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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?


Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007

Give me, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Just like Chernabog, just give us The Headless Horseman!

[FONT=&]This is a Halloween classic back in 1949! But it has one of the most intimidating Disney Characters. The Headless Horseman would fit so well in this franchise! You don't even need Ichabod, The HH is practically a Heartless through and through, He can be a Disney Character you have to fight multiple times, and I think the first time you fight him is in The Sleepy Hollow world.

Also Because its an older movie, I think Nomura can more free range the character itself.

It be cooler if he can chase you down through multiple worlds maybe another Disney Villain or the next KH Big Bad has his head or something, but other than that he has some reason to chase you. He can be Dramatic like the Chernabog fight, but having The HH chase you through multiple worlds. It be a way to give Disney villains more action in the story.[/FONT]

The Headless Horseman's head is in the black box.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I mean I personally found Mulan and Lion King a million times more disappointing than anything this game did with the Disney so no lol. I hit my low a long time ago, I guess.
So true. That's partly why I'd love for those two to appear again in the future, to get the same kind of massive upgrade Pirates of the Caribbean did. I'm sure TLK will appear again simply because it's Nomura's favorite movie, apparently.


Jan 2, 2013
I'd be fine with Mulan returning and even as one of the new PoH. As long as they do an original story instead of that awful sequel.


New member
Dec 29, 2018
My Top 3 Disney worlds for KH4:

1. Jungle Book (Come on, this world is LONG overdue for it's time to shine in the series. I though KH3 would be it's chance, but hopefully we will see it in KH4.)

2. Lilo and Stitch (The Island proper with the main plot of the film. I gave up on this world once The Caribbean was revealed to have explorable islands since it would be too similar. But I was hoping that Radiant Garden would have been playable with Stitch showing up and referencing him meeting TAV in BBS. Hopefully we get this world in the next game as it's long overdue as well.)

3. Treasure Planet (We don't necessarily have to use Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in the next game, we could save it for a later game, so give Treasure Planet the chance to shine as the Pirate world for KH4.)

As for Original Worlds:

1. Radiant Garden (Should have been in KH3 without question. I want it to return fully playable and in a big way in KH4 with all that Final Fantasy goodness).


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
I'd be fine with Mulan returning and even as one of the new PoH. As long as they do an original story instead of that awful sequel.
Even if they do an original storyline I am concerned that they might make Mushu act like a malicious jerk like in the direct-to-video sequel. So if they remove that aspect of him and make him like he was in the first movie, then I would be okay with it.

So true. That's partly why I'd love for those two to appear again in the future, to get the same kind of massive upgrade Pirates of the Caribbean did. I'm sure TLK will appear again simply because it's Nomura's favorite movie, apparently.
Eh, I'd rather just see them incorporate a different Disney Animal themed movie rather than just come back to TLK for the sake of the sequel. Secondly, it just would come down to what Disney worlds would work in the game as a game (environment, gameplay, aesthetics, uniqueness) along with the back and forth talks between Nomura, Disney and his staff on which Disney films they want to put in as worlds.

2. Lilo and Stitch (The Island proper with the main plot of the film. I gave up on this world once The Caribbean was revealed to have explorable islands since it would be too similar. But I was hoping that Radiant Garden would have been playable with Stitch showing up and referencing him meeting TAV in BBS. Hopefully, we get this world in the next game as it's long overdue as well.
I 100% agree with you on Lilo & Stitch. I doubt the movie is 100% done, sure it only covered the events of Stitch escaping the Galactic Federation in BBS, but what about the rest of the movie's events and franchise? I still would like to see Stitch and his homeworld appear in a future KH game along with collecting the different experiments across the worlds and the first official appearance of Agent Pleakely, plus it could tie in with Stitch's connections with TAV.

Lastly, from the vast majority of you, I don't think the events of the Lilo & Stitch movie and franchise happened between BBS and the original KH game perhaps Stitch could've crashed into Radiant Garden or some other original world where he learned about Ohana. Lilo & Stitch could be possible as a future world long as it's not too similar to Moana, even if the latter film has more relevance and recency than the former film.

