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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Prince & Belle WD Ver

王子&ベル WD Ver

Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Belle's love broke the spell on the Beast and turned him back into a human.

[JP Date Added] White Day Event: 3/7/2016 - 3/20/2016
[ENG Date Added] Be Our Guest! Event: 9/9/2016 - 9/22/2016

[★7 Placeholder]

Base ATK/DEF8228 / 8197
Max ATK/DEF: 11314 / 11273

All Targets / 2 SP cost

Ability: Noble White+6
Recovers a small amount of HP, inflicts 1 low-powered hit

Base Multiplierx 7.13
Max Multiplier7.13

Guilt: 20 - 50%

Base ATK/DEF: 5124 / 5097
Max ATK/DEF: 6650 / 6614

All Targets / 2 SP cost

Ability: Noble White+5
Recovers a small amount of HP, inflicts 1 low-powered hit

Base Multiplierx 1.67
Max Multiplierx 1.97

Guilt: 20 - 50%

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