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Kingdom Hearts III Pre-Release Spoiler Discussion Thread

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2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
Also, just want to add: I don't understand this trend in thinking bigger is necessarily better. Perhaps I'm just old, but most recent games I've played that have boasted huge worlds have been more tedious than interesting. I get annoyed if it takes a long time to traverse an area that doesn't really benefit from being so big. My experience with FFXV comes to mind: gorgeous world, but a nightmare to navigate. One of my bigger fears for the FFVII remake is that cities like Midgar will be so massive that they'll be a chore to explore.

I haven't watched any of the leaked gameplay videos for KH3, but I'm not going to be bummed if the worlds aren't enormous. I want them to be only as big as they need to be. In other words, big enough to feel a sense of wonder, but not so big (and void of meaningful activities) that it feels taxing to traverse from one place to another.

What if the world is just two rooms?

I don't think anyone here wanted TT to be bigger than it was in KH2, but it could have at least been better. Now it's neither.

2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
So the lesson I'm getting here is don't be angry if the base game sucks because we can pay more money for a game that's actually good in the future?

Yes, didn't you know? We mustn't compare a 2007 game to a 2019 game in any way, shape or form, because the 2019 game should be judged purely on its own merits even though it is the supposed evolution of the 2007 game.


EDIT: If I judge KH3 on its own merits then it's still lacking, because its marketed as an FF x Disney game, yet not only does it not have FF, the original content has been downgraded to 1/4 at best. The game is 90% Disney with so much of the plot sprinkled through those worlds just so it can reach its endpoint in the most efficient manner.


New member
Jul 12, 2018
One thing I really am going to love about the game is the big quantity of bosses there are.
The bosses that we know of are:


-Horse chariot from trailer
-Rock Titan
-Lava and Ice Titan
-Wind Titan (Leaker said all titans)

-Tree heartless

Toy Story
-Zurg Toyship

-Ink Heartless

-Snow Fenrir-like heartless

-King of the Sky like heartless
-Huge Underwater fish
-Thing leaker fought in Locker
-Davy Jones

San Fransokyo
-Dark Baymax
-Nanocubes forming a hand

Dark World
-Hearless Tower
-Dark Aqua

Keyblade Graveyard
-1000 Heartunversnobodies event

-Final boss

Also confirmed
-Almost all or all the new organization members

Gumi Bosses
-Sun shaped thing
-Castle thing
-Worm thing

-Heartless themed superboss

That's all the ones we know and there are a lot of minibosses in worlds the leaker said.
This game is the best in boss number we had had so far and I'm so hyped

dude please put spoiler tags...


Dream eater ally.
Dec 23, 2005
Speaking f spoilers I’m going to bet that even before the is officially out in Japan some YouTube channels are going to videos with spoilers in the title and in the thumbnails.

Fatal Mode

New member
Dec 3, 2014
Yes, didn't you know? We mustn't compare a 2007 game to a 2019 game in any way, shape or form, because the 2019 game should be judged purely on its own merits even though it is the supposed evolution of the 2007 game.


EDIT: If I judge KH3 on its own merits then it's still lacking, because its marketed as an FF x Disney game, yet not only does it not have FF, the original content has been downgraded to 1/4 at best. The game is 90% Disney with so much of the plot sprinkled through those worlds just so it can reach its endpoint in the most efficient manner.

When did KH3 get marketed as such? From what I remember Nomura has gone out of his way to say FF will not be the focus. If anything it sounds like people ignored what he said and didn't put their expectations in check.


Mar 14, 2013
All I know is that none of this debating is going to affect how much I enjoy this game. You can @ me all your hearts desire, but I'm excited and I don't think that's gonna change.

I hope the leaker shows off the abilities of the fully upgraded Kingdom Key next.

Crimson Crusader

Aug 22, 2008
My room in California
All I know is that none of this debating is going to affect how much I enjoy this game. You can @ me all your hearts desire, but I'm excited and I don't think that's gonna change.

I hope the leaker shows off the abilities of the fully upgraded Kingdom Key next.

I feel the exact same way. No one's opinion is gonna change how I will experience KH3.


Mar 23, 2015
I can't wait for the cutscenes in all these worlds. I want to hear Sullys voice dang it!


