced a smile. He didn't believe in the Circle of Life philosophy that was being preached by Rafiki.

"See Pa, that's what I'm talkin' about. Why not find a better life? A place where there's no hyenas! A place where we don't have to run or dig tunnels!"

"Timon! This is our home, and I'm proud of those tunnels! Your Uncle Max and I dig those tunnels to keep you and your Ma safe. We dig those tunnels because we love you!" Timon knew that was not the case. "You dig tunnels because you're afraid of everything!" Pa gave him a pouty face. Ma arrived with a leaf tray of bugs. "Oh, there you boys are! I've got some nice fresh termites for you."

"Termites again!?" "Feeling braver now, aren't we?" Ma cracked a termite queen along the thorax. Pa had no response. "I'll be home late… I've got a tunnel to repair…" Fearless Buzz sulked off. Timon sat down.

"Was I adopted?"

"Timmy! You two are as different as dawn and dusk!"

"I'm tired of doing everything his way." "Oh, Timmy, you've almost grown now. And whether Pa likes it or not, you'll be making your own way soon." She gave him a reassuring hug and frizzled his hair. "Whatever you do, I know you're going to make me proud."

"You think so?"

"I know so! Even Pa will."

A loud thud shook the air. Pa stubbed his toe. "See! It's a jungle out here!"

"Well if he lives that long!"

Simba finally found his father's beaten body underneath the broken tree. Simba cried in anguish for help… but no help came.

"What have you done?" Scar appeared. "There were wildebeest and he tried to save me… It was an accident, I… I didn't mean for it to happen." "Of course you didn't. No one… ever means for these things to happen.... But the king is dead. And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive. Oh! What will your mother think?"
Simba questioned his uncle on what he should do.

"Run… Run away and never return." Simba ran off blindly as the sun began to set. Scar's grimace slowly turned to a grin as the hyenas appeared behind him. "Kill him."

It was a frantic chase through the other edge of the gorge. The hyenas chased the young lion to the edge of a cliff where he jumped into a thicket. Banzai followed the cub and got covered with thorns. He called out to the other two, but they just laughed.

Shenzi sneered, "There ain't no way I'm going in there. What, you want me to come out looking like you Cactus-butt?"

"But we gotta finish the job."

Shenzi looked out at the harsh landscape. "Well, he's as good as dead out there anyway. And if he comes back, we'll kill him."

Banzai yelled after Simba. "Yeah! you hear that? If you ever come back — we'll kill ya."


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 5: Hakuna Matata
Night fell over the Pride Lands. Scar was present at Pride Rock to give a eulogy for both Mufasa and Simba. "Mufasa's death was a terrible tragedy; but to lose Simba ... who had barely begun to live…" The lionesses, Zazu, and Nala started to mourn. In what little time they knew Simba, it felt as though they knew everything about him. If only Zazu got help sooner… "…For me, it is a deep personal loss. And so it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future." Scar's speech made way for the hyenas to move into Pride Rock. Rafiki began to mourn too: the balance in the Circle of Life was broken. He sat in the Tree of Life and rubbed away the painting of Simba.


Mbyani Mpoka

Kembe Ntsembele
Mbiyani Mpoka
Mwana Hosanna

Oh Mama

Na Wu Detsa Kambe

Dela Mama
Kabantsa Kari


Back in the basin, Pumbaa emerged from the water, gasping and wheezing. Timon clutched Pumbaa's tail and was dragged to safety, but otherwise limp. Pumbaa collapsed and coughs up some water. Timon came to and groaned, holding a lily. "I give up!" "But you can't give up! We still haven't found our dream home." "Forget it, Pumbaa. I've been dragging you down long enough. I'm going home... and I suggest you do the same." "Oh, I would if I could, but I can't." "Oh, sure you can, buddy. I won't stop you." "No, I mean… I don't have a home…" Timon realized the truth, Pumbaa's special power also drove away his own family, so he was left all alone in the world. "Truth is... I'm all alone too. Pumbaa, you're the only friend I've ever had ... and friends stick together to the end." Both of them smiled.
The next morning, Pumbaa woke with a shock, just as Timon was about to head back to look for Rafiki. "I think maybe you're giving up too soon, Timon." He grabbed the meerkat and turned him around. "Remember that place I told you about?" "Forget about your place. Get a load of what I found! Talk about 'beyond what you see'!" They had landed in a tropical jungle! This was the dream home they had been looking for! Dramatic views, a DIY porch swing, hot tubs and spas, and a well-stocked bug cupboard!

Pumbaa decided to whip up some of his uncle Boris' famous bug dishes to celebrate. "The monkey was right. We found it: the perfect life. He had the perfect name for it, too. Such a wonderful phrase. It had this rhythm: Ladooda ladada…" It had been years since Timon last met Rafiki and now he forgot the other phrase that the monkey told him. His mind was stuck on "look beyond what you see." Pumbaa tried to jog his memory with the dishes. "Hot tuna frittata. The spinach armada. A spoon of ricotta. A wormy piccata. Kahuna colada. A blue enchilada. Legumes on a platter. This oughtta be hotter. I gotta lambada!" Pumbaa's lambada threw off Timon's train of thought. "How can you dance at a time like this? I'm dyin' here! Sorry about that, pal." Pumbaa nonchalantly replied. "Hakuna Matata." That was it! "Come again?" "Hakuna Matata. It means 'no worries'… Ohhh!"

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata

"Hahuna Ma-what-a?" Back at the colony, Ma was talking with Rafiki, in the exact same spot she said goodbye to Timon. "It means 'No worries.'" "I see…" "So I told the boy: To find Hakuna Matata, you must look beyond what you see."

"A metaphor…" Ma grabbed the staff and bonked Rafiki on the head. "You used a metaphor on Timon?! He takes things literally!" Ma made the decision to find Timon, under the impression that he was starving. Max was unwilling to go. "Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." Her first step was to stomp on his toes.

Back in the jungle, Timon and Pumbaa were thinking of new games to play to pass the time between pigging out, building a jungle arcade, and relaxing. Their last choice was bowling for hedgehogs. It only ended up with Timon getting a back full of tenrec spines. Just then Pumbaa saw some vultures flying overhead. "What do you say? One more round?" "One more run won't change our lives!"
After Simba escaped from the hyenas, he trudged alone across the dry savannah. Suddenly a sand storm swirled around him. Simba fought the strong winds as best he could, but the effort was too much. He passed out on the hard, cracked earth from lack of food and sleep. As the storm finally ended, a half-dozen vultures circled the sky, hoping Simba would be their next meal.

Just as the scavenger birds were about to attack, Timon and Pumbaa charged onto the scene. The birds scattered, and Timon leaped off Pumbaa's back. "Get out, get out, get out of here!"

"I love this! Bowling for buzzards." Then Pumbaa noticed what the birds had left behind. "Uh-oh. Hey Timon, you better come look. I think it’s still alive."

Timon approached cautiously. "What do we got here? Geez, it's a lion! Run, Pumbaa! Move it!"

Timon scrambled onto Pumbaa's back for safety, but Pumbaa wasn't afraid. "Timon, it's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone. Can we keep him?"

"Pumbaa, are you nuts? We're talking about a lion. Lions eat guys like us!"

"But he's so little."

"He's gonna get bigger!"

"Maybe he'll be on our side."

Pumbaa clearly ignored Timon's warning. He scooped up Simba and carried him to a safer place.

At the edge of the jungle, Timon and Pumbaa watched closely as Simba's eyes opened. Timon moved in closer. "You okay, kid?"

"I guess so."

"I saved you. Well, Pumbaa helped. A little."

An unhappy Simba got up and started to leave. "Thanks for your help."

Timon called after him. "Hey, where you goin'?"


As Simba walked away, Timon turned to Pumbaa. "Gee. He looks blue."

"I'd say brownish gold."

"No, no, no. I mean he's depressed."

Pumbaa trotted up to Simba. "Kid, what's eating ya?"

Timon attempted to lighten the mood. "Nothin'. He's at the top of the food chain!" It didn't work. Timon turned to Simba. "So? Where're you from?"

"Who cares. I can't go back."

"Ah, you're an outcast! That's great! So are we!"

"What did you do, kid?"

"Something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it."

"Good. We don't wanna hear about it."

"Come on Timon. Anything we can do?"

"Not unless you can change the past."

Feeling sad, Simba listened to some advice from his new friends. "Look, kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?"


"Wrong! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world."

"Well, that's not what I was taught."

"Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me: Hakuna Matata."


Pumbaa nodded. "Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means no worries."

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!
"Hakuna Matata?"

"Yeah, it's our motto." Pumbaa wasn't lying, it only became their motto after moving into the jungle. Only days before it was still "Look beyond what you see."

"What's a motto?"

"Nothin', what's a motto with you?"

"You know, kid-- these two words will solve all your problems."

"Take Pumbaa for example.

When he was a young warthog...

When I was a young wart hog!"​
"Very nice…" "Thanks!"

He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savannah after every meal

I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind

And oh, the shame
Thoughta changin' my name
And I got downhearted
Ev'rytime that I...

