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News ► Dengeki Interview with Tetsuya Nomura Finally Surfaces!

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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
But if I'm understanding that correctly, there may be actual... uh, historical characters? lol. Interested where that goes!

They can't mean too much seeing as they were never mentioned in any of the games so far... If they were going to be important you'd think they would have been at least mentioned in BBS, where we could actually have had some historical grounding for Keyblade societies like that on LoD. But perhaps they will be important for the series to come after the Seeker of Darkness Chronicle? :3

I'm very happy that they're doing this and I'm also happy I played the titles, but for him to say that he wanted them all on one console makes me mad. Why the f88k did you guys even do what you did then?

Game companies have to make money, in the end, and the director is not the only factor behind how businesses deal with their franchises. Part of it is pressure from other businesses! I think most of the games that came out on nintendo handhelds happened because nintendo approached Square wanting titles for their handhelds. I know for sure Days was a product of this, and so was DDD, I'm not sure about CoM. I think the original coded for mobile phones was pushed because of some deal with Disney, too.

Of course Nomura can't admit this outright, it would be super impolite and bad for business, and you're not allowed to let fans know about any internal pressures that make the games look less legit. Besides, he gets money from projects too lol. And I think he really does enjoy figuring out cool stuff to do with the gimmicks from different handhelds, like touch screens or 3D or minigame-style play or multiplayer. But yeah, I doubt the spreadeagling of the series was really up to him.

Ohh lol it's okay. I think it's good practice for me too since I've only studied for a year and a half with other resources. We'll just use your translations since it's more clearer and you have more experience.

Okay! Wow, you must have really good Japanese for only having studied a year or so!! Good luck :3

Thanks for the translations, goldpanner! You work too hard~

Aww no, thank you <3

Wow, thanks for the translation!

How long did it take you to finish translating it? Do you translate it on your own or have others help you to speed up the process?

No worries! I did this on my own, which is pretty usual. It took me about three hours or so? Maybe less? I was doing other things at the same time so I'm not sure exactly how much time to chalk up to straight translating...

king_mickey rule

The Great Destroyer
Aug 31, 2007
Very interesting interview! I seriously can't wait to get my hands on that KH 1 'remake/remaster' (it's not really a remake but it sure is more than just a remaster!). Hopefully we'll get an announcement soon!

And thanks goldpanner for being so awesome! You deserve all the praise you get :3


Remains of the Judgement
Jun 25, 2009
North Carolina
Let's just be satisfied with what we're getting instead of expecting anything beyond that for now?

Don't get me wrong; I would be more than satisfied if it didn't include a trailer or any sign of Versus XIII. I just figured that since Nomura said info would be disclosed in 2013, that would be a good time to start. And getting more KH fans interested in FF Versus XIII would be a very good thing.


The Cleric of Flamesgrace
Oct 2, 2012
Kakariko Village
Hmmm... it seems characters from the main series are cameos in PC. I saw a Riku card in a screenshot. Maybe...the game could give hints to who all the members of the 13 Darknesses are? idk.


Oct 15, 2008
I think perhaps even though he keeps talking about 'chronology', he won't do a 0.5, he will put BBSFM in 2.5 and will probably admit later that he did so because he really wanted the extra time to fully remake the game for PS3!

I think it will be:

1.5: KHFM, KHRe:CoM, Days in vid form

2.5: KH2FM+, BBSFM, Re:Coded in vid form, + "BBSv2" recycled as secret movie/new cutscenes

I am pretty sure that v2 won't be a game, it seems like he is pretty sure that the next non-remake will be KH3.

Ah, I'm kind of glad things are less spread out then. If BBSv2 does come out in the form of cutscenes, it could allow some freedom in what they show(YMX-Ansem, Apprentice Xehanort, in addition to Mickey, Aqua..ect).

Though there are a few out there that are ravenous for BBSv2 as a game, not going to point out any names here(*cough*Taochan*cough*).

king_mickey rule

The Great Destroyer
Aug 31, 2007
Ah, I'm kind of glad things are less spread out then. If BBSv2 does come out in the form of cutscenes, it could allow some freedom in what they show(YMX-Ansem, Apprentice Xehanort, in addition to Mickey, Aqua..ect).

Though there are a few out there that are ravenous for BBSv2 as a game, not going to point out any names here(*cough*Taochan*cough*).

