Hey guys, here we are with some new info! The KH2:FM+ Secret Ending has been revealed. A GameFAQs user has uploaded a soundless, but otherwise quite crystal-clear, capture of the secret movie. There are some VERY interesting developments in this movie, and it is actually quite intense and at times frightening. And is that a certain blonde-haired hero we all know and love lurking...?
Monkey Edit: Version with sound available! Dogen Edit: The version with sound is currently not working, so I'm putting up the HQ version with no sound.
We also have a downloadable version of the file, direct from FileFront.You can download it right here!
In addition, thanks to KH-2.net and Tomo, we also have several hi-quality screenshots directly from the Secret Ending. These include all three of the "new" characters (one of which may not be so "new" after all--Roxas, anyone?) and some higher-quality shots of the mysterious Xehanort-like figure and Kingdom Hearts itself.
[EDIT] The first new additional cutscene from KINGDOM HEARTS II: FINAL MIX has finally appeared online! Check it out here. Thanks to KHU for the heads-up!
Also, our very own Dogenzaka and Hanatori have begun to subtitle scenes from Re:CoM using their awesome translation skills and the original English script. Some lines were directly translated, some were subbed from the script, some were awkward phrases and translated best as possible, and some were new lines of dialogue. Thanks to Deathspank and KH-Vids for the cutscenes so far!
That's all for now, folks! Head over to KHI's Forums to discuss! Hopefully we can get an HQ version of the Secret Ending soon! Subs will be provided as much and when possible, by the way.