Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Re: The Moogle Army™ - "We're Kupo for Solo Remix!"
Any one still around or not to busy to chat about TV shows? Finished Season 1 of the Walking Dead and finally finished Season 4 of Buffy on Netflix. At S5 but got a long way to go before finishing it and not how I first saw it (S6 mid way-S7, then repeat of 1-3 on FX/Hulu.).
Re: The Moogle Army™ - "We're Kupo for Solo Remix!"
Kupo really? I just found out a mother stabbed three other shoppers to death at a chicago wal-mart for the last Xbox one... it just makes me think about what my family goes through to get such things for the holidays
Re: The Moogle Army™ - "We're Kupo for Solo Remix!"
T&B The Beginning manga vol. 1+2 and a Superboy POP vinyl <3 (idk if my sweater counts since it was bought the 23rd just because it was cute)
The season is about being grateful, and I'm honestly blessed that I got what I did. For years before we had no money to buy anything, and even now money is at an ebb & flow, but I'm just happy we have good health and a place to cover our heads with.
Re: The Moogle Army™ - "We're Kupo for Solo Remix!"
I didn't get anything, but this is sorta typical, haha.
Gift giving in my family stops becoming relevant pretty much when you reach a certain age/start working. After that it's just assumed that nobody has any idea what to get for each other so they don't bother lol