BBSv2 could work as cutscenes only, true, but I think it could also work perfectly as the introduction for KH3 (like Sora at Destiny Islands in KH 1, Roxas in Twilight Town in KH 2. I'm fine with either of those things though.
May 16, 2007
They can't mean too much seeing as they were never mentioned in any of the games so far... If they were going to be important you'd think they would have been at least mentioned in BBS, where we could actually have had some historical grounding for Keyblade societies like that on LoD. But perhaps they will be important for the series to come after the Seeker of Darkness Chronicle? :3

Well I wasn't really saying anything about whether or not they'd be important to the plot but just the fact that they may actually, historically exist in the canon. You're right, I really doubt any character introduced in KHPC would have much relevance to KH3 if only because they're being introduced in a browser game with very limited ties to the canon.

So it's kind of like... idk, the equivalent of the KotOR characters' connection to the plot of the Star Wars films. Like, maybe we for instance get to see who the guardian of LoD is during the Keyblade War (ie essentially an early predecessor of Eraqus), or who exactly was the one that wielded the X-Blade then. Stuff like that, which I would really love to see just for its own sake.

On that note, it'd be cool to see the four different factions that MX alludes to, "defenders of the light, servants of darkness, those who sought to reconcile the two, and those motivated by nothing more than lust for power."

BBSv2 could work as cutscenes only, true, but I think it could also work perfectly as the introduction for KH3 (like Sora at Destiny Islands in KH 1, Roxas in Twilight Town in KH 2. I'm fine with either of those things though.

There's too much terrain to cover for BbSv2 for it to be an introduction to KH3 imo.
It'd feel awfully random too.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Ah, I'm kind of glad things are less spread out then. If BBSv2 does come out in the form of cutscenes, it could allow some freedom in what they show(YMX-Ansem, Apprentice Xehanort, in addition to Mickey, Aqua..ect).

Though there are a few out there that are ravenous for BBSv2 as a game, not going to point out any names here(*cough*Taochan*cough*).

Well! We don't know yet, that's just what I think is most likely from what he's said so far. I'm not sure what I'd prefer for v2. Hmm... I think in the end I'd rather see completely new titles like KH3. And even if it were a new game, v2 would only really be rehashing sections of the series that have been done before, just from new angles, right? So I think I'd rather see them used to flesh out KH2 or whatever, like a FM++ haha

Well I wasn't really saying anything about whether or not they'd be important to the plot but just the fact that they may actually, historically exist in the canon. You're right, I really doubt any character introduced in KHPC would have much relevance to KH3 if only because they're being introduced in a browser game with very limited ties to the canon.

Also, we know that our own player characters are completely customised by us, so that could make things a bit tricky haha.

But yeah, I never thought him saying Browser will be completely removed from the main plot meant it was removed from the existing KH universe, so yeah, I would be completely surprised if this game doesn't turn out to be relevant to the overarching canon. It would be 'unnatural not to', to borrow a phrase Nomura has been tossing around so much lately :p


Bronze Member
Aug 17, 2005
Over the Rainbow
Just wanted to put it out there that the Dengeki interview spells out the name "Dark Seeker" (not Seeker of Darkness) in English.

Not even in katakana, in English. So, just a minor correction to the translation.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
I know, I actually explained this in the last thread about this. I know it spells it out in English, but if you'll remember, Japanese magazines spelled out 'Unbirth' in English (not even in katakana) a few times, and that was changed to Unversed later. Also, whenever they include a kanji version in brackets next to it, they use the same phrase localised in the games as 'Seeker of Darkness'. So, while in these magazines it is like this, I believe there's a chance that for the actual series it may be localised differently. It may not be! But until we get an official English localised term, I think it makes more sense to go with the phrase already used and known within the actual localised games.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
It was verified ages ago by sqexgal, she even posted the scans to prove it. It was so long ago that I wouldn't be able to find it again though, so you will have to take my word for it (and the word of anyone else who saw it).

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Haha, there is an entire year of history where it used to be Unbirths.

The katakana was written アンバース if I remember correctly (because EARLY EARLY on in the first use of the name, it was mistranslated as Ambers) then later they changed it with ヴァ instead of バ.