"Pumbaa! Not in front of the kid!" "Oh… sorry…"

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days

All three:
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

After listening to Timon and Pumbaa's lesson, Simba followed his new friends to their jungle paradise. The lion cub was impressed with what he saw. "I'm starved!" "I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra." "We're fresh out of zebra." Timon warned Simba that he wouldn't be eating his usual food.

"Listen, kid; if you live with us, you have to eat like us. Hey, this looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub." With that he lifted up a log, revealing millions of bugs. "Mmmm! Tastes like chicken."

"Slimy, yet satisfyin'!"

"These are rare delicacies. Mmmm! Piquant, with a very pleasant crunch."

"You'll learn to love 'em!"

"I'm telling ya, kid, this is the great life. No rules, no responsibilities. Ooh! --the little cream-filled kind. And best of all, no worries."

Starving, Simba popped on in his mouth and made a face. This new diet was going to take some getting used to.
In the months that followed, Timon and Pumbaa taught Simba to swing from a vine over the water and ride down a waterfall. They played together in the jungle and turned their backs on the world. Hakuna Matata.



May 7, 2012
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Chapter 6: The Madness of King Scar
Back in the Pride Lands, things had taken a turn for the worse. Scar's reign over Pride Rock transformed the once lush veldt into a desolate wasteland. Where there was once wildlife, there was now bones. Mufasa's former den had become nothing but a lounge for Scar, with Zazu locked up in a cage made from the ribs of a long dead animal.

"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrow…"

"Oh Zazu, do lighten up. Sing something with a little… bounce in it."

"it's a small world after all…"

"NO! No, anything but that!"
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
There they are a-standing in a row

Big ones small ones
Some as big as your head

Give 'em a twist
A flick of the wrist
That's what the showman said!

While Scar sang this jaunty Monty Python song, he held up the skull of a meerkat, most likely one he ate himself. "Alas, poor Yorick. I hardly knew him Zazu… Zazu, why am I not loved?

I am that rare and awesome thing
I'm every inch a king
Yet I feel a twinge of doubt
As I go walk about

"Hey, Boss!"
"When my name is whispered through the pride
Is this talk of love or regicide?

"Reggie who?"

"Tell me I'm adored
Please tell me I'm adored?
"Hey, Boss!"

"Oh, What is it this time?"

"We got a bone to pick with you!" The hyenas entered the den. "There's no food, no water—" "Yeah. It's dinnertime, and there ain't no stinkin' entrées!"

"Oh, you and your petty complaints. You don't know what real hunger is. Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being!"

"I had it once," said Banzai. "It was worms!"

"No, no, no… it's like an itch… deep, persistent, profound…"

"That's it-- worms! When they get really bad all you gotta do is... hunker down and scoot"

"Thanks for the tip. Ingrates! If it weren't for me you'd be beating off buzzards for your next bite!"

"Shenzi & Banzai:
Yeah, you're our savior, thanks a bunch
But how about some lunch?
It doesn't matter if it's fresh
I need a fix of flesh
My bones have moved to where they've never been
They are on the outside looking in

"Are you blaming me?"

"Oh no, it's the lionesses!

You are so adored!
Oh, you are so adored!
"That's more like it!"

"But what I'd give for one more hit
Of wildebeest kielbasa
Or maybe hornbill on the spit...

Oh how I miss Mufasa!"

"What? What did you say?" Scar snapped. "Oh, nothing!" "You know the law: Never, ever mention that name in my presence. I ... am ... the king!" "I thought things were bad under Mufasa..." Banzai whispered to his cohorts. Scar snapped again. "I said, uh… 'Qué pasa?'"
"Even in death, his shadow looms over me…" In his mind's eye, Scar saw the ghostly image of Mufasa manifest itself in the den. Zazu told him to stop, else he will get a splitting headache. "I am perfectly fine!

I'm better than Mufasa was
I'm revered
I am reviled
I'm idolized
I am despised
I'm keeping calm
I'm going wild!

I tell myself I'm fine
Yes I am, no you're not
Yes I am, no you're not
I tell myself I'm fine

No you're not, yes I am, no you're not
Yes I am
No you're not
Yes, no, yes, no, who am I talking to...?

Zazu shouted to pull himself together. "Nobody loved me, there's the rub, not even as a cub… What did my brother have that I don't have?" Zazu began to list off things that Mufasa had, before mentioning a devoted queen. That was the answer he needed!

"Without a queen, what am I? A dead end, no line, no descendants, no future. With a queen, I'll have cubs... Immortality will be mine!" He began to think over which lioness he should mate, all while chewing on a bone. Sarafina? No, she already had a mate. Zira? Maybe, but she was probably too eccentric? Sarabi? She would never accept him as mate. His answer came in the form of a familiar face.


"Nala! Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. My how you've grown!"

"Scar, you have got to do something. We're being forced to overhunt!"

Scar didn't care.
"She's got those assets feminine

You're the king. Control the hyenas

I have to make her mine

You're destroying the Pride Lands

Nobility in every gene

If we don't stop now.. Don't you see...

She has to be my queen

...there's still a chance for things to be all right again...

Come, sweet Nala
It's written in the stars

What are you doing? Are you listening to me?

We'll create a host of little Scars

What are you talking about?

Tell me I'm adored

Get away from me

Tell me I'm adored!"

Nala swiped Scar in the face. "Oh, Nala~ You know how I loathe violence... One way or another, you will be mine!"
"Never, Scar! Never!"

"You belong to me
You all belong to me!

Nala ran off, and was met by Rafiki. He told her what she must do. She must look beyond what she sees to find the answers she seeked.
"Fatshe leso lea halalela
Fatshe leso lea halalela

The leaves have fallen
This shadowed land
This was our home

The river's dry
The ground has broken
So I must go
Now I must go

And where the journey may lead me
Let your prayers be my guide
I cannot stay here, my family
But I'll remember my pride

Pride Land
My land
Dry land
Take this
With you

Fatshe leso

And where the journey may lead you
Let this prayer be your guide
Though it may take you so far away
Always remember your pride

Fatshe leso lea halalela
Fatshe leso lea Halalela

And where the journey may lead you
Let this prayer be your guide
Though it may take you so far away
Always remember your pride

Beso bo, my people, beso bo"

Meanwhile back in the jungle, Simba developed into a full-grown lion. One morning, Simba decided it was time to test the motto. "What's the matter, pops? Had a little too much Hakuna Matata?" "Sonny boy, I invented Hakuna Matata." "Oh, yeah? Well, I perfected it!"

Timon wanted to disprove Simba's arrogant claim by asking Pumbaa who held the record for various bug-eating contests. Simba held them all, with an unmarked record for snail slurping.

"I don't think this is such a good idea."

Simba and Timon took turns slurping as many snails as they could. Finally there were two left. Simba slurped his, and slouched, on the verge of getting a hangover. Timon took his but began to retch. Thus did the pupil surpass the teacher.

Simba walked off with a swagger to a hot tub. Meanwhile Pumbaa was helping Timon back on his feet. "Our Simba is growing up.

Is this the little boy I carried?

When did he grow to be so tall?

Wasn't it yesterday when he was small?
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Pumbaa and Timon joined in with Simba in the hot tub. "Ahhhh. Just what the doctor ordered."

"Yep. After a long day of doing nothing, it's good to kick back."

"Three pals and no worries. What more could you want?"

Pumbaa yawned, deciding it was time to turn in for the night. The bubbles in the tub stopped as soon as he got out. To their horror, Simba and Timon realized that the bubbles were fart-powered. The three of them headed to a grassy knoll to rest for the evening. All three of them belched. But Simba's was the loudest. "Nice one!" "Heh, thanks! Man, I'm stuffed."

"Me, too. I ate like a pig!"

"Pumbaa, you are a pig…"

After a moment of silence, Pumbaa turned to Timon. "Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?"

"Fireflies that uh… got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing."

"Oh. Gee. I always thought that they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away."

"Simba, what do you think?"

"Well… somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there — watching over us."

"You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us?" Timon tried to keep his composure, but let out a laugh, Pumbaa joining in. "Who told you something like that? What mook made that up?" Simba briefly smiled, but he then grimaced.

Later that night, Simba gazed at the starry sky with a distant look in his eye. He sighed unhappily and flopped down on the ground, sending some milkweed soaring through the air and across the meadow. Finally it landed in the hands of Rafiki. He carefully looked at the milkweed.

"Simba? He's- he’s alive? He he- He's alive!!"

With great delight, Rafiki turned to his faded painting of Simba and painted a mane onto it.

"It is time!

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Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
Wow, you've really captured the story of the Lion King. Nala sure is in quite the predicament with Scar. Good thing she runs away in order to find Simba or food with the guidance from Rafiki. This was an enjoyable story to read thus far. I look forward to the rest of your updates. :D


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 7: Can You Feel the Love Tonight
"…and Timon passes the 20-yard line, the 30!"
"Hey, Timon! That's my lunch!"
Simba and the duo were playing a game of football with a dung beetle. Simba tackled Timon, but it was enough for Timon to make a field goal… into Pumbaa's mouth.
"Pumbaa! You're not supposed to eat the ball!"
"Oh… sorry…"
Simba suggested they head out to find a new batch of bugs. The duo went one direction while Simba went in another.
Awimbawe, Awimbawe (etc...)
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight

I can't hear you buddy back me up!
Pumbaa? Pumbaa?"
Pumbaa was distracted by a passing rhino beetle, all while still singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."
"Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling
The lion sleeps tonight
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling
The lion sleeps tonight

Pumbaa followed the beetle to the entrance to the veldt, when a young lioness jumped from the bushes. As she chased him around a tree, he got stuck under a root and began to squeal.

