Yes, yes, I know that this is extremely overdue. For one reason or another, we wanted to hold off on making the 'Wrap-Up' for the Tokyo Game Show 2008. But, enough of excuses, here it is for your enjoyment. We hope you enjoyed TGS this year, and we hope you look forward to the Games Japan Festa 2008 this November, and Jump Festa 2009 this December!
Note: If you copy these translations (including the subbed trailers) please give credit to KHInsider
- To be released in Japan in 2009
- The trailer at TGS isn't very different from the trailer presented atthe DΣS3713 Party.
- Some gameplay footage of Aqua was shown. She floats and teleports while using the Keyblade without touching it, much like that of Sora's Final Form from KHII.
- Cutscenes featuring Aqua in Castle of Dreams as well as the Snow White World is shown.
- The Unbirths are said to be much quicker than the Heartless and are animated extremely well to be twitchy and nervous in appearance.
- Trailer Impressions from Game Watch
This title takes place 10 years prior to the first Kingdom Hearts. In the closed theater, the names of the mysterious characters that appeared in the Kingdom Hearts II secret movie become clear one after another. One of the characters presented was an old man called Master Xehanort, and though his name is familiar, this is the first time this character has appeared in the series. In addition, the three characters that will play key roles were revealed to be Terra, Ventus,and Aqua. Following the sudden disapperance of Master Xehanort, their story begins. The witch Maleficent who interfered in the adventures of Sora in the first Kingdom Hearts appears as well.
- Trailer Impressions from The Light In Chaos
The trailer was the same as shown at DΣS3713 except these scenes were added.
Background Music: Fate of the Unknown
Castle of Dreams.
Aqua glances Cinderella running to her carriage, and runs after her.
Cinderella drops one of her glass slippers.
In the world of Snow White
Aqua looks into a mirror and the figure of the evil witch is projected.
Aqua jumps for a moment and steps back, then plunges into the mirror.
Aqua's battle scene.
Her fighting style seems like floating.
She does not hold the keyblade, the keyblade attacks as if it knows her intentions.
Sort of like Final Form from Kingdom Hearts II.
Her mode changed to something pink, but the name of it is unknown.
- The above video is some footage of Birth By Sleep taken at TGS. It is of the playable demo, where you play as Terra as you advance through the Enchanted Dominion.
- Even more footage thanks to BPtv! The attendee playing the demo talks about how Kingdom Hearts appeals to both men and women, and about the characteristics of the battle system. The button mashing of the past games is replaced with a slightly more complicated and challenging method of attack using the circle and triangle buttons. Also, the Shoot Lock mode is clearly executed.
- Even more Birth By Sleep gameplay footage, this time from IGN. While the clip may be short, it is currently some of the best quality footage we have seen thus far from TGS!
- The Playable Demo seems to be the exact same one from the DΣS3713 Party
- Ven's modes were: Cyclone, Speed Rave, Firebreeze, and Thunder
- You could not repeat a mode consecutively.
- The items Ven searches for were a white ribbon, lace, and one among two pieces of cloth.
- In Ven's level you ride a ball of string, it's kinda scary.
- Thunder mode is a temporary name for the official name of the mode. (The blogger forgot the name of it)
- Ven's techniques: Attack, Cure, Rush, Fire, Thunder, Fire Blitz, Strike Raid, Final Break, Zero Graviga
- When playing as Ventus, in the Thunder mode, you could temporarily use techniques like Strike Raid and Zero Graviga. The finishing moves in normal mode was cure and regular attacking.
- When playing as Terra, it seems the main finishing move in normal mode was a freeze attack.
- Fatal Mode is an attacking system based on dealing heavy blows.
- Demo Impressions from Game Watch
In the demo, Terra and Ventus were playable options. Terra's level was in Sleeping Beauty's world, known as Enchanted Kingdom. Ventus was featured in the Cinderella world, called the Castle of Dreams. The operations are simple and it's easy to enjoy the battle actions, it is less choppy than before. The gameplay also has an impressive sense of speed. The 'command gauge' raises whenever an enemy is defeated, and when it is full especially strong attacks become available. Also, the Shoot Lock mode is now activated by pressing both the L and R buttons, positioning the camera's viewpoint to better attack. The shooting element is strong and especially enjoyable.
