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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Go back to Gameboy MIDI files

Pokemon (Red, Blue, Yellow)

To save a file, right click on the name, and click "Save As"

bicycle ride 6.63 KB
bicycle ride 2 8.59 KB
celadon city 6.62 KB
celadon city scary remix v3 0 13.49 KB
cerulean city 3 5.12 KB
cerulean city remix 7.37 KB
cerulean city v2 1 2.99 KB
cerulean city xg v2 2 2.98 KB
champion battle 11.78 KB
champion battle 2 12.98 KB
cinnabar island 3.97 KB
cinnabar mansion 13.25 KB
cinnabar mansion 2 22.59 KB
credits 8.70 KB
credits 2 7.90 KB
credits remix 58.65 KB
evil trainer encounter 1.06 KB
evolving 387 B
evolving 2 1.41 KB
female trainer encounter 1.54 KB
game corner 8.33 KB
gym 6.85 KB
gym 2 5.44 KB
gym arranged 14.67 KB
gym arranged 2 23.69 KB
gym leader battle 21.48 KB
gym leader battle 2 21.02 KB
gym leader battle 3 11.25 KB
gym leader battle 4 15.75 KB
gym leader battle arranged 13.14 KB
gym leader battle power remix 31.90 KB
gym leader battle xg remix 58.09 KB
gym leader defeated 7.09 KB
hall of fame 12.97 KB
hall of fame 2 3.62 KB
indigo plateau 6.99 KB
indigo plateau 2 6.55 KB
item found 470 B
item received 557 B
lavender town 3.26 KB
lavender town 2 v1 1 21.58 KB
level up 633 B
male trainer encounter 1.79 KB
mt moon 3.80 KB
mt moon 2 11.03 KB
mt moon 3 9.72 KB
oak s lab 5.82 KB
oak s pokedex evaluation 568 B
oak s theme 3.5 KB
opening 10.06 KB
opening 2 1.94 KB
pallet town 5.81 KB
pallet town 2 6.87 KB
pallet town arranged 6.24 KB
pokemon center 4.29 KB
pokemon center 2 7.27 KB
pokemon center 3 5.49 KB
pokemon tower arranged 9.93 KB
pokemon tower v1 1 6.08 KB
rival theme 1.87 KB
rival theme 2 2.47 KB
route 1 14.65 KB
route 1 pokemon center remix 33.78 KB
route 1 2 4.18 KB
route 1 boss remix 42.32 KB
route 1 caribbean remix 33.72 KB
route 1 orchestrated 25.62 KB
route 10 2 6.53 KB
route 10 remix 41.05 KB
route 12 7.84 KB
route 16 dark pop remix 8.20 KB
route 24 3.46 KB
route 24 2 5.59 KB
route 24 eurobeat remix 18.07 KB
s s anne 3.14 KB
s s anne 2 4.03 KB
s s anne remix 6.12 KB
secret item found 803 B
show me around 5.44 KB
show me around 2 2.62 KB
silph co 7.66 KB
surf 7.61 KB
surf 2 14.21 KB
surf 3 3.10 KB
surf remix 11.37 KB
surf slow remix 17.81 KB
team rocket s hideout 2 v1 1 9.72 KB
team rocket s hideout villainous remix 12.49 KB
title screen 8.06 KB
trainer battle 28.88 KB
trainer battle 2 13.36 KB
trainer battle 3 29.79 KB
trainer battle 4 17.65 KB
trainer battle arranged 63.82 KB
trainer battle arranged 2 59.57 KB
trainer battle arranged 3 69.27 KB
trainer battle arranged xg 117.20 KB
trainer battle orchestrated 41.81 KB
trainer defeated 2.59 KB
vermilion city 1.61 KB
vermilion city 2 6.08 KB
vermilion city techno remix 6.33 KB
viridian city 2 3.56 KB
viridian city 3 14.13 KB
viridian city v1 7 3.81 KB
viridian forest 30.85 KB
viridian forest 2 22.25 KB
viridian forest 3 19.13 KB
wild pokemon battle 9.97 KB
wild pokemon battle heavy metal remix 64.40 KB
wild pokemon battle ruby sapphire remix 17.50 KB
wild pokemon caught 593 B
wild pokemon fainted 2.21 KB
yellow opening 2.12 KB
yellow opening house remix 16.15 KB
yellow pikachu beach 8.24 KB

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