Sep 11, 2015
eh I'm fairly sure I will still prefer KH3 the most since it's fixing the major issue that made me lose my enjoyment for KH2, and thats the fact that the original characters aren't being pushed out of the story during the middle. KH2's middle really bored me with the filler Disney and is it's major flaw. I don't care how amazing the combat is, that Disney filler really put a downer on the game to me. And there are heaps of other flaws the game had like the prologue that never get address just because the combat is amazing. Which I do get, the combat is indeed very good. But to me the combat alone can't sell the game for me and I actually prefer KH1.

Also on actual KH3 spoilers

Spoiler Spoiler Show


New member
Nov 1, 2016
I think that it's really good that a lot of you are still very excited and looking forward to play the game. I'm still excited to play the final game in the saga... I just think that I had different expectations and different things that I wanted to see post game.

One thing I'm really looking forward to is the final boss... KH1 and KH2 all has crazy multi-phase fights and I think that this game will deliver on that front, especially because you get a trophy for just starting the final battle... Can you imagine how long it is if you get a trophy for just entering the final fight? LOL... Donald and Goofy seem like they're a part of the battle because they're still party members while the leaker has been playing the game (before he enters the final fight). I really can't wait for that.

I think that we'll fight Xehanort in Scala Ad Caelum but after a couple of phases, I think that he'll actually enter Kingdom Hearts and we'll finally see what Kingdom Hearts looks like... A lot of people have been saying that Kingdom Hearts will look like the place in the cover of the game with the clock tower.


Sep 11, 2015
To be honest, the thought of the original worlds being smaller DOES disappoint me. But my hype is more on the story, how some characters are going to get handled, and new Disney worlds more so than the already explored original worlds. Plus I'm just happy that original characters will be present throughout the game this time. So my hype for the game is still through the roof lol.

Scala's Hope

Jan 2, 2019
dude please put spoiler tags...

Sorry, didn't realise it would be so spoilery

In my defense, it's not really a full list, I'm just listing the things I saw in trailers + some of what the leaker has vagely hinted at. It is by no means complete

Actual list would probably be double the size of that one, if there is an average of 4ish bosses per world + all the extra stuff


Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Re: The Official Voice Actor Discussion Thread

It's odd, but the leaker's negative posts have actually made me more hyped for the game, even though I wasn't that hyped to begin with (perhaps that's a factor). I grew up with the series and know all the lore, but never really fell in love with it, so I guess I can be considered a casual fan. I was never that big a fan of the coliseum tournaments, so when I heard 14 battle portals, it was music to my ears. I felt Sephiroth was even more oddly misplaced than most characters because he added nothing to the story, so hearing there is a secret boss that is not him was also very relieving.

But I loved that the leaker said that he felt unsatisfied after gathering all the secret reports because he didn't get an item. The reason being is that he confirmed in that post that secret reports are back, which have always been my favorite staple from the series. They were always so satisfying to read because it felt like a discovery of answers rather than a movie feeding you the answers.

Both he and his brother also stated that the game does a good job to answer any lingering questions, which quite honestly is the main reason I stuck with the series for so long; to have some sort of resolution, which is also the theme of this game. Some answers, or even many of them, may be unsatisfying, but I think most fans, myself included, are prepared for that. I just want that finale; the final fate of Xehanort and how the final battle with him shapes the universe for the next saga, which I may of may not even care about depending on how the epilogue and secret movie illustrate it.

I also love how the leaker didn't seem to even know that much about KHX, which seems to imply that the lore in a mobile game is not that imperative to this game, which makes sense. I honestly don't even care about that stupid box that was randomly thrown in. It was literally a scene of someone saying "hey take this box and don't open it".

I'm somewhat hyped now; go figure.

Edit: thank you for adding the spoiler tags. My apologies I didn't add them myself.
Last edited:

Scala's Hope

Jan 2, 2019
I think that it's really good that a lot of you are still very excited and looking forward to play the game. I'm still excited to play the final game in the saga... I just think that I had different expectations and different things that I wanted to see post game.

One thing I'm really looking forward to is the final boss... KH1 and KH2 all has crazy multi-phase fights and I think that this game will deliver on that front, especially because you get a trophy for just starting the final battle... Can you imagine how long it is if you get a trophy for just entering the final fight? LOL... Donald and Goofy seem like they're a part of the battle because they're still party members while the leaker has been playing the game (before he enters the final fight). I really can't wait for that.

