You off from work or something, Cog? =w=
Also, DGH, you drew that comic just now? My god. You are an ARTIST. *can't even comprehend Grey's mastery*
Also, why did you think that I didn't like you? D: You're way too awesome to be dislikable...
I feel amazing ;;; W ;;;
*looks at husbando chibi Italy being cute as ever*
those AMVs are awesome! Gives me some good rock and feels ahh
but Incognito, I know how troublesome it is for you to load videos or do anything related to videos, so just don't try too hard or or
you get me > ^ <
Incognitoooooooo nononononooo![]()
Then we'll continue to make your evening as best we can!!! \o3o/I must admit, I care so much for my favs, they're a part of my soul and seeing how amazing they are in their own unique way and pictures of them and all that really made my evening be as awesome as Prussia, means over 9000 awesome ; w ; evening because it's 9 pm here
*uses phoenix down* Live damn you live!OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF THESE FREAKING EXAMS
but I can still be happy for today.Oh, and you're an hour ahead of me, Cog.