Sometime during development Nomura changed Unbirths to Unversed because their concept and origin seemed to have been changed.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Yeah, that was the old katakana, I am pretty sure :3 And it wasn't even just the katakana that changed (sliightly lol) I remember clearly seeing sqexgal post original scans with the english spelling and english lettering for 'birth' and 'unbirth' etc in it!

So yeah idk whether 'dark-seeker-hen' and 'Seeker of Darkness Chronicle' will be like that, or whether they will keep 'Dark Seeker' as is. (I don't even know how they will translate 'hen', whether it will be chronicle or saga or tale or volume or whatever.) I personally think it would make more sense to keep it consistent with Seeker of Darkness which is already in the English games. In Japanese in the games he is refered to as 'yami no tankyuusha', and imo 'seeker of darkness' is a really good translation of that, because it keeps the ambiguity/dual meaning of 'a seeker from the darkness' and 'someone who seeks darkness'. I think 'dark seeker' technically also could have both meanings too, but it doesn't come across as nicely, and also doesn't sound as grand as such a title should haha


New member
Feb 4, 2011
I was thinking too, with BBS being a playstation title, on the PSP, it is probable that it might be an "HD Classic" or a "PSP Remaster" So it might be a game on its own, and then possibly include cinematic scenes of BBSv2
This How I Kinda See It:
0.5 BBS - BBSv2 cinematic (PSP Remaster/HD Classic)
1.5 KHFM, KHRe:CoM - Days cinematic
2.5 KHIIFM, KH3D - KHRe:C cinematic

... At least thats how I see it, dont be hatin' please...
I cant take that kind of rejection...
May 16, 2007
Also, we know that our own player characters are completely customised by us, so that could make things a bit tricky haha.

But yeah, I never thought him saying Browser will be completely removed from the main plot meant it was removed from the existing KH universe, so yeah, I would be completely surprised if this game doesn't turn out to be relevant to the overarching canon. It would be 'unnatural not to', to borrow a phrase Nomura has been tossing around so much lately :p

Right, I was just thinking that we'd maybe get something like reports which expand on the mythos of the series, nothing substantial. I'm pretty pleasantly surprised that we're getting historical characters. Makes it way more interesting. Like, with Nomura saying it was light on story, I pictured, you know, we're just given a basic premise and then all of our customizable characters just fight shit in a bunch of random worlds. It sounds like it may have a bit more direction to it if there are NPCs with ties to the overarching canon.

Still gonna be difficult to reconcile some stuff, but I'll play the waiting game on that and see how much can be considered canon (or at least doesn't contradict it). For instance, Alice in Wonderland. I can see going to Wonderland, there's no reason for it not to exist, but Alice's presence really pushes my suspension of disbelief lol. Nomura has basically dodged the bullet with timing inconsistencies by suggesting that each world operates on its own time axis (and yet I still remember when he wanted to include young Hercules to reflect a time difference, even though by this logic that shouldn't matter lol). But that's just... wow. Alice has been in Wonderland for the equivalent of a few millennia in other worlds.

I mean, there's a few ways around that, obviously, even if it doesn't sit well. Maybe the PoH worlds operate on a slower time axis than other worlds? That would answer the dilemma a lot of people have been bringing up in regards to whether there were predecessors to the current PoH. Butttt... actually, we at least know Kairi's world doesn't operate that slowly lol. Could say it's something wonky about Wonderland in particular then since that world is strange in its own right. Or maybe all the Disney stuff in this game is completely non-canon. Who knows. It's not going to make a big difference either way, but just something to think about.

Would you happen to have a link to the "Unbirth" usages? That would be important to note if we can verify it.

Why is that even important to note? It's a ridiculously dated term that has no bearing on the plot.


Oct 15, 2008
Why is that even important to note? It's a ridiculously dated term that has no bearing on the plot.

It's an attempt to support the "you should have called it Dark Seeker instead of Seeker of Darkness" claim.

Unbirth was an "official" so to speak, name change though, to Unversed. Even if we didn't find the interview, it wouldn't make a difference, Xehanort is known since KH1 as a "Seeker of Darkness", never in any English release does he refer to himself as a "Dark Seeker".


New member
Jan 17, 2010
So Cal
So does that mean we will be getting Kingdom Hearts 2 fm as well in some form? So happy about the 100 cutscenes for Days. I heard there were new characters in another interview . If so I hope they include Reno. That would be awesome to have him hopefully meet Axel. XD
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