- Famitsu Interview with Nomura
──If 358/2 Days was emphasizing Xion, then was Birth by Sleep emphasizing Aqua?
Nomura: Aqua's battle scenes were exhibited for the first time to the public, her movement is fast and easy to overlook. So that you don't lose sight of her, concentrate and try to keep your eyes on her. Frankly speaking, since its hard to see clearly, she is teleporting in the battle scenes. Because the teleportation occurs instantaneously, it's hard to catch sight of. (Laughs)
- Scans:
- Screenshots:
- TGS Related Images:
- To be released in Japan in February 2009
- Xion's face is fully revealed in the new trailer. Xion is being reported to have dark hair with the face structure and voice of Kairi. She reportedly has very vibrant blue eyes that stick out due to her skin and hair being so dark. Her hair is long on the left side of her head, and it looks like a mix of Kairi's original haircut from the first Kingdom Hearts and Aqua's hairstyle
- Roxas, Axel and Xion are seen talking at sunset on Destiny Islands. The scenes of the three of them on DI are said to resemble past scenes between Sora, Kairi and Riku on DI
- There is a scene where Xion asks Riku about Sora and Kairi
- It's revealed that Xion, like Roxas, is a Nobody with a "special birth".
- The conversation between Xion and Naminé is shown in greater detail
- Mickey is seen meeting with Riku in a forest
- Trailer Impressions from Game Watch
This title revolved around Roxas and the time he spent in Organization XIII. In the latest trailer, a girl wearing the same black coats as Organization XIII is introduced as Xion. She frequently wonders about Namine's appearance, remarking: "She really resembles me." Concerning the relationship between Xion and Namine, no doubt a new mystery is born into the story. There is also a scene with Roxas, Axel, and Xion standing on the shore of Destiny Islands. It is very reminiscent of a scene of the past Kingdom Hearts series where Sora, Riku, and Kairi were together.
- Trailer Impressions from The Light in Chaos and FF&KH Online
Background Music: The Other Promise, drammatica version.
Twilight Town, the white room.
Xion has come to see Namine.
Namine: "I wanted to meet you, Xion."Xion removes her hood, completely revealing her face.
Destiny Islands, along the shore.
Roxas picks up a seashell.Twilight Town, on the clock tower.
Roxas: "It is the 255th day since I entered the Organization.
Axel: "You've memorized the number of days?"
Roxas: "I want to remember that I was born."Twilight Town, in the forest on the edge of town.
Riku in the form of Ansem meets with the King.
For a moment he raises his keyblade in defense, he recognizes Riku.
When a blindfold is tied around his eyes, Riku's figure returns.
His expression appears surprised.Twilight Town, in the pod room.
Diz: "If he is lacking a few memories, will he have a problem waking?"
Namine: "In his case, it is an important key if he's going to wake up."
Diz: "Namine, what do you foresee?"
Namine: "If it's connected to another memory, surely she can't endure it."
Diz: "She...?"Destiny Islands, along the shore, near the paopu tree.
Roxas, Axel, and Xion talk while watching the sunset.Xion: "Do I not exist?"
Axel: "What do you want to do, Xion?"
Xion: "I... I want to be together with two people."
Roxas: "Well, then you should come back."
Xion: "But I can't return as it is now."
Xion: "... How is it possible for two people to be the same?"The World That Never Was, in the castle.
Saix orders something to Axel.Saix: "Your worthless friendship or the extinction of Roxas."
Saix: "Which is more important to you?"Axel looks ticked off.
Destiny Islands, at the shore?
Blindfolded Riku and Xion are talking.
Xion: "Will you tell me about it? About Sora and the girl he's always together with."
Riku: "You mean Kairi?"
Xion: "Kairi... The girl looks like me."
Riku: "She's the girl Sora cares a lot for."Xion's face looks flustered.
Xion: "I'm sorry... But... I can't disappear now."
Xion: "It's because I have an important friend."
Riku: "Is that so...?"Riku places a hand upon her shoulder.
Riku: "In that case, think about it. You should really return to your original self."
Footage of gameplay is shown.
With Xigbar in Halloween Town.
With Xaldin in Twilight Town.
