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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

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Heartless plague the worlds even during the age of fairy tales. Many unfamiliar breeds can be encountered, so be prepared!

[Common]  [Event]  [Bosses]  [Raid Bosses]



This Heartless often travels in a group. Finish off a swarm quickly with an all-encompassing attack or special attack!



This mega-monster has its guard down for the first 2 turns. Defeat it quickly before it unleashes a mega-dose of damage!

Gigas Shadow

ギガントシャドウ (Gigant Shadow)

This Heartless's HP gauge is as monstrous as the creature itself! When it increases its strength, use special attacks to remove any boosts as quickly as possible.



A fearsome foe and jack-of-all-trades boasting boosted attack power, poison, and more. Charge your special attack gauge before engaging in this battle!

Candy Apple

アップルフェイス (Apple Face)

Though it looks sweet, this is one bad apple. Equip Medals with healing capabilities before taking on this powerful and poisonous fiend.

Poison Apple

アップルヘッド (Apple Head)

Rotten to the core, this apple-like enemy powers up its allies and assails opponents with strong attacks.



This nightmarish Heartless wields a large sword with ease and launches an all-out attack when its HP is low.



This brute beast not only has great strength, it can paralyze and poison you. Use special attacks to defeat it before it gets hungry!



This fog-like fiend travels in a herd and inflicts status ailments like poison. Clear the air with an all-encompassing attack or special attack!



Boasting high HP and strength, this sinister Heartless boosts its stats even further and lowers those of opponents to gain an edge in battle.

Flame Core


Power-based attacks don't work against this fiery foe! When its HP drops below 50%, it'll unleash a powerful attack when it counters and likely at the end of each turn!

Red Nocturne


A support-type enemy that boosts the strength of its allies. Defeat it before it has the chance!

Blue Rhapsody


This Heartless works in harmony with its allies by healing them, though it does not have much HP itself.

Yellow Opera


This enemy temporarily increases its strength before unleashing an attack. Use Speed medals to eliminate it on the double!

Green Requiem


True to its name, this hospitable horror recovers the HP of its allies. Defeat it before you find yourself in a never-ending battle!

Violet Waltz


This support-type Heartless heals and boosts the defenses of its allies. Be wary if it appears with more formidable foes.

Emerald Sonata


True to its name, this hospitable horror recovers the HP of its allies. Defeat it before you find yourself in a never-ending battle!

Amber Opera

オーピメントオペラ (Orpiment Opera)

The number above this Yellow Opera variant gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll hit you with paralysis.



Power Medals are most effective against this enemy. Defeat it before it unleashes a strong offensive attack. 

Air Soldier


A well-balanced Heartless. beware as it lashes out with a powerful attack when its HP is low! 


ダイブソルジャー (Dive Soldier)

This swimming soldier likes to boost its attribute-based strength. Equip Dispel, and dive into the battle with both feet!

Armored Archer


A Heartless with low defenses. Use special attacks to defeat it quickly as it unleashes critical attacks in succession when its HP is low.

Poison Archer


The number above this bow-wielding foe gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll hit you with poison.

Paralysis Archer

パラライズアーチャー (Paralyze Archer)

The number above this bow-wielding foe gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll hit you with paralysis.

Sleep Archer


The number above this bow-wielding foe gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll hit you with sleep.

Armored Knight


When in a pinch, this Heartless throws caution and itself to the wind. Boost your defenses before taking on this formidable foe!

Dual Blade


This cutting creature paralyzes its foes. Take it down before it has a chance to attack!

Dual Durandal


This monster is double-trouble! Not only does it have a lot of HP, it also paralyzes its foes. Recover your HP on the double!

Heat Saber


The number above this fiery foe gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, watch out! Defeat it before you get burned.

Chill Reaper

コールドリッパー (Cold Reaper)

The number above this fiery foe gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, watch out! Defeat it before you get burned.

Blitz Spear


With tons of HP and paralyzing attacks, this armored adversary won't be easy to take down! Healing is imperative to make it through this long fight.



Thick as thieves. If attacked by a band of bandits, defeat them one by one before they can launch a simultaneous attack!

Red Bandit


This tough bandit strengthens and heals its comrades. Its own HP is low, so defeat it with a special attack before it gets away red-handed!

Luna Bandit


It backs away during combat, so close in with thrust attacks. Catch it off guard after parrying its attacks to defeat it.



It uses and is immune to all ice magic. When its HP gets low, it uses magic to try to freeze its target. Try counterattacking with Clear Shot.

Pot Spider


Don't be fooled by this monster's appearance! Its powerful attacks will hurt. Equip abilities to heal yourself!

Pot Scorpion


Don't be fooled by this monster's appearance! Its powerful attacks will hurt. Equip abilities to heal yourself!


