Most annoying boss EVER in my case will always be Sephiroth in KH2. I don't know about you guys, and maybe some of you would say it's easy because the fight requires a certain pattern and it's probably easy to read his moves, but I died 30 TIMES fighting him. That's because I haven't got the High Jump Lv3 or the Super Glide Lv3 ability to stop his movements. One time I got him down to 3 bars of health after countless attempts, and then he started floating up going "I summon thee heartless angel" and my health went down to 1, THEN he started throwing these sucking black hole meteor fireballs down at me and I didn't have time to heal. died. Almost threw my joystick at my PS2 console if my brother hadn't stopped me from going crazy. That was years ago though... looking back I kinda miss that feeling of actually trying to defeat him and fighting for it. Haven't tried playing BbS though. Can't wait to try fighting the Mysterious Figure using Terra >:-D