With Saix in Olympus Coliseum.
Multiplayer footage was shown as well.Twilight Town, tram plaza.
Roxas and Xion are shown engaged in a fight.Roxas: "I've been searching this whole time with Axel――"
Xion, in silence and with a severe face, points the Kingdom Key toward Roxas.
Twilight Town, in front of the mansion.
Xion is in an argument with Axel, Roxas is to the side.Xion: "Don't go easy on me, Axel."
Axel: "You've gotta be kidding! Don't screw with me."Appearing in his hands are his chakrams covered in fire.
Axel: "I've decided. No matter how many times you escape, I will bring you back."
Xion: "..."Twilight Town, the pod room.
DiZ, Namine, and Riku stare at the pod Sora sleeps in.
Have the reproduction of Sora's memories stopped...?DiZ: "Has it stopped completely?"
Namine: "Yes."
DiZ: "We have no time to lose."Destiny Islands, the shore.
Xion is lying down, worrying.Xion: "Who am I?"
Releasing February 2009.
- In the demo, one blogger reported that all fourteen Organization Members were present on the select screen, but that only about six of them were available to play. They said they didn't know if this was for the purpose of the Demo or if it was hint that you had to unlock them
- Roxas and Xigbar visit Halloween Town in the playable demo
- Marluxia and Lexaeus were added to the multiplayer mode demo.
- In single player mode, when Roxas is attacked with a Blizzard spell, he becomes frozen. It is undetermined whether or not being attacked during this frozen state helps it end faster.
- In single player mode, when caught by a Search Ghost (heartless), for a moment Roxas is unable to move and his HP will slowly be reduced.
- The camera view in both modes can be changed to look up, down, left, and right by dragging the stylus (or using your thumb) on the lower screen
- In the world select screen, the level of difficulty is indicated by each world.
- Demo Impressions from Game Watch
At the demo you could choose between playing single player mode or multi player mode, an option allowing up to 4 players to compete in a battle together. The basic battle system is similar to the conventional Kingdom Hearts series, but now fellow members of Organization XIII join in to fight alongside Roxas.
In the single player demo, three levels were prepared to try: Twilight Town with Axel, Beast's Castle with Xaldin, and Halloween Town with Xigbar. The objective of each mission is explained clearly, find and defeat the boss. The upper screen displays the characters fighting while the lower screen displays the map. Attributes like fighting alongside other characters and solving tricks defined on points in the map make this a fun new title.
- Demo Impressions from The Light in Chaos
Multiplayer mode
Playing as Marluxia.He had the greatest HP and offensive abilities, a high critical attack percentage, but his movement is slower, especially in large areas. The stats can be read on the upper screen, while the selection is made on the lower one. I wonder if his fault is that his attack range is too wide and he hits the other players?
Because the levels were the same as last time, the contents of the demo felt slightly more polished. I attacked too aggressively and they were slightly sluggish, so I wasn't able to use potions quick enough and suffered damage as a result. But as the offensive strength indicated, his attacks caused a large amount of damage.
- Demo Impressions from The Light in Chaos
Singleplayer mode
Place: Halloween Town
Boss: Dual BladeAt first you start as Roxas and you must find Xigbar. You encounter him in the main plaza area of the level. There is an indication of where to approach on the map. If you go from the bottom of the stairs, toward the area around the coffin, you'll find Xigbar. After that, Xigbar joins Roxas in the single player mode.
The next encounter is in front of the bridge leading to Oogie Boogie's home. There is are big snow crystals inside ice cubes scattered about. You have to watch out because they are powerful and have a large attack range. After defeating them, the Dual Blade boss appears. It has powerful attacks, causing you to freeze if you're hit, so avoid them and attack when it's guard is down. The demo ended after defeating it.
Seems this time instead of being supported by Axel or Xaldin, the role is reversed and Roxas is supporting Xigbar. Well, at least Roxas wasn't a "drag" again.
- Famitsu Interview with Nomura
──The sale date was announced to be in February 2009, the trailer seemed to be all about Xion this time.
Nomura: This time we wanted to emphasize Xion in the trailer. People who like Kingdom Hearts will be thinking as they watch, "Huh? That scene!?" Maybe they'll think "Have we shown too much?", but the core parts are still unrevealed. I wanted the trailer to make the viewer's imagination run wild.
