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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Go back to SNES MIDI files

Wanderers From Ys III

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adol departs from redmont 19.09 KB
ballacetine castle 71.48 KB
ballacetine castle 2 24.11 KB
ballacetine castle clock tower 35.29 KB
ballacetine castle clock tower 2 10.76 KB
eldam mountains 39.26 KB
ilvern ruins 57.37 KB
ilvern ruins dance remix 63.21 KB
inside redmont buildings v1 1 5.51 KB
lava zone 17.08 KB
lava zone remix 49.95 KB
major boss battle - shock of the death god 14.84 KB
outside 34.87 KB
redmont 50.92 KB
store 9.31 KB
tigray quarry 74.61 KB

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