"She's gonna eat me!"
Timon was the first to hear his friend's cry, and came running. Then Simba came to the rescue as well.
After wrestling with the lioness, who easily pinned him, Simba looked more closely at the attacker. "Nala? Is it really you?"
Then Nala backed up. "Who are you?"
"It's me! Simba!"
Both were very enthusiastic. Timon shouted after he finally got Pumbaa out of the root using some snail slime. "Hey!! What's goin’ on here?!" "This is Nala; she's my best friend."
Nala smiled at Simba in disbelief. "Wait ‘til everybody finds out you've been here all this time. Everyone thinks you're dead. Scar told us about the stampede."
Simba shamefully lowered his head. "What else did he tell you?
"What else matters? You're alive. And that means... you're the king."
Timon looked astonished. "King? Lady, have you got your lions crossed."
Pumbaa was awestruck. He bowed respectfully toward Simba and kissed his paw. "I gravel at your feet."
"It's not 'gravel,' it's grovel. And don't! He's not the king. Are you?"
At that moment, Simba didn't feel like much of a leader. "No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was gonna be but — that was a long time ago."
Nala wanted to speak to Simba alone. "It starts! You think you know a guy…"
As soon as Timon and Pumbaa were out of earshot, her eyes welled up with tears. "It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to everyone… what it means to me."
"Hey, it's okay."
"I've really missed you."
"I've missed you too."
The two lions stared at each other, remembering the special friendship the had once shared. Timon and Pumbaa were watching from the bushes. "This stinks. Him. Her. Alone...

I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two

The sweet caress of twilight
There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air

This is a disaster, Pumbaa. A disaster, I tell ya!"
"You mean because they've finally found each other like two soulmates joined across the years by the bonds of true love?"
"She's going to put a stake right through the heart of our Hakuna Matata! Pumbaa... we can't let them feel the love tonight!"
Nearly all of their attempts backfired, be they spiders, bees, darts, or tripwires.
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things

So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from me

He's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is
The king I see inside?

Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things

Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are

And if he feels the love tonight
In the way I do

It's enough for this restless wanderer
Just to be with you

And if he falls in love tonight
It can be assumed

His carefree days with us are history

In short, our pal is doomed"

"Ah, that's it, buddy. We gave it our best shot, but he's a goner." "Maybe not, look!" Simba was trying to convince Nala to stay with him in his jungle paradise, but she wanted him to return to Pride Rock. "We've really needed you at home." "Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king. Scar is." "Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands." "He did?!" "Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water. Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve."
Sill, Simba felt uneasy about returning to his home. Scar was king now, and Simba didn't think he could challenge his uncle for the throne. "No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata."
"It's something I learned out here. Look, sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it! So why worry?"
"Because it's your responsibility."
"Well, what about you? You left."
"I left to find help! And I found you. Don't you understand? You’re our only hope. What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I remember."
"You're right, I'm not. Now are you satisfied? You're starting to sound like my father "
"Good. At least one of us does."
He turned to Nala angrily. "Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been through."
"I would if you’d just tell me!"
"Forget it!" "Fine!" Timon started to jump for joy. "We won! We split 'em up!" "And that's a good thing?" "He seems to be taking it kind of hard." Timon was about to add something else, but he decided to head back to their beds, a storm was rolling in.

"She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove, anyway? It won’t change anything. You can't change the past.
Where has the starlight gone?
Dark is the day
How can I find my way home?

Home is an empty dream
Lost to the night
Father, I feel so alone

You promised you'd be there
Whenever I needed you
Whenever I call your name
You're not anywhere

I'm trying to hold on
Just waiting to hear your voice
One word, just a word will do
To end this nightmare

When will the dawning break
Oh endless night
Sleepless I dream of the day

When you were by my side
Guiding my path
Father, I can't find the way

You promised you'd be there
Whenever I needed you
Whenever I call your name
You're not anywhere

I'm trying to hold on
Just waiting to hear your voice
One word, just a word will do
To end this nightmare

I know that the night must end
And that the sun will rise
And that the sun will rise

I know that the clouds must clear
And that the sun will shine
And that the sun will shine

Left alone with his thoughts, Simba sat on a fallen tree trunk beside a stream. Suddenly a stone landed in the water below. Simba looked up to see Rafiki above him. "Who are you?"
Rafiki approached him. "The question is: Who are you?"
"I thought I knew. Now I'm not so sure."
"Well, I know who you are. You're Mufasa's boy."
"You knew my father?"
"Correction. I know your father."
"I hate to tell you this, but he died a long time ago…"
"Nope. Wrong again! He's alive! I'll show him to you. You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way. C'mon!"
Simba followed Rafiki through the dark, dense jungle until they came to a curtain of reeds. The ancient mandrill slowly parted the tall grass, and they stood before a reflecting pool.
"Shhh… Look down there."
Simba looked in the water and saw the face of a lion. "That's not my father. It's just my reflection."
"No." Rafiki motioned Simba closer. "Look harder… You see — he lives in you."

Suddenly, from the heavens above, the ghost of Mufasa appeared.
"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life."
"How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be."

"Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king. Remember who you are… remember… remember… remember…"
Simba shouted to his father. "No! Please! Don't leave me!" But just as suddenly as the vision of the old king appeared, it was gone. Simba sat alone beneath a huge field of stars.
After a moment, Rafiki joined him. "The weather. Very peculiar — don't you think?"
"Yeah. Looks like the winds are changing."
"Ah, change is good."
"Yeah, but it's not easy. I know what I have to do. But, going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long."
Rafiki gave Simba a blow to the head with his staff. "What was that for?"
"It doesn't matter; it's in the past!"
"Yeah, but it still hurts."
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."
Simba ducked the next blow, and caught the staff in his teeth. "Hey! Where are you going?"
"I'm going back!" He was heading back home.

Busa le lizwe
Busa le lizwe
Busa le lizwe
Busa lomhlaba

Sabusa le lizwe
Sabusa le lizwe
Sabusa le lizwe
Busa lomhlaba

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May 7, 2012
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Chapter 8: The Battle for Pride Rock
Timon and Pumbaa were still asleep from their success at splitting Simba and Nala up. But when the awoke to a fright, Nala was still in the jungle. "Have you guys seen Simba?" Timon was about to say something about Simba but then Rafiki appeared again. "You won't find him here. The king has returned!"
"He's gone back!" Rafiki vanished. "Hey! What's going on here? Who's the monkey?!"
"Simba's gone to challenge Scar."
"Who's got a scar?"
"No, it's his uncle."
"The monkey's his uncle?"
"No. Simba's gone back to challenge his uncle to take his place as king."
"He's gone? What do you mean, he's gone?"
"It's just like the baboon said. The king has returned."
Nala went over the whole thing again. In their heads, several thoughts ran through Timon and Pumbaa.
"Poor Simba. The treachery... the villainy... the sheer indescribable horror!"
"Why is she toying with us? She tried to eat us!"
Again, the two were dumbfounded. "Don't you get it? Simba needs us! Now!" Nala ran off to find Simba.
"He needs us? Then he shouldn't have left us! If he wants to run off to be 'His Highness', well, I say, don't let the branches hit you on the way out! Leave Hakuna Matata to someone who appreciates it!"
"But, Timon... it's not really Hakuna Matata without Simba."
"Not Hakuna Matata? That's crazy talk. Crazy talk, I tell ya! Nothing's changed here. We had Hakuna Matata before Simba, and we've still got it now."
"We gotta help our friend, Timon!"
"Et tu, Pumbaa? You're just gonna walk away, give up on all this? What happened to 'friends stick together to the end'!? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
Pumbaa turned his back angrily to Timon. "I was about to ask you the same thing."
Timon was all alone once more. "Now this is more like it: Elbow room!" He truly was alone as his voice echoed "elbow room" back to him. Night fell as Timon tried to comfort himself in the vines, the fart-powered hot tub, and in the grassy knoll. Rafiki returned as if to deliver a final message to Timon. But Timon cut him off by enacting what exactly will go on.
"So did you find Hakuna Matata? Well, yes, I did! Thank you very much! And I am happy... happy, happy, deliriously happy. Ho ho! I see. Happy, is it? So, if you're so happy, why do you look so miserable? Why should I be miserable? Oh, I don't know. Maybe my two best pals in the world deserted me. Heh. They've... they've headed off on some heroic mission. My friends... are gone…" Then he was hit with a startling revelation. "...And my Hakuna Matata went with them." Rafiki nodded and pointed Timon in the right direction. "My work here is done."

