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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Go back to SNES MIDI files

Yoshi's Safari

To save a file, right click on the name, and click "Save As"

battle with bowser 77.76 KB
boss battle 57.48 KB
bowser s castle 37.88 KB
cornice cave 46.68 KB
cresent beach outside 44.23 KB
cresent beach underwater 40.36 KB
dark sea 40.07 KB
ending 64.39 KB
float castles i ii 70.41 KB
game over 1.32 KB
get ready 1.90 KB
getting ready 11.01 KB
ghost mansion 48.72 KB
grand bridge 24.85 KB
grass land 28.64 KB
high scores 8.17 KB
map screen 27.31 KB
mini-boss 73.77 KB
mushroom land 36.90 KB
pipe island 27.87 KB
spirit mountain 45.34 KB
spirit mountain orchestrated 34.57 KB
talking with peach 21.69 KB
talking with peach orchestrated 16.33 KB
title 28.83 KB
win level 1.62 KB

Go back to SNES MIDI files

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