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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

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  Files  Filesize 
Aleste (Japan) 1 41.96 KB
Aleste 2 2 151.22 KB
Castlevania 12 1.59 MB
Dark Lantern 2 17.82 KB
F1-Spirit 1 96.22 KB
Firebird 1 30.08 KB
Gradius 1 7.07 KB
Gradius 2 1 49.26 KB
Illusion City 1 18.30 KB
Insanity 1 14.67 KB
King Kong 2 1 92.16 KB
King's Valley 2 1 27.96 KB
Knightmare 2 11.98 KB
Madou Monogatari 123 4 193.25 KB
Metal Gear 5 293.04 KB
Metal Gear 2 7 429.24 KB
Nemesis 2 2 96.38 KB
Northstar 1 26.86 KB
Space Manbow 1 38.66 KB
The Maze of Galious 2 60.37 KB
Thexder II - The Second Contact 10 388.28 KB
Treasure of Usas 2 29.22 KB
Vampire Killer 1 602 B
Winglancer 8 94.07 KB

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