ラウドネス (Loudness)

Inflicts sleep on its enemies. Defeat it quickly before it makes a sitting duck out of you!

Rainy Loudmouth

レイニーラウドネス (Rainy Loudness)

Inflicts enemies with paralysis. If you encounter this Heartless in a group, defeat it first before it toots its own horn!

Creeper Plant

クリーププラント (Creep Plant)

A plant-like Heartless which inflicts opponents with status ailments. Equip recovery Medals and use special attacks to nip it in the bud!

Dire Plant

ウィードプラント (Weed Plant)

Possesses high strength and special attacks with healing capabilities. Get to the root of the problem with a strong offensive!

Fire Plant


This fiery flower paralyzes opponents and boosts its own strength during battle.

Ice Plant


Though rooted to the spot, this plant-like Heartless is far from defenseless. It utilizes sleep, healing, and Magic-type special attacks to take on opponents from afar.

Dark Plant


This Heartless will try to lower your defenses, but use special attacks to bring it back up!

Red Rose

パッションローズ (Passion Rose)

A flower with a lot of power. Weed it out before it boosts its strength and blossoms into a whole new problem.

White Rose

カームネスローズ (Calmness Rose)

This rose definitely has thorns, boasting high HP, healing abilities, and sleep-inducing attacks! Cut it down to size before it becomes a thorn in your side!

Bag O' Jewels

ジュエリーバッグ (Jewelry Bag)

A mixed bag of good and bad. This enemy heals its allies and attacks with the precious gem atop its head.

Bag O' Coal

チャコールバッグ (Charcoal Bag)

Adds fuel to the fire by boosting its comrades' attack power. Extinguish the flames one by one or risk taking heavy damage!

Bag O' Coins

ゴールドコインバッグ (Gold Coin Bag)

Not all that glitters is gold. This tough opponent uses the coins atop its head to launch a powerful offensive against enemies.

Search Ghost


A spooky specter for more than one reason. It boasts boosted strength, so dispel the effects or else you won't stand a ghost of a chance!

Rush Ghost


This spooky specter absorbs attacks from Power Medals. Its count gets smaller with each attack, and it counterattacks at 0!

Shred Ghost


This spooky specter absorbs attacks from Speed Medals and lowers your Reversed strength!

Trick Ghost


This specter absorbs Magic-based attacks and lowers your strength. The number above it gets smaller with every hit, and it counterattacks at 0!

Wight Knight


The number above this armed adversary gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll dispel all of your status enhancements.

Flower Rider


Don't let its appearance deceive you. This flower definitely has thorns! It also inflicts enemies with sleep and heals its allies.

Flappy Rider


This flying foe lowers your strength and unleashes critical hits. The number above it gets smaller with every hit, and it counterattacks at 0!

Nosy Mole

アチューモール (Achoo Mole)

This mole is nothing to sneeze at! It has more HP than a Shadow and sometimes lands critical hits. Guard your remaining HP closely!

Large Body


With high HP and defense on its side, this oversized adversary is one colossal challenge. Fill your special attack gauge beforehand!

Fat Bandit


This big bandit boosts its own strength before unleashing a heavy-handed attack. Use special attacks to overcome its assault!

Large Armor


A walking fortress, this Heartless boasts both high offense and defense. Use a special attack to weaken its guard before striking it down!

Tornado Step


This Heartless boasts a tough offensive and healing powers. Use a special attack to defeat it quickly!

Warlock Step


Don't let this dog have its day! Defeat it before it has a chance to use its paralyzing attacks.

Upright Warlock


As you may have guessed from its name, this foe absorbs damage from Upright Medal attacks! It also lowers your strength!

Reversed Warlock

リバースウォーロック (Reverse Warlock)

This foe absorbs damage from Reversed Medals and lowers your strength. Equip Upright Medals for this battle!



This Heartless is a double threat with its high attack power and abundance of HP. Defeat it before it has a chance to use its boosts!

High Wizard


Speed-type special attacks work like magic on this Heartless! Fill your special attack gauge before challenging this mighty wizard.

Savage Wizard


This foe casts a Power-reflect barrier on the entire party, and lowers the strength of your Upright and Reversed Medals!

Noble Wizard


This foe casts a Speed-reflect barrier on the entire party, and lowers the strength of your Upright and Reversed Medals!

Trick Wizard


This foe casts a Magic-reflect barrier on the entire party, and lowers the strength of your Upright and Reversed Medals!

Barrier Master


The number above this shielded sorcerer gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll boost its allies defense.

False Master

ディスターブマスター (Disturb Master)

Magic-based attacks are the way to go against this foe. Watch out: It gradually weakens your strength and overwrites it completely when its HP hits 0!

