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Kingdom Hearts 'Dive to the Heart' Prototype T-Shirt!

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Kingdom Hearts merchandise is always so difficult to come by no matter where you live. Now, while it's not exactly the right time of year for t-shirts, unless you live in the southern hemisphere, how about a brand new official t-shirt, courtesy of Hidemi Matsuzuka, General Manager of the Square Enix Merchandising Division?

Of course this is merely a prototype and is not currently available for purchase, but we will keep you updated with more information when it becomes available!

Source: Hidemi Matsuzuka



Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
that looks so cool. i'm really hoping they'll release a line of shirts like that with original art by different artists, that would be a dream.


this account now belongs to my cousin, jeff
Dec 22, 2008
not a fan. i'd rather we'd get plain cover art shirts like the old street fighter ones.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
go to hot topic


Apr 24, 2012
The second that becomes available I am buying it.


New member
Oct 6, 2007
Maybe Its just me but it seems to me like Disney doesn't act like they have a fanbase for this game. In Disney Wolrd EPCOT you can't even find anything more than a Sora figurine or an Axel one and that's it, no Mickey, no Donald, or goody, or Riku, or a keyblade or anything just sora and axel. And they're way in the back. On a shelf what is covered with other figurines that are unrelated to Kingdom Hearts (since I last went there around 2012) Disney stores (ones I've been to) don't sell pins. You have to go to hot topic or FYE! C'mon! I have to go to non-Disney related stores to find stuff for a Disney related item?

I mean hey Disney if your worried about fans not buying merchandise it's probably because u haven't put it out there. I know a few die hard Disney fans that don't have a clue what Kingdom Hearts is. I even met cast members at Disney World that didn't even know what it was. They know about the other Disney games but the sec u say Kingdom Hearts they're like what? I even met a few people in my School that said they don't want to play Kingdom Hearts because they hated Final Fantasy. Yes they thought it was a final fantasy game! Some of them didn't even know Disney was involved.

To further my point about Disney not putting KH out there, Disney, years ago, had this little TV commercial thing where some kid would go around Disney World talking to random people about recent Disney games. Disney was releasing Meteos: Disney Magic and I saw that and made the comment "What about Kingdom Hearts?" And not once since have I seen Disney put Kingdom Hearts out there in the same manner. I believe the little commercial thing was called 24/7 or something like that.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I must say I do like the design of the shirt, not nearly as much as the last one with frames, but it's still nice. Kingdom Hearts has potential to have really nice shirts, but I must say I like the subtle designs more than the ones like this that actually say "Kingdom Hearts" on it. I still cannot get over the old Kingdom Hearts beanies which I am searching all over the world for:


Yes, that is an official Kingdom Hearts beanie! IT'S SO NICE cause it's subtle and yet really Roxas. On that note, I'd still get this if I were in Japan ^_^

Note to self: When KHi implements a "like" system, I will return to like this highly appropriate post.

Maybe Its just me but it seems to me like Disney doesn't act like they have a fanbase for this game. In Disney Wolrd EPCOT you can't even find anything more than a Sora figurine or an Axel one and that's it, no Mickey, no Donald, or goody, or Riku, or a keyblade or anything just sora and axel. And they're way in the back. On a shelf what is covered with other figurines that are unrelated to Kingdom Hearts (since I last went there around 2012) Disney stores (ones I've been to) don't sell pins. You have to go to hot topic or FYE! C'mon! I have to go to non-Disney related stores to find stuff for a Disney related item?

I've kept up with Kingdom Hearts within Disney for quite awhile now and the truth is: Disney had a very bad first experience of Kingdom Hearts. When Kingdom Hearts first came out they dedicated wall space in Downtown Disney (both CA and FL) to Kingdom Hearts with the game, guide, and TOMY figures. Sadly, it didn't do as well as Disney expected and after that Disney pretty much ignored Kingdom Hearts minus the occasional Disney 365 or commercial.

That being said, Disney has slowly begun to increase the Kingdom Hearts merchandise in their parks. A few years ago (2011), Disney released a special Kingdom Hearts pin at an event based on Mickey visiting other worlds (kind of perfect), which was limited edition to only 500 pieces in existence. Ever since then they have released 1 pin every year, with the production being bigger each year:

2011 - 500 pin only available to event attendees
2012 - pin with no edition size (so they made as many as they needed) only available at the park
2013 - 2000 edition pin at the 1.5 event (which they hosted with SE)
2014 - pin with no edition size available to the whole US (as a preorder for 2.5) at their own studio lot

On that note, Disney is clearly increasing the edition sizes and the availability of the pin to see how well they do and from what I believe, they are doing well. This is coupled with recent Kingdom Hearts keychains being sold in their CA and FL parks (which I've seen) and many cast members being educated on what Kingdom Hearts is, I think it's a very good step in the right direction. Far from Kingdom Hearts getting it's own store or ride in the parks, but definitely to Disney recognizing it.


New member
Oct 6, 2007
II've kept up with Kingdom Hearts within Disney for quite awhile now and the truth is: Disney had a very bad first experience of Kingdom Hearts. When Kingdom Hearts first came out they dedicated wall space in Downtown Disney (both CA and FL) to Kingdom Hearts with the game, guide, and TOMY figures. Sadly, it didn't do as well as Disney expected and after that Disney pretty much ignored Kingdom Hearts minus the occasional Disney 365 or commercial.

That being said, Disney has slowly begun to increase the Kingdom Hearts merchandise in their parks. A few years ago (2011), Disney released a special Kingdom Hearts pin at an event based on Mickey visiting other worlds (kind of perfect), which was limited edition to only 500 pieces in existence. Ever since then they have released 1 pin every year, with the production being bigger each year:

2011 - 500 pin only available to event attendees
2012 - pin with no edition size (so they made as many as they needed) only available at the park
2013 - 2000 edition pin at the 1.5 event (which they hosted with SE)
2014 - pin with no edition size available to the whole US (as a preorder for 2.5) at their own studio lot

On that note, Disney is clearly increasing the edition sizes and the availability of the pin to see how well they do and from what I believe, they are doing well. This is coupled with recent Kingdom Hearts keychains being sold in their CA and FL parks (which I've seen) and many cast members being educated on what Kingdom Hearts is, I think it's a very good step in the right direction. Far from Kingdom Hearts getting it's own store or ride in the parks, but definitely to Disney recognizing it.

I didn't know that. That explains so much

But I'll say Disney is doing better, thow I don't really want KHII stuff, which seems to b everywhere. I'd like more DDD stuff. The time will come of course but I'd like it if they hurry up. I'd love to have nothing but KH thirst and hats and gloves and shoes..... Ok nothing but Christian clothes and KH clothes. Nothing would make me happier.


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Not loving the text font or placement, other than that it's okay. Can't they come up with something a little more inspired? Like create art for a t-shirt rather than silhouette's of existing art? Almost all of the KH shirts I've seen use existing images and are a little dull imo.
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