I think that we'll fight Xehanort in Scala Ad Caelum but after a couple of phases, I think that he'll actually enter Kingdom Hearts and we'll finally see what Kingdom Hearts looks like... A lot of people have been saying that Kingdom Hearts will look like the place in the cover of the game with the clock tower.

Hmm, I also think Xehanort will have multiple phases, since Nomura (and us) love that, however I would recomend keeping the expectations of actually seeing KH in check, since while it is also one of my biggest hopes, it is less likely, and can lead to overhype.


Active member
Jan 16, 2017
Reading that some clear and reasonable points are still flying over some users' heads kind of irks me, but whatever. I'll explain again.

The lesson is: don't judge a game you haven't played. I don't think this is too much to ask nor unreasonable.

Another lesson is: learn to differentiate personal disappointments and game's actual faults. Coliseum's purpose is to offer a setting so that the player can have fun with the combat. This means that the Coliseum is irrelevant itself because it could be anything else. That's why we have the Mirage Arena in BbS and Link Portals in DDD. We don't have (not really spoiler-y, but just in case)
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Another lesson: don't be hypocrites. KH2 is loved even though it's a downgrade from its predecessor in many areas, but KH3 is already labeled as "bad" because Twilight Town
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Then KH2FM comes along and everybody falls in love with it. It's a DLC pack but this doesn't seem to bother anyone. Now just the thought of some DLCs drive people crazy because for some reasons I can't figure out for the life of me, KH3 is not allowed to have them. Just because many games nowadays abuse DLCs, doesn't mean that they are inherently bad. They aren't. Telling people "Maybe KH3FM will be the game you have always wanted" doesn't mean we're giving this game an excuse to be bad or mediocre. We want and we deserve a good vanilla game, heck, a great game! And from what we have seen, it could be.

Saying things like "KH3 needs to be perfect, needs to have this and that and blah blah blah because it's on the PS4/Xbox One and has had years of development" doesn't go against KH3, it actually puts KH2 to shame because there was no absolute reason for it to feel like a downgrade in some areas, given the circumstances. Yet it was. This time around, Nomura and the team had to use a new engine they were not familiar with and address and fix every major issue this series has, while making the game feel fresh and new. It takes time and passion to make a good game and KH3 has had both. And it shows. I can't shake off the feeling that some of you guys are disrespecting people's work by judging a game you haven't played and overreacting at minor (if not trivial) things.

I thought and hoped January would be full of hype, discussions and reasonable concerns. Not... Whatever this is.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: The Official Voice Actor Discussion Thread

It's odd, but the leaker's negative posts have actually made me more hyped for the game, even though I wasn't that hyped to begin with (perhaps that's a factor). I grew up with the series and know all the lore, but never really fell in love with it, so I guess I can be considered a casual fan. I was never that big a fan of the coliseum tournaments, so when I heard 14 battle portals, it was music to my ears. I felt Sephiroth was even more oddly misplaced than most characters because he added nothing to the story, so hearing there is a secret boss that is not him was also very relieving.

But I loved that the leaker said that he felt unsatisfied after gathering all the secret reports because he didn't get an item. The reason being is that he confirmed in that post that secret reports are back, which have always been my favorite staple from the series. They were always so satisfying to read because it felt like a discovery of answers rather than a movie feeding you the answers.

Both he and his brother also stated that the game does a good job to answer any lingering questions, which quite honestly is the main reason I stuck with the series for so long; to have some sort of resolution, which is also the theme of this game. Some answers, or even many of them, may be unsatisfying, but I think most fans, myself included, are prepared for that. I just want that finale; the final fate of Xehanort and how the final battle with him shapes the universe for the next saga, which I may of may not even care about depending on how the epilogue and secret movie illustrate it.

I also love how the leaker didn't seem to even know that much about KHX, which seems to imply that the lore in a mobile game is not that imperative to this game, which makes sense (I honestly don't even care about that stupid box that was randomly thrown in).

I'm somewhat hyped now; go figure.

I know you are fairly new here, so I will give you this warning only once. Do not post anything related to the leaked game in any section but the spoiler section. And if you happen to refer to them outside of the spoiler section, use spoiler tags.

Edit: Moved to Spoiler thread

All good, I figured it was just posted in the wrong section.
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