Pumbaa began to gallop through the gorge where, years earlier, he was caught in a stampede. Timon ran past him at a higher speed and turned to him. "Friends stick together to the end." The two hugged. But there was a question on Timon's mind. "What was with the running? If you can call that 'running'." "I was giving you time to catch up. We got a fight to catch!"
"This is the stuff of legends. An epic struggle—the place where heroes are born. Pumbaa... this could be our finest hour."

Simba had already made his way through the blistering desert to the Pride Lands. When Nala found him, Simba seemed to have a new power within him. "…It's awful, isn't it?" "I didn't want to believe you. I finally got some sense knocked into me. And I've got the bump to prove it. Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?"
Nala looked at the lion king with love. "I will."
"It's going to be dangerous." Nala made the reminder that he was the one that laughs in the face of danger, and that she wasn't alone. "Timon? Pumbaa? What are you doing here?"
"At your service, my liege."
"We're going to fight your uncle ... for this?"
"Yes, Timon; this is my home."
"Talk about your fixer-upper. Well, Simba, if it's important to you, we're with ya to the end!"

Our heroes slowly crept to the edge of Pride Rock, when Timon made a face.
"Hyenas… I hate hyenas!" He whispered to Simba. "So what's your plan for getting past those guys?"
Simba told him that the only way they can get in is for a diversion using live bait.
"Hey! What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?"

Loud drums beat as the hyenas turned.

If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat

Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line

Are ya achin'
For some bacon?
He's a big pig
You can be a big pig too!

Timon and Pumbaa took off leading the hyenas away from Simba and Nala. "Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses. I'll look for Scar…" Again the team split.
Timon and Pumbaa led the hyenas over a rise and into a cave, screaming. The hyenas ran in, but quickly ran out. Pumbaa had unleashed his anal stench of biblical proportions. Timon had become so accustomed to Pumbaa's farts over the past few years, he was practically immune. "I love the smell of Pumbaa in the morning!" Suddenly, Pumbaa felt the ground beneath him poke back at him. He stepped back.
"Ma? Uncle Max?"
"Oh Timmy!"
"What are you doing here?" "Looking for you!" Timon and his mom hugged for the first time in years. Max meanwhile looked at the hula getup that his nephew had on. If Fearless Buzz were alive, he wouldn't know if he should make heads or tails about this decision. Short introductions were made, bu soon, Pumbaa pointed out Simba's location on Pride Rock.

Simba found Scar, and he found his mother. "Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job."
"The herds have moved on." "You're just not looking hard enough." "It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock." "We're not going anywhere."
"Then you have sentenced us to death!"
"So be it."
Sarabi was aghast at her brother-in-law's behavior. "I'm the king! I can do whatever I want!"
"If you were half the king Mufasa was you would never have made this choice!"
"I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!"
Scar swiped at Sarabi. That proved to be a fatal error when Simba was seeing all that unfolded, as a storm was beginning to rage. Scar's first thoughts were that Mufasa had returned from the dead. Simba went to his mother and confirmed that he was indeed her son, long assumed dead. Scar was even delighted. "Simba? Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you... alive." As he said this, he glared at the hyena trio.
Simba began to remind Scar that he illegitimately took the throne. "Well, I would, heh, naturally, however, there is one little problem. You see them?" Scar pointed upwards to a pack of snarling hyenas looking down from the rocky walls. "They think I'm king…"
"Well, we don't. Simba is the rightful king." Nala arrived with the hunting party that Scar had mentioned earlier.
"The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight."
Scar then began to ask Simba that this violence would only lead to the death of another family member. "Wouldn't you agree, Simba?"
"That won't work, Scar. I've put it behind me."
"What about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?"
Nala began to question what was going on. "Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death!"
A hush fell over all lions.

"I am…"

Simba stepped forward. Sarabi was shocked. Exactly what Scar planned. "You see, he admits it! Murderer!"
"No! It was an accident!"

Timon was looking on with his family and Pumbaa. "Oh, good, they're talking things out. Which is how it should be. You know, I have a feeling everything's gonna be just fine."
"Oh Simba, you're in trouble again. But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone knows why!"
Scar was backing Simba over the edge of the length. Simba lost his footing, but he held on tightly. Lightning struck some dry plants causing a fire to rage below. Scar then began to contemplate this strange sense of déjà vu. "Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died."
Scar's actions mirrored that fateful day. "And here's my little secret: I killed Mufasa."
Suddenly, Simba's mind went back to the very last time that he saw his father. In one giant leap, he lunged up and pinned Scar on his back. Scar was caught completely by surprise and was understandably very nervous and shaken.

"The hyenas are up there protecting Scar. What do we do?" Timon immediately thought of the answer to the question. "Ma, Uncle Max: You're going to dig a trap. We're going to need—dare I say it?—tunnels... lots and lots of tunnels. And Pumbaa. You and me... we've gotta get those hyenas away from Simba. Let's ride Pumbaa!"
"You know there's something different about Timon…"
"You think?" Max shouted at the top of his lungs. "He's wearing a dress!"

"Murderer! Tell them the truth!"
"Truth? But, truth is in the eye of the behold-" Simba pressed his paw against Scar's throat. "Alright! I did it…"
"So they can hear you…"
"I killed Mufasa!"

The battle for Pride Rock had just began. Lion went up against hyena. Timon and Pumbaa suddenly arrived plowing into a group of hyenas. Rafiki arrived in the nick of time to help ward off some that were attacking Simba. Timon led Shenzi and Banzai into the den. Zazu was still in the cage. Timon threw himself into the cage. Pumbaa arrived.
"Hey? Who's the pig?"
"You talkin' to me?"
"Uh oh, you called him a pig…"
"You talkin' to me?!"
"You shouldn't have done that…"
"Are you talkin' to me?"
"Now you're in for it!"
"They call me Mister Pig!" Pumbaa plowed into the hyenas and shattered the cage. With Zazu freed, it was an unfair advantage, and the hyenas scattered. Timon led Pumbaa to a ledge as they saw Simba begin to chase Scar up Pride Rock. "Hey, Pumbaa! What do you call a hyena with half a brain?" "Beats me, Timon. What?" "Gifted!"
Ed thought it was hilarious, but Banzai smacked him. "For your last meal, you're gonna eat those words." The duo ran off to the trap area, but Ma and Max were still digging away. The duo began to stall by doing circus tricks. Timon decided to get serious with the stalling with this attempt.
"Shenzi Marie Predatora Veldetta Jacquelina Hyena... would you do me the honor of becoming... my bride?"
Both Pumbaa and Shenzi were dumbfounded. "I don't think so!"
"Shenzi Marie, please. I know what you're thinking: 'We're too different.' 'It'll never work.' 'What will the children look like?'"
"Ooh, that violates so many laws of nature."
"Listen to me! The problems of a couple of wacky kids like us don't amount to hill of termites in this nutty circle-of-life thing. And so I ask you: If not now, when? If not me, who? I'm lonely."
Ma popped up letting them know that it was ready. On the word, Max kicked the support beams that Ma set up. It didn't work all the way through as it stopped shot. All four of them were against the wall. Timon decided it was time to take action. This was his chance to be a hero! Even if he didn't make it, just imagine what the songs will sing of his sacrifice. He leapt into the hole and shattered the remaining support beams. The ground gave way, and the hyenas were sucked into a sinkhole. Timon managed to climb out in one piece.
"My son... the hero!"
Ma and Timon hugged. Then Max joined in. "That's so beautiful!" He was finally proud of his nephew! Ma finally turned to her son. "You've really come a long way, Timon. Did you find what you were looking for?" "I found a place that was beyond my wildest dreams. But... it still wasn't home. I want to take you there, since it seems more like home with you…"

Simba's final ascent up Pride Rock was met with the occasional hyena, but one was persistent as Simba leapt through some flames after Scar. There was no place left for the evil uncle to run. "Simba. Please. Please have mercy. I beg you." "You don't deserve to live." "But, Simba, I am family. It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault-- it was their idea!" The lone hyena backed away, betrayed. He had to report this to Shenzi. "Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie."
"What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old Uncle...?"
"No… I'm not like you…"
"How can I, ah, prove myself to you? Tell me, I mean, anything."
"Run away and never return…"
Scar's eyes sank. These were the exact same instructions he gave to Simba. "Yes… of course… as you wish, your Majesty!" Scar kicked some burning embers into Simba's eyes.
One final battle broke out between Simba and Scar. Scar knocked Simba down.
"Now cracks a noble heart.—Good night, sweet prince, and may the kings of the past sing thee to thy rest!"
He leapt at Simba through the flames. But Simba was ready; he kicked Scar with his hind legs over the edge of the cliff. Scar tumbled to the bottom. He weakly got up and saw the hyena trio approaching and smiled. "My friends!"
"Friends? I heard he said we were the enemy!"
"That's what I heard."
For once, Ed actually said something. "Yeah!"
The hyenas began to gang up on Scar. "Let me explain. No. You don't understand. No! I didn't mean for... No, No! Look, I’m sorry I called you... No!" It was too late. The hyenas tore Scar to pieces. The madness of King Scar had finally ended, and with it the storm.