Honestly even to this day (just like with Wreck-It Ralph, but that's another story). I honestly perplexed on why this film didn't appear as a world in KH3 and why Stitch was ONLY just a link summon instead, given that Simba and Mushu were summons for Sora in the first game before we visited their actual homeworlds in Kingdom Hearts II.


Active member
Jul 25, 2012
1837 Cumberland Rd
Top 3 Disney Worlds for Kh4.

1: Treasure Planet (We really don't need to go to the Pirates of the Caribbean World after KH2 and KH3 pretty sure POTC On Strangers Tides take place two Decades after the Original Trilogy so it's time for Treasure Planet to be the Pirate World for KH4)

2: The Jungle Book (It's time for the Jungle Book to shine in the Series i mean we've all been wanting the Jungle Book in the Series so come on KH4 give us The Jungle Book)

3: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (No not Atlantica from The Little Mermaid i meant Atlantis from Atlantis: The Lost Empire i Want this to shine in Kingdom Hearts 4 so that way we can explore the City of Atlantis with the Unreal Engine 4 Graphics and Probably have Milo and Kida as the Party members of the World and maybe a Boss Fight with Rourke would be awesome and maybe face against the Atlantean Leviathan would be awesome)

Honorable Mentions

Lilo and Stitch
Robin Hood
Sword in the Stone
The Princess and the Frog
Emperor's New Groove
Meet the Robinsons
Wreck-it Ralph

Original Worlds.

1: Radiant Garden (I wanted to see Radiant Garden return as a Playable World for Kingdom Hearts 3 with the Unreal Engine Graphics but sadly it became a Cutscene World so maybe i want Radiant Garden to return as a playable World).


New member
Dec 29, 2018
I 100% agree with you on Lilo & Stitch. I doubt the movie is 100% done, sure it only covered the events of Stitch escaping the Galactic Federation in BBS, but what about the rest of the movie's events and franchise? I still would like to see Stitch and his homeworld appear in a future KH game along with collecting the different experiments across the worlds and the first official appearance of Agent Pleakely, plus it could tie in with Stitch's connections with TAV.

Lastly, from the vast majority of you, I don't think the events of the Lilo & Stitch movie and franchise happened between BBS and the original KH game perhaps Stitch could've crashed into Radiant Garden or some other original world where he learned about Ohana. Lilo & Stitch could be possible as a future world long as it's not too similar to Moana, even if the latter film has more relevance and recency than the former film.

Honestly even to this day (just like with Wreck-It Ralph, but that's another story). I honestly perplexed on why this film didn't appear as a world in KH3 and why Stitch was ONLY just a link summon instead, given that Simba and Mushu were summons for Sora in the first game before we visited their actual homeworlds in Kingdom Hearts II.

Well I can understand why they didn't include a Lilo and Stitch world in KH3 given that I can't think of a good reason for Organization XIII to visit this world and it would have been too similar to The Caribbean. But what they should have done is have Radiant Garden be playable, have Stitch be there (Since that was the last place chronologically we saw him in KH2). Have Sora find Aqua's armor and Keyblade in the chamber of repose. Have Stitch recognize the Keyblade and armor, thus revealing to Sora his connection to TAV. (After this scene Stitch becomes a link). Then during the credit scenes where they show the various characters from various worlds doing stuff, we see Stitch in his spaceship heading off from Radiant Garden, thus showing us that since BBS he's been flying around to different worlds and also suggesting his next stop will be a crash landing onto Lilo's world in a future game. In fact I actually have a plot in mind for Radiant Garden in KH3, which I will probably post on this forum at some point soon and Stitch is obviously involved.

Now as far as the whole Ohana thing with Stitch, as far as I know outside of gameplay and Jimminy's Journal, Stitch has never been referred to as "Stitch" or hinted to have ever visited Lilo's world prior to KH2. So all of that can easily be retconned as it's not really a part of the story. I mean they could have easily have had him referred to as Experiment 626 in KH3 and it wouldn't have been a big deal.