- Scans:
- Screenshots:
- TGS Related Images:
- KH Mobile is to be released in Japan in Autumn 2008.
- Coded is to be released in Japan in Winter 2008.
- There is a scene in the trailer where an Organization Member is in the King's Room, though whether or not this is in the data world, or the real world is uncertain.
- A person wearing the same type of coat as a member of Organization XIII appears, and from under its feet, the bugs spread. In this scene, the person says: "The world is damaged."
- After that, a trailer for Kingdom Hearts Mobile is shown. This enigmatic line is inserted: "A door connected to the secrets from this world."
- Coded Trailer Impression from FF&KH Online and The Light in Chaos
Background Music: Destati, drammatica version.
"A forbidden secret――"
Traverse Town
The King holds out a hand to Sora coming out of the back alley.
King Mickey: "Sora, your journey began here."
King Mickey: "What you don't know is, that I was here on that day too."
King Mickey: "I'm going to tell you the truth."Destiny Islands, the secret place.
A person wearing the coat of a Organization XIII member appears before Sora's eyes.Organization member: "This world is damaged."
Organization member: "You'll have to go if you want to heal it's wounds."Battle screens are shown.
Traverse Town.
Sora receives something glittery (probably data) from the person in the Organization coat.Traverse Town, first district.
The person in the coat stands in front of some stairs.
Bugs spread from under their feet, appearing as black and red blocks.
Sora confronts the person in the coatSora: "It's you causing this catastrophe!?"
Disney Castle, the study/libary room.
The person in the Organization XIII coat appears in front of the King, Jiminy Cricket, Goofy, and Donald.
Again, the bugs spread from underneath their feet.- Coded had a surprise playable demo at TGS and it feels very nostalgic to the first Kingdom Hearts.
- KH Mobile demo available at Square Enix booth
- Two mini puzzle games were playable in the KH Mobile Demo
- KH Mobile Demo Impressions From FF&KH Onlinfo
I made it to the KH Mobile demo!
The playable save file has a lot of munny/points. You can play in Traverse Town, Olympus, or Castle Oblivion. Each player operates Sora, and in each mini game there are 3 characters relating to their worlds. Together it makes a competition of 4 characters.
Traverse Town: Leon, Cloud, and Aeris
Olympus: Hercules, Phil, and Hades
Castle Oblivion: Larxene, Axel, and VexenWhile playing, special rules like "Cut 8" and "Joker" are enforced when playing against the members of Castle Oblivion. When you have the weakest (lowest) card out of 3, you put out two more. Then Larxene will say something like: "You're really bad at this!" or Vexen will cackle a little. By the way, the pattern on the joker card has a moogle on it.
- Famitsu Interview with Nomura (KH Mobile)
──Seems like the start of the Mobile site service is quickly approaching.
Nomura: Indeed. It's being gone over daily to make sure there are no bugs in it. The avatars are even more interesting than you could imagine. In the promotional video, if Sora is Sora, and Riku is Riku, they could rearrange their appearances so one avatar has the head of Sora and the body of Riku, and vice versa. Actually, every part will be able to be customized freely. The impression in the trailer we wanted to display is that te feature is packed with a wide variety of contents.
──Do you have your own avatar?Nomura: Would you like to see it?
──Of course!
──It's cute with a devilish nature. (Laughs) So can you play with it?Nomura: I made a new type of heartless. (Laughs) There is a demo with playable mini games in the mobile corner, please stop by there if you get the chance.
- Famitsu Interview with Nomura (Coded)
──This promotional video seems to take a different direction from the previous ones.
Nomura: In the promotional videos until now, we wanted to explain what kind of a game it is, but this time we wanted to focus on the development of the story line. To everyone who watches it, I hope that you have gained interest in the story. The demo is available at the NTT DoCoMo booth, so stop by it if you can. The file in the demo is clear, so you can play from the beginning.
- Scans:
- Screenshots:
- TGS Related Images:
Sources: Gamekyo, Lightning13, Game Watch, IGN, FF&KH Online, The Light in Chaos, Famitsu, and The Photography Alchemist.
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