Shadow Witch

ウィッチシャドウ (Witch Shadow)

This cackling menace raises the defense of its allies. Defeat it first, otherwise you’ll have a long battle on your hands.

Shadow Magician

マジシャンシャドウ (Magician Shadow)

This marveling monster has lots of HP and raises the defense of other enemies. Defeat it quickly before it can reveal the tricks it has up its sleeve!

Wibble Wobble

ワッブルチップトウ (Wobble Tiptoe)

A precarious and powerful enemy. Use special attacks to knock it down to size!

Bad Dog

マッドドッグ (Mad Dog)

Don't let this dog have its day! Defeat it before it has a chance to use its paralyzing attacks.

Chomper Egg

バイトエッグ (Bite Egg)

This powerful Heartless is all bite and no bark. Strike it down before it can lower your defense and retaliate!

Hook Bat


This bat boosts its attribute strength and power-type defense. Dispel the effects or use neutral special attacks and you'll be off the hook in no time!

Golden Hook Bat


The number above this flapping foe gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll unleash a paralyzing attack.

Aerial Knocker


This Heartless often travels in a group. Finish off a swarm quickly with an all-encompassing attack or special attack!



This self pilot trades defense for offense on the fly. Take it down before it gets a chance!



This Heartless lives by the words "the best offense is a good defense." Utilize your special attacks to overcome its mighty guard, then claim victory!



The number above this brute gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, there's a slim chance it'll unleash a devastating attack.

Upright Defender


This unique monster absorbs attacks from Upright Medals. Equip Reversed Medals to claim victory.

Reversed Defender

リバースディフェンダー (Reverse Defender)

This frustrating foe absorbs attacks from Reversed Medals. You'll need to equip Upright Medals for this fight.

Lance Soldier


This disagreeable duo has the ability to lower your strength! Its count gets smaller with every hit, and it counterattacks at 0!

Noble Soldier

ノーブルホイップソルジャー (Noble Whip Soldier)

This foe lowers your strength and counters when its hit count reaches 0!



A high-flying Heartless with HP and strength to match. Dispel its status enhancements or paralyze it to bring it down to earth!

Living Bone


This dangerous dino hits extremely hard! It also lowers your strength, and unleashes a counterattack when its hit count reaches 0!

Hammer Frame

ハンマーボディ (Hammer Body)

Paralyzes its foes and boosts its strength and defense when low on HP. Hammer away at this Heartless with special attacks before it has a chance to act!

Silver Hammer Frame

シルバーハンマーボディ (Silver Hammer Body)

The number above this gangly gadget gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll unleash an attack that'll lower your defense.

Gold Hammer Frame

ゴルドハンマーボディ (Gold Hammer Body)

The number above this golden gadget gets smaller with every attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll sap you of your strength!

Brick Hammer Frame

ブリックハンマーボディ (Brick Hammer Body)

This tough tool unleashes powerful attacks every 3 turns!

Growth Egg

グロウエッグ (Grow Egg)

A rare enemy that drops EXP Medals. Don't let it escape!

Munny Egg


A rare enemy that drops Munny Medals. Don't let it escape!

Prize Egg

アイテムエッグ (Item Egg)

A rare enemy that drops materials, EXP Medals, and Evolve Medals! Don't let it escape!

Minute Bomb

ミニッツボム (Minibomb)

Don't let its size fool you! This tough-bodied Heartless doesn't take damage easily, so equip Medals that deal fixed damage or have high hit counts.



This colorful creature explodes and deals damage to nearby foes when it runs out of HP. Dim its light as quickly as possible!

Cherry Kaboom

バーストチェリー (Burst Cherry)

When this Heartless runs out of HP, it explodes and deals damage to those nearby. Defeat it quickly!

Bunch o' Balloons

バーストバルーン (Burst Balloon)

When it runs out of HP, it explodes and deals damage to those nearby. Don't get caught in the blast!



This monster doesn't monkey around—it uses buffs to increase its strength. Take it down quickly before it drives you bananas!

Wild Shaman

シャーマンワイルド (Shamanwild)

This troublemaker resets all of your boosted stats. Use special attacks to defeat it quickly to maintain your advantage in battle.

Cannoned Camel

キャノンキャメル (Cannon Camel)

This cute cabbie will put you to sleep and lower your stats. Don't be fooled by its pleasant-looking smile!



This winged Heartless stuns foes and negates status effects. Use Medals with high attack power to bring it down!

Gargoyle Knight

ソードスタチュー (Sword Statue)

A sword-bearing statue. It unleashes a fearsome attack when its HP is low, so use a powerful Medal to stop it stone-cold!