Dec 8, 2018
I always thought they could do something similar with Lilo and Stitch like they did with 101 Dalmatians

What if Jumba, Pleakley, Lilo, and Stitch himself were situated in like Twilight Town (just a guess), and Jumba tells you:

"While traveling through intergalactic portals, some of my experiments broke loose and they're scattered throughout different worlds"

Then this will be kind of the collect-a-thon of the future game, Where some of the Alien experiments made by Jumba get scatterd in other Disney worlds and you would have to find them before they cause some destruction.

But whats different is maybe you have to fight them before you can catch them, because what I remember some of the experiments at least from The Leroy and Stitch, some of the experiments are capable to fight.
It would be a cool way to integrate the characters, but also get some the Alien experiments in, just a thought.
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Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom

Give me, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Just like Chernabog, just give us The Headless Horseman!

Or better yet, just have The Headless Horseman as a secret boss in an original world.

Personally, I want to see Fantasia 2000. Imagine how beautiful it will look under the Kingdom Shader especially after how perfectly they interpreted Olympus.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
So true. That's partly why I'd love for those two to appear again in the future, to get the same kind of massive upgrade Pirates of the Caribbean did. I'm sure TLK will appear again simply because it's Nomura's favorite movie, apparently.

I'd be fine with Mulan returning and even as one of the new PoH. As long as they do an original story instead of that awful sequel.

This echoes my sentiments 100%. I can now take PoTC off my list of worlds I REALLY want to return and Mulan and TLK are definitely right at the top at this point. They could be done so much more justice with a longer world time and larger, more detailed environments. Also its still the same year KH2 took place in so Kiara wouldn't be that old in regards to the Pride Lands.

I would prefer Land of Dragons having an original story as well. I am down for her to be a Princess of Heart as long as she gets to be a party member and freaking stay one lol

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Finding Nemo with an original plot would actually work so well! Have the world be based after Finding Nemo but before Finding Dory because Finding Dory is lowkey trash.


Mar 12, 2012
Top 3 Disney Worlds for Kh4.

1: Treasure Planet (We really don't need to go to the Pirates of the Caribbean World after KH2 and KH3 pretty sure POTC On Strangers Tides take place two Decades after the Original Trilogy so it's time for Treasure Planet to be the Pirate World for KH4)

2: The Jungle Book (It's time for the Jungle Book to shine in the Series i mean we've all been wanting the Jungle Book in the Series so come on KH4 give us The Jungle Book)

3: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (No not Atlantica from The Little Mermaid i meant Atlantis from Atlantis: The Lost Empire i Want this to shine in Kingdom Hearts 4 so that way we can explore the City of Atlantis with the Unreal Engine 4 Graphics and Probably have Milo and Kida as the Party members of the World and maybe a Boss Fight with Rourke would be awesome and maybe face against the Atlantean Leviathan would be awesome)

Honorable Mentions

Lilo and Stitch
Robin Hood
Sword in the Stone
The Princess and the Frog
Emperor's New Groove
Meet the Robinsons
Wreck-it Ralph

Original Worlds.

1: Radiant Garden (I wanted to see Radiant Garden return as a Playable World for Kingdom Hearts 3 with the Unreal Engine Graphics but sadly it became a Cutscene World so maybe i want Radiant Garden to return as a playable World).

Pretty much yes to all of this. I would've loved to see Moana instead of PotC in KH3 but production wise that was impossible.

I've always loved Atlantis and it's honestly so underrated. It'd be such a great addition to the next game as the underwater world.

Really missed Radiant Garden in KH3 too, at least a playable version of it. There's definitely much more to explore there.

I've also always wanted Pocahontas to be part of it but I've sort of grown over that. It'd be cool, but now I'm much more open to Princess and the Frog and Emperor's New Groove, especially after rewatching them not too long ago.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
So am I the only one who doesn't really find Radiant Garden's exclusion a big deal? It seems KH4 will heavily utilize on Final Fantasy
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and that's probably a better chance to get, in comparison to all the cluster of characters that BY DEMAND needed to come back for the Keyblade war. Disney characters didn't have a big impact on the story, they never did. (Minus the usual party of the Mickey Mouse crew and Maleficent) and neither did Final Fantasy characters. Adding in the Final Fantasy characters in place of the already existing Radiant Garden cast......just for the lols, wouldn't make a big fit.