Sep 25, 2010
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I feel nostalgic upon reading this chapter. Every detail is exactly like the movie, which makes me want to watch the movie after so many years. Simba throwing Scar over the cliff with his hind legs was the best part of the whole entire movie. Good riddance to Scar. I guess the next chapter will follow up with Simba taking back Pride Rock and helping things return to normal once more. :D Overall, it was a great chapter.


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 9: He Lives in You
As Scar's screams of utter horror finally died down, a rain storm came rolling into the Pridelands. What was once infertile became fertile once again. The dried up stream began to flow. The fires began to die.
Simba was victorious in his battle against his evil uncle. However those who remained loyal to Scar were banished, including an infant red cub. Simba nuzzled with his mother, and then with Nala. He turned and saw Zazu flutter down.
"Your Majesty!"
The marmot popped up next to him. "News from the underground: Good ruling, Captain!"
Timon, Pumbaa, and Timon's family walked up to Simba. The lion embraced the duo. "I couldn't have done it without you guys." "That's our boy." "I promised myself I wasn't gonna cry." And Timon broke into tears of joy. Simba began to walk in the direction of a rattling noise. It was Rafiki, motioning Simba to the ledge. Simba started up and paused to hug Rafiki as his father did.
"It is time."
Very majestically, Simba ascended to the tip where he was once presented. At the tip of the rock, Simba looked up through the rain. Through a hole in the clouds he saw the constellation of Leo, but the stars were brighter than normal. His father's voice entered his head.
Simba gave out a loud roar. The King had finally returned to rule what was rightfully his. All of the lionesses roared back in refrain.
Timon and Pumbaa decided it was time to show the colony what life without hyenas was like. They found them again digging away in their tunnels.
"Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah
When you're done ya dig a bigga tunnah
Digga tunnah,
Dig, dig a tunnah
Quick, before the hyena come!

Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah
You can dig and never get dunnah
Digga tunnah, (Dig a little faster)
Dig, digga tunnah
What was that?!
Quick, before the hyena come!

Sing the Ballad of Fearless Buzz
Greatest meerkat that ever was
Said the meerkats should have to hide
Wiped his paws as he went outside
Fought a fearsome hyena back
Beat him 'til he was blue and black
But forgot hyenas roam in the pack
Meerkat brave, it was meerkat snack

Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah (Digga tunnah)
When you're done ya dig a bigga tunnah.
Digga tunnah, (Dig a little faster)
dig dig a tunnah.
What was that?!

All members of the colony looked to see Timon, Pumbaa, Timon's family, and Simba arrive in their tunnels. Timon spoke. "Everyone! I have good news and bad news!"
"What's the bad news?"
"The bad news is you don't have to dig tunnels anymore!"
The colony broke into a frenzy. Simba roared stopping the rampage. "The good news is, we don't have to worry about hyenas anymore!" This time he was met with cheers. "I know a place where we can live free from predators, follow me!"

A few days later, Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba had finally reached the colony's final destination: the Jungle! "Welcome to our new home... a predator-free environment!"
Ma turned to her son and hugged. "I gotta hand it to you. Timon. This place has everything!" "Well, now that we're all here, it does."
Max had already began a tai-chi class for former tunnel diggers. "The crane… spreads its wings... Turns, with dainty hands..."
"Digga tunnah,
Dig, dig a tunnah
Never gonna dig another tunnah
Digga tunnah,
Dig, digga tunnah
Never more the hyena come!

Sing the praises of brave Timon
Bravest meerkat we've ever known

Never dreamed he'd help Simba shine

Proved it's cool to hang out with swine!

Accidentally saved the day

Planned it so it would look that way

And brought us out of the dirt and sand
Led his family to the promised land
Sing the praises of brave Timon
Bravest meerkat we've ever known!

A dream sublime
It's Timon-o-rama time!

I've never been the type

You'll have a perfect home

To fall for all that hype

Where no hyenas roam

About the meerkat role

Where it's a shoe-in cinch

In some organic hole

Where you don't have to flinch

And all that circle rot

And stand on guard as if

Is just a cunning plot

You've mastered scratch 'n sniff

For coming to the crunch

A fantasy sublime

I ain't nobody's lunch

It's Timon-o-rama time

This isn't for the birds, it isn't monkeyshine
I ain't asking for a lot, but what is mine is mine
You never want to argue with a chorus line
That's all I need
Whoa whoa, I beg and plead!
IIIIIIII neeeeeeeed
All I need!!

In the weeks that passed, Timon and Pumbaa left the jungle again, this time on personal orders from Simba: Nala was about to give birth to a cub.
One spring morning, all the animals from the four winds began to converge at Pride Rock once again, to continue the Circle of Life. They were all lead by Rafiki singing a song he once taught Mufasa.

"Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

And the spirit of life

And a voice
With the fear of a child
Oh, mamela

Ubukhosi bo khokho
We ndodana ye sizwe sonke

There's no mountain too great
Hear the words and have faith
Have faith

Hela hey mamela
Hela hey mamela

Hela hey mamela
Hela hey mamela

He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

So wait
There's no mountain too great
Hear the words and have faith
Have faith

He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you

Simba and Nala's cub watched with glee as the animals cheered. Timon and Pumbaa were watching, now the official godfathers of the heir to the throne. "Ah, Pumbaa-- look at that little guy. A chip off the old block! And you gotta know who's gonna raise 'im…"
"His parents?"
"But who's gonna teach him the really important stuff? Like how to belch? And dig for grubs? I'm telling ya, buddy... it's gonna be like old times. You, me... and the little guy."
Rafiki chuckled. "It is a girl."
"GIRL!? Oy!"



Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
The ending was best to all of this. Poor Timon having no idea until the last minute that Nala gave birth to a girl. Simba is going to have his hands full with his little cub in the future. xD


May 7, 2012
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Please note that I am not finished just yet. With work getting in the way of writing, I have yet to add chapters based on the Lion King II to this novelization, as I have a good reason for not using the ending scene from the film, since the cub present in the ending has been retconned to Kion.


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 10: We Are One

That evening, a small rainstorm began to grace the Pridelands. Rafiki returned once more to the Tree of Life, now painting a new cub on the bark, one named Kiara, the infant princess of Simba and Nala. Wind began to blow through his hair, but Rafiki knew that this was not normal wind. "Ooh, Mufasa! Such a day this has been! Princess Kiara's birth... another Circle of Life is complete, and the Pride's future is once again secure." The wind blew at the painting, despite his protests. "Ooh... there is trouble in the Pride Lands." Rafiki turned and saw that the wind had made the rough outline of a black lion. "There is another cub? In the Outlands... But that is where Simba banished Scar's followers. Including his most loyal... Zira."

In the Outlands, a barren desert dotted with termite mounds, a young red cub was pouncing on an insect before releasing it. A harsh voice shouted. "Kovu! Don't let it go. What's the matter with you?" It was Zira herself, as eccentric as Scar once thought of her. The battle took a toll on her as she was singed in some places.
"But Mother! He wasn't hurting anyone"
"There is no room for weakness here, my son. Remember... Scar took you in and accepted you as his own son."
"But he wasn't my father."
"No... but he chose you to become the next King. When you rule, we shall no longer be forced to live in these dry, barren, disgusting, pathetic, termite-infested Outlands!"

Two more lions, one male with a short mangy mane, the other female, roughly older than Kovu. The male spoke, "We were there-- in the Pride Lands. We saw the whole thing! We saw Simba's cub!"
"Vitani—what did you see?"
"Simba's new cub is a girl!"
Zira chuckled. "Scar, my beloved... did you hear that? This couldn't be more perfect."
The older male wondered why she was talking. But then Vitani smacked him, because Zira was talking as if to Scar. "But, he's dead..."
"Yes! Because of Simba... if not for him, Scar would still be King. And I, Zira-- his loving, devoted Queen!"
"You know, speaking of kings... I was thinking, since I am the oldest... maybe I should be King! Huh?"
"Uh? Don't be a fool, Nuka. Kovu is the chosen one. We must fulfill Scar's dying wish, and train Kovu to become King. Look... at the Pride Lands, my pets. So green... so inviting. That is our home... that is where we belong. And soon, my beloved Scar... we shall reclaim your kingdom!"
Time passed in the Pridelands. In that time Kiara grew from a tiny cub to a more manageable size. She was about to head off on her own into the Pridelands, but then her father stopped her. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?"
"Daddy! Let go!"
"Well, I just want you to be careful. Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt, or stepped..."
"...or even get lost." She took the words right out of his mouth. "And remember, I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock..."
"At all times, I know. And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay. Can I go now? Please?" Simba finally dismissed Kiara and watched her romp about. Nala approached him. "Simba. Who does she remind you of? Hmm?" "Who?" "She's just like you were when you were young." "Exactly. Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?" Nala pinned him. "You mean the dangers YOU put us in." Simba realized she was right and sent Timon and Pumbaa out to make sure that Kiara was alright. "No worries, Simba. We're on her like stink on a warthog! No offense Pumbaa."

