There are a few layers to this. First of all, it might not work because Corridors of Darkness are portals from the Realm of Light into the Realm of Darkness, and for all we know the process could be uni-directional. If Corridors of Light were a real thing, they might only work from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light. Only Aqua's been in a position to use something like that, but we have to ask why she hasn't bothered. Maybe the technique is very complicated and she doesn't know it?
We get into theory beyond this point. The Realm of Light is fractured. The Realm of Darkness is still intact. If you make a portal anywhere in the Realm of Light, you certainly get to go to some random, corresponding spot in the Realm of Darkness. This is just theory, but if you made a Corridor of Light in any random spot in the Realm of Darkness, you'd probably be spat out into space in the Realm of Light, and die.
On the other hand, and to toss out everything I just said, those portals the Birth by Sleep cast make to move into the Lanes Between could be considered "Corridors of Light." They aren't very well explained.