I'm assuming I'm probably also the only one fine without a third trivial and more rematch with Sephiroth on a story that'll never ever end, yada yada yada Cloud vs Sephiroth. It's easy for me to let go of things easily, rather than holding a never-ending grudge.


Active member
Jul 25, 2012
1837 Cumberland Rd
So am I the only one who doesn't really find Radiant Garden's exclusion a big deal? It seems KH4 will heavily utilize on Final Fantasy
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and that's probably a better chance to get, in comparison to all the cluster of characters that BY DEMAND needed to come back for the Keyblade war. Disney characters didn't have a big impact on the story, they never did. (Minus the usual party of the Mickey Mouse crew and Maleficent) and neither did Final Fantasy characters. Adding in the Final Fantasy characters in place of the already existing Radiant Garden cast......just for the lols, wouldn't make a big fit.

I'm assuming I'm probably also the only one fine without a third trivial and more rematch with Sephiroth on a story that'll never ever end, yada yada yada Cloud vs Sephiroth. It's easy for me to let go of things easily, rather than holding a never-ending grudge.

What no i don't see Disney leaving the Series we still need the Disney Stuff for the Next Saga.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
What no i don't see Disney leaving the Series we still need the Disney Stuff for the Next Saga.

Nothing within what I have said...has anything to do with that. Seeing the points in my thread...Disney isn't easily replaceable as the Final Fantasy cameos. This is merely my take on everyone's rage regarding the exclusion of Radiant Garden and the Final Fantasy characters....that no one took the notice that they've been slowly decreasing their exclusion since BBS with ONE character.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2017
Lake Charles, LA
I personally think this should’ve been the KH3 world list:

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Sep 15, 2006
Returning Worlds
Land of Departure - I would like to see Sora and Riku do some keyblade training with Terra, Ven, and Aqua.
Twilight Town - If Little Chef's Bistro comes back, I hope they add pizza on the menu. Also, I think Dumbo's circus should come to Twilight Town, after all, Dumbo was a summon in the first game.
Pride Lands - After defeating Scar, the Pride Lands were still a wasteland. So it would be nice if Sora and the gang got a chance to explore the Pride Lands when it is a lush savannah. As for a story, it should either be related to The Lion King II: Simba's Pride or The Lion Guard.
Agrabah - The story should obviously be related to Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
Arendelle - We never got a chance to explore Arendelle castle or go inside Elsa's ice palace. As for the story, it should definitely be related to the upcoming sequel to Frozen which is coming out this year.
Radiant Garden - I don't know what the story should be but I pretty would like to see all the Final Fantasy characters that were in Radiant Garden in KH2 to return (especially the Gullwings because I just love hearing Tara Strong's voice). Also, I think Professor Ludwig Von Drake should make an appearance.
The Caribbean - The story should either be related to either On Stranger Tides or Dead Men Tell No Tales and I love the gang's pirate attire.

New Worlds
Bambi's Forest - I just love that part in the first game when Bambi is summoned, Sora gets a chance to pet him and that really touches my heart.
Hawaii (Lilo & Stitch) - I think the gang should simply help Lilo and Stitch in finding places for Stitch's cousins.
New Orleans (The Princess and the Frog) - Tiana should be one of the new seven hearts.
Atlantis (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Kida should be one of the new seven hearts.
Motunui (Moana) - Moana should be one of the new seven hearts and I really hope they can get Dwayne Johnson to voice Maui again.


New member
Jul 22, 2018
I'd love to see the Disney Afternoon shows be represented in KH. Especially Duckburg and Spoonerville.
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Dec 8, 2018
I think Zootopia and Incredibles would be weird to have both, Since they both take place in big metropolitan Cities.

I would imagine That one of them could be a world say for a game before KH4, since IDK environments should be different with the Disney worlds.