Kiara soon found herself following a butterfly through the grass, straying away from a path that Simba had made for her. Then she saw it: the Outlands. She was about to explore further when she heard a rustle behind her and fell into a mud puddle below.
"Don't worry, Kiara-- Uncle Pumbaa's comin'!"
Pumbaa jumped in, creating a splash, covering Kiara in mud.
Timon face-palmed. "Pumbaa! Let me define 'babysitting!'" Pumbaa looked and saw Kiara coughing.
Timon suggested a few things in case she got sunburn, a fever, or a hangnail. Kiara protested against this. "I'm sorry; I wasn't listening. Did you say something, Princess?"
"I'm not just a princess, you know. That's only half of who I am!"
"Well, while you're figuring out your other half, let's eat!" Pumbaa pushed aside a nearby log and revealed some grubs. Like her father years ago, Kiara winced at the sight of the bugs.
Pumbaa's first bite was into a crunchy beetle which he spat out. "You always do that! You take a bite out of every one, and then put it back. It drives me crazy!" "But you can't tell from the outside which are the real slimy ones!" "Slimy? Pumbaa... my corpulent compadre. It's the crunchy ones that make the meal!"
The two began arguing, not noticing Kiara scamper away in the direction of the Outlands. It was here that she bumped into an unfamiliar cub. It was Kovu, now getting into a defensive pose. "Who are you, Pridelander?"
Kiara did not answer, but kept jumping from side to side, facing Kovu at all times. Kovu kept growling menacingly, but eventually his curiosity got the better of him.
"What are you doing?"
"My father says to never turn your back on an Outsider!"
"You always do what Daddy says? Bet you're Daddy's little girl! An Outsider doesn't need anybody. I take care of myself!"
Kiara was fascinated by this bad boy personality that Kovu was showing off. Kovu jumped onto a log that was in the midst of a pond, with Kiara following suit. But then, Kovu shouted. "Look out!"
It was an enormous crocodile, rising up from behind them. A chase ensued as the croc chased them onto an island. But then this "island" moved... it was an entire group of crocodiles!
Kovu shouted that Kiara take care of herself while he distracted the crocs. Kovu was doing good but hit the water and was about to be lunch. Kiara jumped in and slammed the croc's mouth shut as Kovu swam to safety.The two cubs scrambled up a branch and up onto the bank, out of reach of danger. From the top, they panted for a few moments before looking over the edge. The crocodiles massed below, furious at being cheated of their meal. Kiara rubbed it in with a small raspberry. "We make such a good team! And you... you were really brave!"
"Yeah... you were pretty brave too. My name's Kovu." She nuzzled him slightly. "I'm Kiara." Then she bat her tail onto his body. "Tag! You're it!" Kovu wasn't moving, as if he was startled by something and didn't know how to react. Kiara thought that he was planning something and then did a mock roar. This "roar" was met with two real ones. The first came from Zira who sprang from the underbrush, the second from Simba who came to Kiara's defense. Nala followed along with Timon and Pumbaa. Death glares came from all around.
"Simba... Nala..."
"Timon, Pumbaa. Great. Now that we all know each other, GET OUTTA OUR PRIDELANDS!"
"Your Pridelands? These lands belonged to Scar." She snarled. Simba argued back. "I banished you from the Pride Lands! Now you and your young cub... get out!"
"I see you haven't met my son, Kovu, yet. He was hand-chosen by Scar to follow in his paw prints... and become king! He was the last born before you exiled us to the Outlands, where we have little food, less water..."
"You know the penalty for returning to the Pridelands!"
"But he doesn't. However... if you need your pound of flesh... here." Zira pushed Kovu, now visibly frightened, towards Simba. "Take him and get out. We're finished here." Zira cruelly smiled. "Oh no, Simba... We have barely begun!" Both parents picked up their cubs with their teeth. Kiara and Kovu looked at each other one more time before they were carried off in opposite directions.

Once they were in sight of Pride Rock, Nala motioned to Simba that it was time for "the talk." Simba was all too familiar with the concept when Mufasa gave him a lesson on being brave and how different it was from looking for trouble just to show how brave you are. Simba put his daughter down and gave her a stern but comforting look. "You could have been killed today."
"I didn't mean to disobey—"
"I'm only telling you this because I love you, and I don't want to lose you." He sadly looked at her.
"If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. One day I won't be here, and I need you to carry on in my place. You are part of the great..."
"Circle of Life, I know..."
She heard this lecture a hundred times already. Simba was going to remind her that she was a future queen. "But what if I don't wanna be Queen? It's no fun." Simba grinned playfully. "That's like saying you don't want to be a lion. It's in your blood... as I am. We are part of each other.
As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we

Don't understand

And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned

But you'll see every day
That we'll never turn away
When it seems all your dreams come undone

We will stand by your side
Filled with hope and filled with pride
We are more than we are
We are one

If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me
The way I am?

Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?

Even those who are gone
Are with us as we go on
Your journey has only begun

Tears of pain, tears of joy
One thing nothing can destroy
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one

We are one, you and I
We are like the earth and sky
One family under the sun

All the wisdom to lead
All the courage that you need
You will find when you see
We are one

As long as you live here, it's who you are. You'll understand someday." Kiara almost seemed to understand as he gave her a hug and a lick on the cheek.
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Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
You do a fantastic job keeping this canon, Tailikku! I love the interaction between Simba and Zira the most. I honestly didn't remember Zira offering up Kovu like that at all. I actually felt really bad for him. I also didn't know there was someone named Nuka in the movie. Would that be Kovu's brother? I haven't watched this movie in ages, but this is really loyal to the movie. Great job as usual, Tailikku! :D


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 11: Kiara's First Hunt
"Kovu, Kovu, Kovu... Scar wasn't even his father. He just took him in... He took us all in...!" Nuka was skulking about the Outlands and turned his attention to his little sister. "Hey, Vitani, where's the little termite, our 'chosen one?'" He saw that she was gnawing on a root, which he then severed with one of his claws. She stumbled backwards and glared at him.
"Did you leave him out there on his own again?"
"Hey it's every lion for himself out there. That little termite's gotta learn to be on his own."
"Mother's gonna be mad. She told you to watch him!"
"Oh, who cares? I should've been the chosen one!" Nuka began to scratch his mangy back against a tree trunk. "I'm the oldest, I'm the strongest, I'm the smartest... OH GOD THESE TERMITES!" His scratching intensified as he began to scratch any and all part of his body as if he had fleas. Vitani just grinned smugly at her brother's predicament.
"I could be a leader, if she'd just give me a chance!"
"Yeah right. Why don't you tell that to her?"
"Don't think I won't!"
"Oh yeah? You have five seconds." "What?"

And there was Zira, carrying Kovu by the nape of his neck. Nuka tried to make small talk with her, including the fact that he caught a few mice for her to eat, but she paid no heed. As soon as Zira put Kovu down, she lashed at Nuka. "You were supposed to be watching him!" Kovu ran to his cowardly brother's defense. "It's not his fault! I went off on my own!"

"What were you doing?" "N-nothing!" "Who has made us Outsiders?" "Simba!" "Who killed Scar?" "Simba!" "And what have I told you about them?" "I'm sorry, mother! But she didn't seem so bad. I thought that we could be..."
"Friends!? You thought you'd get to the daughter." Her composure changed. "And Simba would welcome you with open arms? What an idea! You brilliant child; I'm so proud of you! You have the same conniving mind that made Scar so powerful!"
Nuka piped in with his own anecdote. "Hey it was my idea to leave him out there!" She didn't listen as she took Kovu into their makeshift den, which was the largest of the termite mounds. "I now see the path to our glorious return to power!"
"But I don't want..."
"Hush, my little one. You must be exhausted.

Sleep, my little Kovu
Let your dreams take wing
One day when you're big and strong
You will be a king.

Kovu yawned a soft "Good night." He was sound asleep.
"Good night, my little prince. Tomorrow, your training intensifies.

I've been exiled, persecuted
Left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did
I get a little tense

But I dream a dream so pretty
That I don't feel so depressed
'Cause it soothes my inner kitty
And it helps me get some rest

The sound of Simba's dying gasp
His daughter squealing in my grasp
His lionesses' mournful cry
That's my lullaby

Now the past I've tried forgetting
And my foes I could forgive
Trouble is I knows it's petty
But I hate to let them live

So you found yourself somebody
Who'd chase Simba up a tree?

Oh, the battle may be bloody,
But that kind of works for me!

The melody of angry growls
A counterpoint of painful howls
A symphony of death, oh my!
That's my lullaby

Scar is gone... but Zira's still around
To love this little lad
Till he learns to be a killer
With a lust for being bad!

Sleep, ya little termite!
I mean, precious little thing!

One day when you're big and strong...

You will be a king!

The pounding of the drums of war
The thrill of Kovu's mighty roar

The joy of vengeance!


I can hear the cheering

Kovu! What a guy!

Payback time is nearing
And then our flag will fly
Against a blood-red sky
That's my lullaby!

