so yeah, I like this trio
do you :3?
then join
reason to love the aku-dem-roku trio
~They all get along! (umbra)
~With how much they'd tease one another, the relationship would be adorable <3. (umbra)
~Three of the hottest Organization members! ;D (umbra)
~It breaks up the monotony of the Two Guys and a Girl theme quite nicely. (organization_42)
~Even though it's not a canon friendship, they've all shown that they like each other on some level. Roxas let Demyx slack off on their missions together, Axel told him not to laugh at Demyx and said he could be just as useful as everyone else, and Demyx didn't seem too eager to fight "Roxas" in KH2 until Sora pushed him too far. (organization_42)
~Given how KH2 turned out, RAD has the potential to be dark and serious as well as funny. (organization_42)
charlie the unicorn (from left to right: Axel, Roxas and Demyx)
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