or, what do you read regularly? and why? culture, polemic, politics, etc. it could be specific as hell or more vague & varied. i'm interested in seeing folks' digital "pull list" so yeah, have at it. always looking for new shit to read too. follow up with short descriptions of the links for like-minded people to check out. for me:
what a diddlyibg nerd
Home | The New York Review of Books for when you can't afford the newyorker :'(
The New Inquiry eclectic, sem-topical musings, leftist; sometimes shite.
TheAtlantic.com roving lens on america; ngl, i mostly read for the features. ta-nehisi coates is bae.
Brain Pickings trivia, ish, culture; a classier version of 'mental floss'.
3quarksdaily: daily varied anthology of articles from across the web. can be a hit or miss, but there's always something.
https://www.guernicamag.com/ "a magazine of art & politics". i swear it's not as boring as it sounds.
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names america-centric but often with a geopolitical focus. hardline journalism. occasional quality dip but some lengthy pieces over the years have been excellent.
http://badassdigest.com/ film stuff. sometimes video games & other pop culture. filmcrithulk is one of the most imp critics we have right now. fight me.
WeAreMany.org socialist vids & audio.
i excluded some other things which fall under the category of 'brown ppl shit', 'law shit', as well as my feed for world news. i try to make it a habit to read at least one-two good-ass article a week to counterbalance a nimrod lyfe and these sites help out. but yeah, what do y'all read & why? i'd be interested in seeing uberspecific bookmark folders too.
what a diddlyibg nerd
Home | The New York Review of Books for when you can't afford the newyorker :'(
The New Inquiry eclectic, sem-topical musings, leftist; sometimes shite.
TheAtlantic.com roving lens on america; ngl, i mostly read for the features. ta-nehisi coates is bae.
Brain Pickings trivia, ish, culture; a classier version of 'mental floss'.
3quarksdaily: daily varied anthology of articles from across the web. can be a hit or miss, but there's always something.
https://www.guernicamag.com/ "a magazine of art & politics". i swear it's not as boring as it sounds.
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names america-centric but often with a geopolitical focus. hardline journalism. occasional quality dip but some lengthy pieces over the years have been excellent.
http://badassdigest.com/ film stuff. sometimes video games & other pop culture. filmcrithulk is one of the most imp critics we have right now. fight me.
WeAreMany.org socialist vids & audio.
i excluded some other things which fall under the category of 'brown ppl shit', 'law shit', as well as my feed for world news. i try to make it a habit to read at least one-two good-ass article a week to counterbalance a nimrod lyfe and these sites help out. but yeah, what do y'all read & why? i'd be interested in seeing uberspecific bookmark folders too.