And so like leaves in the wind, time passed in the Pride Lands. Back in the Tree of Life, Rafiki was adding some more touches to his mural. "Oh, Mufasa... every day Kiara grows more beautiful, into a Queen that will someday make us all very proud." He turned to the painting of Kovu, adding a black mane on it, similar to Simba's. "But this cub Kovu grows stronger. And Zira fills his heart with hate. I am very worried, Mufasa. Things are not going well."
The wind rustled through the tree, knocking a gourd off of its holding, causing it to split. "Hmm? You have a plan?" Rafiki held the two halves of the gourd slowly moving them closer and "encapsulating" the paintings of Kiara and Kovu. "Kovu... Kiara... together? This is the plan?" He threw the gourd halves away. "Are you crazy? This will never work! Oh, Mufasa, you been up there too long. Your head is in the clouds!"
Mufasa's spirit blew through Rafiki's beard and blew hard. "All right-- okay! I don't think this is going to work... but I trust you. I just hope you know what you are doing!"

Back in the Outlands, Zira had trained her son into becoming the perfect killing machine. Gone was the innocent cub that Kiara once met; in his stead was a grown lion, the spitting image of Scar in his youth. "You are ready! You have the same blackness in your soul that Scar had. What is your destiny?"
"I will avenge Scar... take his place in the Pride Lands."
"What have I taught you?"
"Simba is the enemy."
"And what must you do?"
"Kill him!"
Many of the lionesses in the termite mound roared in approval. Nuka just glared. Zira then called to him. "You and Vitani have an important job to do."

In the Pride Lands, things were a different story. Kiara had matured into a grown lioness, and was about to participate in her first hunt. Many of the other lionesses expressed their approval to Nala. The only lioness missing that would be proud was Sarabi. She had unfortunately succumbed to her injury from when Scar swiped at her on that fateful day when Simba returned. Sarafina gave her a reassuring comment about how she will be great.
Kiara finally made it to Simba. "Daddy... you have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?"
"Alright, I promise." As soon as Kiara was out of earshot, Simba told Timon and Pumbaa to keep an eye on her and make sure that she wouldn't get hurt.
Kiara saw a herd of impala nearby and was just about to pounce when her paw stepped on a branch. The sound scattered the herd, much to her frustration.

Cut to the Elephant Graveyard, with Nuka and Vitani entering the chamber that Scar once held his "Nazi rally," the monolith of Scar's magnificent bastardry still loomed over them.
"Eww. This place is even creepier since the hyenas ran off."
Vitani rolled her eyes, in her mouth was some kindling. Nuka was still trying to show off. "I'm not scared, okay? I just don't know why we have to be here, that's all. If Kovu's so special, why does he need us?... I never even had a CHANCE!" He was hit with a steam jet. Vitani found a jet with embers glowing and placed the kindling on it. "That's it! Now come on... Kiara has started her hunt. We have to move quickly."
Nuka grabbed his branch and got singed again, with the same vapors that once affected Timon getting to him. "Ooh! Fire!"

While Kiara was still attempting to catch a single impala, Timon and Pumbaa hounded her like a SWAT team. Another impala startle revealed the duo to Kiara. She glared at them.
"Timon... what are you doing here?" While Timon tried to half-ass an excuse, she already knew. "My father sent you. After he promised to let me do this on my own-- he lied!"
"No! He just doesn't want you to get hurt!"
"I should have known he'd never give me a real chance. I'll do this on my own. Away from the Pride Lands!"
Timon and Pumbaa tried to catch up, but she was too fast for them. "Somebody's gotta get a beeper for this kid!"
Just then, Nuka and Vitani arrived lighting the brush on fire. The smell of smoke was enough to cause another startle, but this time Kiara knew it too. In her panic, she tried to run back the way she came. Zira ordered Kovu to make his move.
Back at Pride Rock, Zazu was giving Simba some reassurance that Kiara would be fine. But then they both saw the smoke. "Zazu! Fly ahead. Find her!"
Kiara followed a pair of zebras away from the flames, but found herself trapped and hemmed in on all sides, choking on the thick smoke. She saw a high stone overhang above the flames; she leapt up and tried to climb up the side, but she fell unconscious upon reaching the top. Kovu appeared from the smoke and loomed over her; she woke for a moment and saw a blurry figure looking down at her, then lost consciousness again. To Kovu, he studied the unconscious lioness and felt something familiar about her, but such thoughts would have to wait as he lugged her onto his back. He leapt across chasms with flames roaring, and then tumbled with Kiara down a slope into a pool of water, where Kiara began to sink. Kovu dived for her and dragged her to shore, just as Zazu saw what was going on.
When she came to, Kiara gasped for breath. "Where am I?" She saw the brown lion grin with confidence. "You're safe... in the Pride Lands."
"The Pride Lands... no! Why did you bring me here? Who do you think you are?"
"I think I'm the one who just saved your life!"
"Look! I had everything under control!"
"Not from where I'm standing."
"Then move downwind."
The lions confronted each other. Kiara began sidestepping, as she had done in their earlier encounter as cubs. Soon Kovu's interest piqued. "What are you doing?"
Then Kiara recognized him, and not a moment too soon before Simba and Nala arrived.
"Father... how could you break your promise?"
"It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you. No more hunts for you; not ever!"
"But I was doing just fine! Even before Kovu—"
"Kovu?!" Simba turned to the younger lion growling. But then Rafiki arrived. "Hey! You! How dare you save the King's daughter?"
"You saved her? Why?
"I humbly ask to join your pride. I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for what I am... or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?" Zazu piped in. "Yes, sire. Clearly we are in his debt... and royal protocol demands that all debts be paid. Though in this case you might want to make an exception."
Simba mulled over this. "My father's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgment. We'll see who you really are." The group headed back to Pride Rock with Kovu in the rear. Night was fast approaching, but Simba barred him from entering the den. Kiara stepped outside to find Kovu laying on some rocks, near Scar's little hovel.
"Hey... uh, thanks for saving me today."
"What kind of hunter are you, anyway-- Princess? You almost got yourself killed out there. I bet you wouldn't last three days on your own."
"Oh... and I suppose you could teach me?" Kovu chuckled at the thought.
"All right-- impress me. We start at dawn."
As the pride went to sleep, Nuka and Zira were watching from a distance. Nuka was on edge. " The fire-rescue worked perfectly, and Simba fell for it. Now, the closer Kovu gets to the daughter, the closer he gets to Simba! And once he has Simba alone..." She swiped at a fallen tree and it shattered.

Simba's mind was racing with the action that day. It all ended up at the gorge when his father died. "Simba! Help me!"
"Dad... just... a little... farther..."
Just as Simba reached for his father, he felt pain in his loins. It was the ghost of Scar! "Trust me!"
To his horror, Mufasa fell to his doom into a stampede of hyenas. Scar began to laugh, but then his visage changed into that of Kovu. Simba soon found himself in a next generation version of his father's demise. Kovu leaned into Simba and whispered, "Hail to the king, baby!" Simba fell into the gorge and woke with a start.


May 7, 2012
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Chapter 12: The Unwelcome Stranger
Fresh from his little nightmare, Simba went to the watering hole to get a drink. He passed by a small pile of rubble; he knew that Timon and Pumbaa once lived there. He did not know that he was not alone. Kovu was nearby, hiding behind a rock, ready to pounce at Simba with teeth and claws bared. But he did not expect Kiara to surprise him. "I'm ready for my first lesson!"

Kovu was amazed that she was holding him to this. He glanced back at the pond to see Simba had already left. "Hey, c'mon. Let's go!" He shook his head and led her to some thick brush, instructing her on how to pounce. Sitting calmly. He heard a few shouts of pain, Kiara's. "Three.. two... one..." He said in a bored tone. At "one" he ducked down with eyes rolling, avoiding Kiara's predictable leap. She nervously smiled as he went to her now slumped on the ground. "You could hear me... huh?"

"Only... a lot. You're still breathing too hard. Relax..." He bore his claws, "Feel the earth under your paws... so it doesn't shift and make noise." Kiara followed his example, with the two now creeping up on a flock of birds. "Shush. Watch the master... and learn."

Kovu calculated his movements and pounced at the birds from beyond the ridge, only to startle Timon and Pumbaa. "Don't eat me! Please! I... I... I never really met your tyrant. I mean, uh-- Scar. Scar. Oh, heck of a guy. A little moody, but, I..." Timon was half-assing it again. Kiara knew that there was a reason for their being here. "Hey... for once, we're not following ya. This just happens to be the best smorgasbord in the Pride Lands. Bugs everywhere! But, you don't call for a reservation, and-- yeesh!" Pumbaa was trying the bowling for buzzards routine on the white birds, but it wasn't working as well as it did years ago. An idea popped into Pumbaa's head since his wasn't working. "Hey! Maybe he can help. Ya think?" "Oh! Yeah... there's an idea. Right. Let the vicious Outsider—Great idea, Pumbaa! Glad I thought of it!" "What?" "You wanna lend a voice? Huh? Roar! Work with me!"

Kovu didn't know what to say, but Kiara knew. She let out a nice loud roar, scattering the birds. "Wooo hoo! C'mon, do it again! Do it again!" This time Kovu let out an even louder one. All four of them were chasing after the birds. "Why are we doing this? What's the point of this training?" "Training? This is just for fun!" "Fun?" Kovu had devoted his whole life to training that he had lost the concept of fun. "Ya gotta get out more often. Fun! Yeee-haa!"