Gargoyle Wizard

ロッドスタチュー (Rod Statue)

This staff-wielding wizard absorbs attacks from Magic Medals. Equip Speed Medals for this battle.

Morning Star


When its HP gets low, it can raise its defenses and heal itself. Use a defense-decreasing special attack before attacking and it'll be seeing stars!

Cannon Gun

エイミングキャノン (Aiming Cannon)

This steely Heartless delivers a destructive blow during its third turn. You don't want to be around when it blasts off, so douse its fuse while there's still time!


Driller Mole

モールドリル (Mole Drill)


White Mushroom


This frustrating foe restores its allies' HP and has plenty of endurance. It also always heals after your slot 4 attack!

Black Fungus


This foe has lots of defense, the ability to poison its enemy, and fungi allies. Burn it down quickly with hard-hitting abilities!

Rare Truffle


This mischievous mushroom restores the HP of its allies! And don't forget to search for Driller Moles—they might be hiding gems!

Gold Tricholoma


Strike it down quickly with powerful special attacks; don't give this flighty fungi a chance to run away!



Disguised as a treasure chest, this Heartless hoards Lux and Evolve Medals. Beware of its surprise attacks.

Great Pretender


Disguised as a treasure chest, this Heartless hoards Lux and Evolve Medals. Beware of its surprise attacks.

King Pretender


Disguised as a treasure chest, this Heartless hoards Lux and Evolve Medals. Beware of its surprise attacks.


ディンドンベル (Ding Dong Bell)

This metallic monster has high defense and the power to lure you to sleep. The strategy should be clear as a bell: strike it down!

Ratty Rat

ラッシュラット (Rush Rat)

This furry vermin has lots of HP and strength, but lacks defense. Exterminate it quickly before it abandons ship!

Poison Pot


This venomous vessel sprays surrounding foes with poison when its HP reaches 0! Defeat it before it can pollute the air with its toxins!

Piercing Knight

ピアスナイト (Pierce Knight)

This stalwart soldier unleashes attacks that lower strength and defense of all attributes. Prove yourself a worthy opponent with plenty of preparation!

Wicked Wick

トラブルキャンドル (Trouble Candle)

This callous candle strengthens its attributes during battle. Keep your cool, and use your Dispel to extinguish its flame!


バーフィッシュ (Puff Fish)

This spiny savage won't hesitate to use poison. As long as you keep your HP topped off, it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel!


バルーンタッドポール (Balloon Tadpole)

This aquatic amphibian lowers your Magic-based strength!

Dark Wisp


Sly Cat


The number above this fiery feline gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll use status-boosting effects!

Wily Cat


The number above this cunning kitty gets smaller as you attack. It heals itself so defeat it quickly before you find yourself a cat on a hot tin roof!



This menace of a monster lowers the defense of its enemies. Use special attacks to defeat it before it defeats you!

Red Gearbit


This mech monster has boosted Power-based strength and defense! Magic-based equipment is a must!

Blue Gearbit


This mech monster has boosted Magic-based strength and defense! Speed-based equipment is a must!

Green Gearbit


This mech monster has boosted Speed-based strength and defense! Power-based equipment is a must!

Red Gummi Saucer

レッドグミフォート (Red Gummi Fort)

Be careful when using Power-based attacks against this flying foe. You'll receive 10% of the damage you deal!

Blue Gummi Saucer

ブルーグミフォート (Blue Gummi Fort)

Be careful when using Magic-based attacks against this flying foe. You'll receive 10% of the damage you deal!

Green Gummi Saucer

グリーングミフォート (Green Gummi Fort)

Be careful when using Speed-based attacks against this flying foe. You'll receive 10% of the damage you deal!


フーカバー (Fukaba)

The number above this winged wonder gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it’ll unleash a powerful attack.


Paralysis Platoon

パラライズスクワッド (Paralyze Squad)

Sleepy Snoozer

テリブルベッド (Terrible Bed)

The number above this monster catching z's gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it'll put you to sleep.

Candy Plant


This foe boosts its defense, lowers your strength, and reflects 10% of damage from Magic attacks. Its spinning attack has a high chance of being a critical hit!

Swaying Cactus

スウィングカクタス (Swing Cactus)

This foe not only paralyzes and poisons its enemies, it counterattacks when its hit count reaches 0!

Soda Specter

コーラフロートゴースト (Cola Float Ghost)

This foe lowers your strength, reflects 10% of damage from Reversed Medals, and counterattacks when its hit count reaches 0!

Sweets Squad


This sinister squad lowers your Power, Speed, and Magic strength, and it counterattacks when its attack count hits 0!

Raccoon Dog Soldier


This rascally soldier has lots of endurance and strength. When its HP hits 0, it self destructs, taking any rookies along with it!

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