kizzyke said:isn't it some kind of punishment for when you've used the drive bar too much?
thought i read something about that somewhere...
door_to_the_ligh said:nuh-uh. its sora using the power of darkness. at yen sids tower look at the five covered mirrors and use triangle and it says the five possible forms sora can drive into :
valor :an image of you using you strenght to its fullest flows in your mind
wisdom :an image of you using you magical abilities to their fullest flows in your
master :an image of you using all your abilities flows into your mind
final : an image of you using the keyblades full potential flows in your mind
anti :an image of you using the power of darkness flows in your mind
please note these are what i remember from the game, not the word-for-word translation
KingdomUnknown said:um...... anti form is completely random. there is no way of really telling when it will come into effect. on my save, i have only gone into anti form maybe 4 times and all durring boss battles. and when i went and spent 4 hours leveling up all my forms to 7, not once did i go into it. but my b/f goes into it ever 4 or 5 times he drives. its just realy a randomality thing. although my b/f thinks it has something to do with in the begining when you have the chance to either throw the fight or win in the last struggler battel when you are roxas. but that is his speculations. it is still just completely random and there is no points or other things that determain anti form. :\ sorry to be a sore about that.