With lots of HP and the use of various status enhancements, this colossal creature is one tough cookie. Dispel and Medals with healing capabilities are the key!
Darkside Ω
ダークサイド亜種 (Darkside subspecies)
Prepare for a lengthy battle against this powerful, poison-wielding opponent. Status recovery and healing Medals will be your guiding light through the dark!
Lion Headliner
シシダンスヘッドライナー (Lion Dance Headliner)
This beast boasts a mammoth amount of HP. Its paralyzing attacks make it a frightening foe; heal yourself with special attacks!
Behemoth Ω
ベヒーモス亜種 (Behemoth subspecies)
This beast boasts a mammoth amount of HP. Its paralyzing attacks make it a frightening foe; heal yourself with special attacks!
Hocus Pocus
ホーカス ポーカス
This festive foe lowers your strength, paralyzes you, and strikes first. Its count gets smaller with every hit, and it counterattacks at 0!
Guard Armor
True to its name, it has high defensive capabilities. Be prepared for what could be a very long battle!
Guard Armor Ω
ガードアーマー亜種 (Guard Armor subspecies)
True to its name, it has high defensive capabilities. Be prepared for what could be a very long battle!
Sinister Sweets
クルエルスイーツ (Cruel Sweets)
This tasty-looking treat has lots of HP and uses abilities to lower your strength and defense. Make sure you can heal through its powerful attacks!
Spiteful Sweets
ホワイトリターナー (White Returner)
This delectable dessert has lots of HP and attacks that lower your strength and defense. Be prepared to heal yourself often!
This talented trickster will use its antics to lower your defense and prolong the battle. Make sure you have HP recovery measures handy!
Trickmaster Ω
トリックマスター亜種 (Trickmaster subspecies)
This talented trickster will use its antics to lower your defense and prolong the battle. Make sure you have HP recovery measures handy!
Jack in the Box
This mischievous monster boasts high HP and has the power to put you to sleep. Be ready with HP-recovering attacks and send it packing!
Egg Master
Trident Tail
トライデントアンカー (Trident Anchor)
Trident Tail Ω
トライデントアンカー亜種 (Trident Anchor subspecies)
Red Trident Tail
Rトライデントアンカー (R Trident Anchor)
Green Trident Tail
Gトライデントアンカー (G Trident Anchor)
Blue Trident Tail
Bトライデントアンカー (Blue Trident Anchor)
Submarine Carp
カープサブマリン (Carp Submarine)
This fishy foe has lots of HP and attacks that lower your defense. Use special attacks and defeat it quickly before it drags you underwater!
Savage Spider
ヴィシャススパイダー (Vicious Spider)
Don't get caught in this arachnid's web! Otherwise, you'll be prey to paralysis, poison, and pain.
Enraged Arachnid
ベノムスパイダー (Venom Spider)
Scourge Spider
ベインスパイダー (Bane Spider)
The number above this creepy-crawly gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll dispel all of your status enhancements.
Wicked Spider
The number above this creepy-crawly gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it’ll dispel all of your status enhancements.
Malicious Spider
マリススパイダー (Malice Spider)
The number above this creepy-crawly gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it’ll dispel all of your status enhancements.
Fortress Crab
The number above this crustacean gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it’ll hit you with sleep.
Fortress Crab Ω
フォートレスクラブ亜種 (Fortress Crab subspecies)
Circus Crab
サーカスフォートレス (Circus Fortress)
Queen Bee
フィアスクイーンビー (Fierce Queen Bee)
Watch out—this one will sting! And don't expect any honey from this busy bee; she's made of pure poison.
Queen Bee Ω
フィアスクイーンビー亜種 (Fierce Queen Bee subspecies)
Watch out—this one will sting! And don't expect any honey from this busy bee; she's made of pure poison.
Gummi Hound
パープルグミハウンド (Purple Gummi Hound)
The number above the beast gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, watch out! You'll wish you'd let sleeping dogs lie.
Crabby Cake
フュリオスホールケーキ (Furious Whole Cake)
The number above this crabby crustacean gets smaller with every attack, and it'll counterattack when it reaches 0! It'll also swipe away your boosted stats!
Cranky Cake
タイラントホールケーキ (Tyrant Whole Cake)
Loudmouth Parade
ラウドネスマーチ (Loudness March)
They lower your Upright and Reversed strength and paralyze you. The Emerald Sonata fully recovers its allies' HP once when its HP falls to 50% or below!
ラウディカルーセル (Rowdy Carousel)
Mischief Bouquet
Closehanded Captain
キャプテンアヴァリシャス (Captain Avaricious)
With lots of HP and defense-sapping attacks, this miserly monster is not to be messed with. Use special attacks to take it down quickly!
Angry Adventurer
アドベンチャラー (Adventurer)
This wicked wanderer has lots of HP and unleashes powerful attacks. Use special attacks to put an end to its adventure!
Greedy Grouch
グリーディホーリーナイト (Greedy Holy Night)
This miserly monster has a lot of HP and uses abilities to lower your defense. Use Dispel to emerge victorious!
Assault Dragon
The number above this deadly dragon gets smaller with every Medal you use. It also periodically unleashes a powerful attack so boost your defense!
Holiday Sleigh
ノーティースレッド (Naughty Sled)
Red-Nosed Chariot
Jewel Sorceress
The number above this shiny sorceress gets smaller with every attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll hit you with paralysis, poison, AND sleep!
Jewel Princess
Gear Golem
The number above this mech monster gets smaller with every attack. Once it reaches 0, brace yourself for a powerful attack!
Heartless Tsums
Mysterious Sir
ミステリアススター (Mysterious Star)
This fun-loving fiend has lots of HP and powerful attacks. The battle will be a long one! Make sure you can heal yourself if you want to emerge victorious.
Demon Tide
デビルズウェーブ (Devil's Wave)
This foe poisons you after slot 3 is activated. It also lowers your strength and paralyzes you after every turn!