Kovu started to get the idea and yee-hawed back, just as they ran into a crash of rhinos; apparently the birds were all oxpeckers, and the rhinos were not happy that their groomers were being harassed by a couple of carnivores. They began to chase them, but soon lost sight of them as they stampeded away. Everyone was laughing from the safety of a rock crevice. "What a blast!" Out of everyone there, it was Kovu who had the most fun!

As Timon and Pumbaa got out to let Pumbaa excuse himself, both Kovu and Kiara ended up touching noses. They awkwardly got out, blushing all the way as they continued training. It ended at sundown as Kiara and Kovu looked up at the stars, much like what Simba did with Timon and Pumbaa years ago, and Mufasa to Simba years before that.
"See that? See that? Look at that! It's really pretty."

Kiara pointed to a clump of stars. "Look... there's one that looks like a baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?" Kovu agreed; it did look like a rabbit. He then pointed to a different cluster. "There's one that looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat!" Kiara grimaced. He tried to change the subject. "I meant, it's your dad fighting Scar... Come to think of it, I haven't done this before..."

Kiara perked up at this. "Well, my father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the great Kings of the past are up there."

"You think Scar is up there?" Kiara gave him a puzzled look. "No one here thinks he's very great... do they?" His Outland conditioning was showing, and he was trying to shake it off. "He wasn't my father, but he was still..." he sadly looked down, "he was still a part of me..."

"My father said there was a darkness in Scar that he couldn't escape." "Maybe there's one in me too...?"

The two got up and muzzled each other. All the while, Simba was watching from a hill, and gazed up at the stars. "Father... I am lost. Kovu is one of them. Scar's heir. How can I accept him?" "Simba?" Nala appeared behind him. Simba replied that his counsel from the Great Kings was silent as ever. "Oh, Simba... you want so much to walk the path expected of you. Perhaps Kovu does not. I can see them down there just as easily as you can. Get to know them and see."
Kiara knew that something was up as she turned to Kovu, now looking up at the stars again. "What's wrong?" "Nothing... It's just that... my whole life I've been trained to... You know what... never mind..." Kiara looked at him as he was about to leave, only to be stopped by Rafiki. "And where are you going?" "Nowhere?" "That's what you think!"

Kovu was confused by this sudden appearance and as to who this mandrill was. "Come on! You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way!" "The way where? Where are you taking us?" " To a special place in your heart... called Upendi!" Rafiki led them to a glade some distance away from Pride Rock, taking them into a "Tunnel of Love" sorts.
There's a place where the crazy moon
Makes the monkeys sing and the baboons swoon
And the sultry scent of the lotus bloom
Will carry you away

Where the hippos swing from the jungle vines
And the rhino rhumba in a conga line
And the pink flamingoes are intertwined
As the stars come out to play

In Upendi
Where the passionfruit grows sweet
And it's so divine
That you lose your mind
As it sweeps you off your feet
In Upendi
Without a worry or a care
It just takes two
To make it true
Your heart will lead you there

Where is it?

No place you don't take with you...

You better watch your step 'cause the path is steep
Better hold your breath cause the water's deep
It's a long way down over Lovers' Leap
But falling's half the fun!

In Upendi
Where the passionfruit grows sweet
And it's so divine
That you lose your mind
As it sweeps you off your feet
In Upendi
Without a worry or a care
It just takes two
To make it true
Your heart will lead you there

You can beat the bush like there's no tomorrow
From Tanganyika to Kilimanjaro
But you'll find Upendi wherever you are
Oh underneath the sun

Upendi-- it means "love", doesn't it?
Welcome to Upendi!

In Upendi
Where the passionfruit grows sweet
And it's so divine
That you lose your mind
As it sweeps you off your feet
In Upendi
Without a worry or a care
It just takes two
To make it true
Your heart will lead you there

The two had a wonderful time visiting Rafiki's African love trip as they were still singing "Down in Upendi" as they strolled back home. They wished each other goodnight. As Kovu was about to lay back on the stone from the night before, Simba approached him. "It's... kinda cold tonight, huh? Come on." With that, he led Kovu into the inner den. They didn't know that Vitani was watching nearby. "Get him! What are you waiting for? Kovu, get him!"

After seeing that Kovu didn't get him, she went back to Zira to report this. "Kovu cannot betray us!" she hissed.

The next morning, things seemed like everything will be different after today. Kovu had already woken up and was contemplating on what to say. " Okay-- I have to tell her today. Oh... where do I start? "Kiara... Zira had a plot-- and I was part of it. But I don't wanna be, because-- it's because I love you... Oh, she'll never believe me. But I gotta try." He saw Kiara appear from the den. "Kiara... I need to talk with you."

"Kiara, I don’t want you talking with him." It was Simba with a stern tone. Kiara's mood dimmed, but Simba smiled and said with a soft tone. "I want to talk to him." In her mind, she felt that this was the moment that she had been waiting for, as Kovu and Simba walked back to the scene of the fire. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"It's about hate." "Hate?"

"Yes, it's in all of us."

"Even Scar?"

"Yes..." He sadly looked down. He had fond memories of playing with his uncle before he learned of his evil nature. "Scar couldn't let go of his hate... and in the end, it destroyed him."

Kovu was taken back. "I've... never heard the story of Scar that way."

"I figured you haven't. How did you hear it?"

"I was told that he was a martyr to our cause... but in the end, he truly was a killer."

Simba gave him an understanding smile. "Fire is a killer. Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before..."

He wiped away some ashes, revealing a sprout, "... if given the chance." Kovu and Simba looked down at the sprout. It was the perfect moment for the two to make amends, but an evil chuckle emanated from behind. It was Zira, followed by a few of her lionesses. And Nuka too. "No... no... no..."

"Why Simba, what are you doing out here, and so alone?" She was taunting him, and grinned at Kovu. "Well done, Kovu... just like we always planned!"

Simba glared at Kovu. "No! I didn't have anything to do with this!" It was too late, Zira's pack began to attack Simba. Kovu tried to help, but was swatted off and hit his head. Simba led the attackers to a gorge where a dam was being built by some members of Timon's colony. Simba began to climb the logs as he made his escape. "Get him! Kovu! Do it now!"

"I'll do it for you, Mother!" It was Nuka, knocking Kovu out of the way. "No! You fool!"

Nuka cackled like a maniac as he tried to bite at Simba's ankles. "Mother... are you watching? I'm doing it for you... and I'm doing it for me! This is my moment of glory!" As he neared Simba, Nuka lost his footing and fell to the ground with a few logs tumbling after, landing on top of him. Simba was able to escape and looked with pity: thus ended the life of one of Scar's followers, he thought. Kovu attempted to get his adoptive brother out, but Zira shoved him out of the way. The battered lion looked up. "I'm sorry, Mother... I tried..."

She cradled his head. "Well... I finally got your attention, didn't I... Didn't I...?" He breathed his last. Zira looked at her adoptive son's body. "Scar... watch over my poor Nuka." She then angrily lashed at Kovu, with claws bared. As the young lion winced in pain, a familiar sight appeared on his left eye: a scar. "What have you done?" " I-I-I didn't mean to... it-it-it wasn't my fault, I..." He then realized what this meant. "I did nothing!"

"Exactly! And in doing so, you betrayed your pride... betrayed Scar!"

"I want nothing more to do with him!"

"You cannot escape it! Nuka is dead because of you!" She evilly grinned. "You've killed your own brother! You cannot escape your fate!" "No!"

With that, he stormed off in a fury. "Let him go. Simba has hurt me for the last time... now he's corrupted Kovu! Listen to me... Simba is injured and weak. Now is the time to attack! We will take his entire kingdom... by force!"

Simba had just returned from his harrowing escape, now out of breath and talking of an ambush. As soon as he came back from the brink of exhaustion, he rallied all the animals of the Pride Lands to Pride Rock. He then saw the brown rogue. More importantly, he saw the scar on his face. "Why have you come back?"
"Simba... I had nothing to do with that!"
"You don't belong here."
"Please... I ask your forgiveness."
"When you first came here, you asked for judgment ... And I pass it now: EXILE!"
Kiara was shocked. All the animals roared in violent approval.

Evil as plain as the scar on his face

Deception (An outrage!)
Disgrace (For shame!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came

Deception (An outrage!) (He can't change his stripes)
Disgrace (For shame!) (You know these Outsider types)
He asked for trouble the moment he came (See you later, agitator!)

Deception (An outrage!) (Just leave us alone!)
Disgrace (For shame!) (Traitor, go back with your own!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came (See you later, agitator!)

Born in grief
Raised in hate
Helpless to defy his fate
Let him run
Let him live
But do not forget what we cannot forgive

And he is not one of us
He has never been one of us
He is not part of us
Not our kind

Someone once lied to us
Now we're not so blind
For we knew he would do what he's done
And we know that he'll never be one of us

He is not one of us






After Kovu was given the walk of shame, tormented by the various animals, he looked in a pond, but instead of his reflection, he saw a truly horrible sight: Scar. He swatted at the reflection. Rafiki gave his head a shake, one out of frustration and sadness: Mufasa was wrong.