You didn't?
You never heard of Namixas? Roxiné? On the other hand, never heard Rokimé before. But with names, you usually get a lot of choices, at least when they sound right. I mean, I don't think anything other than SoKai would roll well with the tongue, for example (the only other options are KaiSo, or Sori, which can be Sora and Riku, or Soiri? KaiRa? o.o Makes a nice girl name). Unlike Axel/Larxene where you can have Larxel, Axene, or AkuRaku (which I find rather ironic: if you switch the letter "a" to an "o", it then becomes the Axel/Roxas pairing. Vice-versa. Could you imagine if Axene were officially taken seriously, and there will be ship wars out of the two main Axel pairings, lol?).
As for the banner: I'm guessing other than one color,we should add others along with lavender so it wouldn't be too plain. Maybe a very light sky blue, orange, or something around to make a nicer shade. We can ask to cut-out Roxas and Naminé from the
FM+ cover, like silentmusic has with his new avi, and then sort of have one side with their scenes, though small and translucent, so it wouldn't be in your face and it won't take away from what should stand out the most.