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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Go back to N64 MIDI files

Diddy Kong Racing

To save a file, right click on the name, and click "Save As"

ancient lake 15.51 KB
boss door opening 7.45 KB
central area 11.38 KB
crescent island 30.11 KB
crescent island 2 16.53 KB
darkmoon cavern 34.20 KB
darkmoon cavern gs v1 1 54.24 KB
darkmoon cavern xg 56.72 KB
dino domain 17.42 KB
dragon forest 16.60 KB
fossil canyon 15.43 KB
frosty village 18.66 KB
jungle falls 37.33 KB
options menu 28.70 KB
options menu xg 104.88 KB
options menu 2 36.26 KB
options menu 3 7.07 KB
options menu 4 54.25 KB
options menu gs 42.95 KB
pirate lagoon 57.40 KB
sherbet island 19.37 KB
snowball valley 51.40 KB
snowball valley 2 v2 0 34.15 KB
snowflake mountain 13.97 KB
spacedust alley 81.59 KB
spacedust alley 2 69.47 KB
spacedust alley gs v1 2 72.54 KB
spacedust alley xg 69.53 KB
spaceport alpha 33.94 KB
walrus cove 73.03 KB
whale bay 78.73 KB
windmill plains 62.08 KB

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